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Fyll [] 1. see fyllu; 2. see fiell

fyllan1 [] 1. wv/t1a to fill, fill up, replenish, satisfy; complete, fulfill; [full]; 2. 1 to cause to fall, strike down, fell, cut down; throw down, defeat, destroy, kill; tumble; cause to stumble; gefylled w.d.g. bereft

fyllað [] m (-es/-as) filling, filling up

fyllen [] f (-e/-a) a dropping

fyllen see mónað~

Fyllend see fylgend

fylleséoc [] adj epileptic

fylleséocness [] f (-se/-sa) epilepsy

fylleðflód [] m (-es/-as) high tide

fyllewærc [] n (-es/-) epilepsy

fylling1 [] f (-e/-a) filling; completion

fyllness [] f (-se/-sa) fullness, plenitude, satiety; supplement; completion, fulfillment

fyllu [] f (-e/-a) fullness (of food), fill, feast, satiety; impregnation

Fylmen see filmen

fylness [] 1. f (-se/-sa) fall, stumbling-block, offence, ruin; 2. see fyllness

Fýlness see fúlness

fylst [] 1. m (-es/-as) help, aid; 2. pres 2nd sing of feallan; 3. pres 2nd sing of fyllan

fylstan1 [] wv/t1b w.d. to aid, support, help, protect [= fullæstan]

fylstend1 [] m (-es/-) helper

Fylt pres 3rd sing of fealdan

Fylð 1. pres 3rd sing of fyllan; 2. pres 3rd sing of feallan

fýlð [] f (-e/-a) filth, uncleanness, impurity

fylwérig [] adj faint to death; [fiell]

fyn- see fin-

Fýnd see féond

fyndele [] m (-es/-as) invention, devising

fyne [] m? (-es/-as), n? (-es/-u) moisture, mold

fynegian [] wv/i2 to become moldy

fynig [] adj moldy, musty

fyniht [] adj fenny, marshy

Fyr see feorr

fýr [] n (-es/-) fire; a fire

fýran [] 1. see féran; 2. wv/t1b 1 to cut a furrow; castrate

Fýras see fíras

fýrbǽre [] adj fire-bearing, fiery

fýrbæð2 [] n (-es/-baðu) fire-bath, hell-fire

fýrbend [] m (-es/-as) bar forged in the fire

fýrbéta [] m (-n/-n) fireman, stoker

fýrbryne [] m (-es/-as) conflagration

fyrclian [] wv/t2 to flash, flicker; to fork into many rays

fýrclomm [] m (-es/-as) band forged in the fire

fýrcrúce [] f (-an/-an) crucible, kettle

fýrcynn [] n (-es/-) fire

Fyrd see fierd

fyrdcræft [] m (-es/-as) warring host

fyrdesne [] m (-es/-as) warrior

fyrdfæreld [] n (-es/-) going to war, military service

fyrdfaru [] f (-e/-a) going to war, military service

fyrdfór [] f (-e/-a) military service

fyrdgeatewe [] f pl war-gear

fyrdgemaca [] m (-n/-n) fellow-soldier

fyrdgetrum2 [] n (-es/-u) band of warriors

fyrdhom [] m (-es/-as) corselet

fyrdhrægl [] n (-es/-) corselet

fyrdhwæt2 [] adj warlike, brave

fyrdian [] wv/t2 to go on an expedition

fyrding [] f (-e/-a) soldiering; army, expedition, militia; camp; fine for evading military service; march, progression

fyrdláf [] f (-e/-a) remnant of an army

fyrdléas [] adj without an army

fyrdléoð2 [] n (-es/-) war-song

fyrdlic [] adj martial

fyrdmann [] m (-es/-menn) warrior

fyrdnoð [] m (-es/-as) liability to military service

fýrdraca [] m (-n/-n) fire-spewing dragon

fyrdrian [] wv/t2 to serve in the army

fyrdrinc2 [] m (-es/-as) warrior, soldier

fyrdsceorp [] n (-es/-) armor

fyrdscip [] n (-es/-u) battle-ship

fyrdsearu2 [] n (-wes/-) accoutrements

fyrdsócn [] f (-e/-a) military service

fyrdstemm [] m (-es/-as) body of soldiers who serve for a fixed term, army-corps

fyrdstrǽt [] f (-e/-a) military road

fyrdtíber [] n (-tíbres/-) military sacrifice

fyrdtruma [] m (-n/-n) martial band, army

Fyrdung see fyrding

fyrdwǽn [] m (-es/-as) military carriage?

fyrdweard [] f (-e/-a) military watch

fyrdwerod [] n (-es/-) host, army

fyrdwíc [] n (-es/-) camp

fyrdwísa [] m (-n/-n) chieftain

fyrdwíse [] f (-an/-an) military style

fyrdwíte [] n (-es/-u) fine for evading military service

fyrdwyrðe [] adj distinguished in war

fýrede see twi~, þri~

Fyren see firen

fýren [] adj of fire, fiery; on fire, burning, flaming

fýrencylle [] f (-an/-an) lamp

fýrenful [] adj fiery

Fyrengát see firengát

fýrentácen [] n (-tácness/-) fiery sign

fyrentácnian [] wv/t2 to pollute with sin

fýrenþecele [] f (-an/-an) firebrand

Fyres see fyrs

fyrest see fyrst, fyrmest spl adj

Fyrewyrt see fyrwit

fýrfeaxen [] adj fiery-haired

fýrfóda [] m (-n/-n) fuel, twigs for burning

fýrgearwung [] f (-e/-a) cooking

fýrgebeorh [] n (-gebéores/-) fire-screen

fýrgebræc [] n (-es/-gebracu) crackling of fire

Fyrgen see firgen

fyrgenhéafod? [] n (-héafdes/-u) mountain headland

fýrgnást [] m (-es/-as) spark of fire [ON gneisti]

fyrh [] 1. f (-e/-a) fir; 2. see furh

fýrhát [] adj hot as fire, burning, ardent

fýrheard [] adj hardened by fire

fyrht1 [] 1. adj afraid, timid [forth]; 2. see friht

fyrhtan1 [] wv/t1b to fear, tremble; frighten, terrify (1)

fyrhtian1 [] wv/t2 to fear, tremble; frighten, terrify (2)

fyrhtness [] f (-se/-sa) fear

fyrhtu1 [] f (-e/-a) fright, fear, dread, trembling; horrible sight [forht]

fyrhð see ferhð

fyrhð1 [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) wooded country (2)

fyrhðe1 [] n (-es/-u), f (-an/-an) wooded country (3)

fýrhús [] n (-es/-) room like an oven or furnace? [caminatum], house or room with a fireplace in it?

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