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Forþriccedness see forþryccedness
forðriht [] adj direct, plain [forthright, adj] forðrihte [] adv straightway, at once; unmistakably, plainly; straight on forþringan [] sv/t3 drive out; to rescue from, defend against; elbow out, displace forðroccetan [] wv/t1b to belch forth forþryccan [] wv/t1a to press, squeeze, crush, oppress, suppress forþryccedness [] f (-se/-sa) pressure, oppression forþrycness [] f (-se/-sa) extortion, oppression, tribulation forðryne [] m (-es/-as) onward course forþrysman [] wv/t2 to choke, suffocate, strangle; becloud forþrysmed [] adj obscured forþrysmian [] wv/t2 to choke, suffocate, strangle; becloud forðscacan [] sv/i6 to pass away forðscencan [] wv/t1b to pour forth, give to drink forðscype [] m (-es/-as) progress forðsecgan [] irreg wv/t1b to announce, proclaim forðsellan [] irreg wv/t1b to give out, pay out forðsendan [] wv/t1b to send forth forðsetenness [] f (-se/-sa) A setting forth or proposing, a representation; A design, purpose, resolution, determination; In logic, the first proposition of a syllogism; A principal subject, theme; Still more generally, a proposition of any kind; In jurid. lang., a statement of a question of law; a case submitted for legal opinion; Esp. in bibl. lang., a setting forth for public view [propositio] forðsíð [] m (-es/-as) going forth, decease forðsnoter2 [] adj very wise forðspell [] n (-es/-) declaration forðspówness [] f (-se/-sa) prosperity forðstæppan [] sv/t6 to issue forth, proceed, pass by forðsteppan [] sv/t6 to issue forth, proceed, pass by forðstæpping [] f (-e/-a) advance forðstefn [] m (-es/-as) prow forðswebung [] f (-e/-a) a killing? Forðswefian see forswefian Forðtége see forðtíge forðtihtan [] wv/t1b to persuade forðtilian [] wv/t2 to go on striving forðþegn [] m (-es/-as) chief noble forðþéon [] sv/t1, sv/t3 to profit Forðum see furðum forðung [] f (-e/-a) furtherance forðweard [] 1. adj inclined forwards or towards; advanced, progressing, growing, ready; enduring, everlasting, continual; future; 2. adv continually; prospectively; from now on, forwards, onwards; 3. m (-es/-as) look-out man, pilot forðweardes [] adv forwards forðweardness [] f (-se/-sa) progress forðweaxan [] sv/t7 to break forth, burst forth forðweg2 [] m (-es/-as) journey, departure; in (on) ~e away forðwegan [] sv/t5 to further Forðwerd see forðweard forðwíf [] n (-es/-) matron forðwyrft [] adj tortured, mutilated forþý [] 1. conj for that, because, therefore; 2. adv for that, therefore, consequently forþyldian [] wv/t2 to bear, support, endure, wait patiently (1) forþyldgian [] wv/t2 to bear, support, endure, wait patiently (2) forþyldigian [] wv/t2 to bear, support, endure, wait patiently (3) forþyldigung [] f (-e/-a) tolerance forþylgian [] wv/t2 to bear, support, endure, wait patiently (4) forþyldegian [] wv/t2 to bear, support, endure, wait patiently (5) forþylman [] wv/t1b to shut in, enclose, envelop, obscure, cover over, overwhelm; choke, suffocate, consume forþylmian [] wv/t2 to shut in, enclose, envelop, obscure, cover over, overwhelm; choke, suffocate, consume forðyppan [] wv/t1a to make manifest Forþysmed see forþrysmed forþýðe see forþý Forud see forod forútan [] adv; prep w.d. ex-cept, without forúton [] adv; prep w.d. ex-cept, without forwana [] m (-n/-n) abundance? forwandian [] wv/t2 to hesitate, be reluctant; be ashamed; reverence forwandung [] f (-e/-a) shame Forwarð see forwearð, past 3rd sing of forweorðan Forwærnan see forwiernan Forwærnian see forweornian forweallan [] sv/i7 to boil away forweard [] 1. f (-e/-a), m (-es/-as) beginning, front; heading, title, chapter; 2. adv continually, always forweardmercung [] f (-e/-a) heading forweaxan [] sv/t7 to progress, grow too much, become overgrown forweddod [] adj pledged [wedd] forwegan [] sv/t5 to kill forwel [] adv very, very well forwened [] adj contrary to cu-stom, unaccustomed to a thing; unusual, not in use (class.); excessive, immoderate; haughty, arrogant, insolent; extravagant, prodigal; ~e adv unusually, contrary to custom; immoderately; haughtily, insolently [insolens] forwéned [] adj [suspectus] forwenedness [] f (-se/-sa) a being unaccustomed to a thing, unusualness, novelty; unusualness, novelty, strangeness, affectedness in the choice of words; Want of moderation, pride, haughtiness, arrogance, insolence [insolentia] Forweoren see forworen Forweornan see forwiernan forweornian [] wv/t2 to dry up, wither, fade, grow old, rot, decay forweorpan [] sv/t3 to throw, cast out, cast down, drive off, reject, throw away, squander forweorpness [] f (-se/-sa) migration forweorðan [] sv/t3 to perish, pass away, vanish; deteriorate, sicken; ~ on móde be grieved
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