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Forhýnan see forhíenan

forhyrdan [] wv/t1b to harden [heard]

forieldan [] wv/t1b to put off, delay

Foriernan see foreiernan

forierð [] ? (-e/-a) a headland in the case of land with furrows at right angles to those of the adjacent land

forinlíce [] adv thoroughly, exceedingly

forinweardlíce [] adv thoroughly, genuinely

forlácan2 [] sv/t7 to mislead, seduce, deceive, betray

forlǽdan [] wv/t1b to mislead, seduce; bring out; [Ger verleiten]

forlǽran [] wv/t1b to teach wrongly, lead astray, seduce, pervert

forlǽtan [] sv/t7 to let go, relinquish, surrender, lose, leave, abandon, neglect; remit, pardon, excuse; loose, release; let, permit, allow; grant, give; úp/in ~ to direct upwards, within; án(n)e ~ see ánforlǽtan

forlǽtenness [] f (-se/-sa) leaving, departure, absence; loss, perdition; intermission, cessation, end; remission; divorce

forlǽtness [] f (-se/-sa) leaving, departure, absence; loss, perdition; intermission, cessation, end; remission; divorce

forlǽtedness [] f (-se/-sa) leaving, departure, absence; loss, perdition; intermission, cessation, end; remission; divorce

forlǽting [] f (-e/-a) leaving, intermission

forlǽtu [] noun pl losses, sufferings

forlǽðan [] wv/t1b to loathe

forléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres forlíehð past forlóg/on ptp forlægen/forlagen to blame much

forlecgan [] wv/t1b to cover up

Forlegen past part of forlicgan

forlegen [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) adulterer

Forlegeness see forlegness

forlegenlic [] adj mean-looking, ugly

forleges [] f (-se/-sa) prostitute, adulteress

forlegis [] f (-se/-sa) prostitute, adulteress

forlegis- see forliger-

forlegor- see forliger-

forlegness [] f (-se/-sa) fornication

forlegnis [] f (-se/-sa) prostitute

forléogan [] sv/t2 to lie, perjure onesself, slander

Forléoran see foreléoran

forléorness [] f (-se/-sa) transgression

forleornung [] f (-e/-a) deception

Forleorte reduplicated past tense of forlǽtan

forléosan [] sv/t2 to lose, abandon, let go; destroy, ruin

forlét- see forlǽt-

forlétere [] m (-es/-as) a forsaker

forlettan [] wv/t1a to prevent

forlicgan [] sv/t5 to commit adultery or fornication; fail, lapse, be neglected; screen (a thief); past part forlegen used as noun adulterer

forlicgend [] m (-es/-) fornicator

forliden [] 1. adj much-traveled; 2. past part of forlíðan

Forlidenness see forliðenness

Forligan see forlicgan

Forligeness see forlegness

Forligness see forlegness

forliger [] 1. n (-es/-) adultery, fornication, wantonness, immorality; 2. m (-es/-as) whoremonger, adulterer; f (-e/-a) fornicatress, adulteress; 3. adj adulterous

forligerbedd [] n (-es/-) bed of fornication

forligere see forliger 1

forligeren [] adj fornicating

forligerhús [] n (-es/-) house of ill fame

forligerlic [] adj unchaste, impure; adv ~líce

forligerwíf [] n (-es/-) prostitute

Forliges see forlegis

forliggang [] m (-es/-as) adultery, fornication

forligrian [] wv/t2 to commit fornication

forlír see forliger 2

forlísgleng [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) harlot’s dress

forlíðan [] sv/t1 to suffer shipwreck

forliðenness [] f (-se/-sa) shipwreck

forlong [] adv long ago

forlonge [] adv long ago

forlor [] m (-es/-as) loss, destruction; tó ~e gedón to destroy

forloreness [] f (-se/-sa) state of being forlorn, perdition, destruction

forlorian [] wv/t2 to lose

forlosian [] wv/t2 to lose

forlustlíce [] adv very willingly

forlytel [] adj very little

Form see feorm

form- see frum-

forma [] adj first, earliest; on ~n at first

formál [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) negotiation, agreement, treaty [mǽl 2]

formanig [] adj very many

formǽl [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) negotiation, agreement, treaty [mǽl 2]

formǽlan [] wv/t1b to negotiate

formǽr- see foremǽr-

formelle [] f (-an/-an) bench [L formella]

formeltan [] sv/t3 to melt away, dissolve, liquefy, burn up

formengan [] wv/t1b to associate

Formesta see fyrmesta wk superlative of forma

fórmete [] m (-es/-as) food for a journey

formicel [] adj very great

formogod [] adj corrupted

formolsnian [] wv/t2 to rot away, crumble, decay

formolsnung [] f (-e/-a) corruption

Formycel see formicel

Formyltan see formeltan

formyrðrian [] wv/t2 to murder

forn [] 1. f? (-e/-a), m? (-es/-as) trout; 2. see foran

fornǽman [] wv/t1b to be worn out, afflicted (with grief)

forne see foran adv

Forne [] f (-an/-an) see forn

fornéah [] adv very nearly, almost, about

Fornéan see fornéah

Fornéh see fornéah

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