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Stanza 38. When the Moon transits 7, 1, 6, 11, 10, 3 and when no planets except Mercury occupy 2, 5, 12, 8, 9, 4 (in this particular order) he does only good


Mercury does not cause vedha to the Moon. The vedha positions for 7 is 2, for 1 — 5, for 6 — 12, for 11 — 8, for 10 — 9, for 3 — 4.

Stanza 39. When Mars transits 3, 11, 6 and no other planet occupies its Vedha positions — 12, 5, 9, he does only good. Saturn is similar to Mars.

Stanza 40. When Mercury transits 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 and no planets except the Moon occupy 5, 3, 9, 1, 8 and 11, he gives only good. The Moon does not cause Vedha.

Stanza 41. When Jupiter transits 2, 11, 9, 5, 8 and no other planet transits 12, 8, 10, 4, 3 for Vedha affliction, he does only good.

Stanza 42. When Venus occupies in transit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12 and 11, and no other planet occupies 8, 7, 1, 10, 9, 5, 11, 6, 3 and cause Vedha, he does only good.

Stanza 43. If transiting planets are afflicted by Vedha, they do not give good effects. Similarly a planet in an unfavourable and Vedha position counter-afflicting another planet in Vedha Rasi contributes only good. In Vipareeta Vedha, we have Vama Vedha.

Stanza 44. Even if a planet transits a favourable sign, he does not do any good if he occupies an inimical or debilitation sign or is associated with or aspected by an inimical planet.

Stanza 45. The planets in Gochara positions are affected differently by Vedha and Vipareeta Vedha. These are detailed in some other works and they are culled in for making the facts clearer.

Stanza 46. When the Sun transits a Vedbya sign (3, 6, 10, 11) the Vedha signs are in order 9, 12, 4, 5.


If the Sun transits the 3rd from the natal Moon, the Vedha sign is 9. Similarly for 6 it is 12, for 10 it is 4 and for 11 it is 5. When the Sun is passing through the 3rd (Vedhya) from the radical Moon, he is to give benefic results. If at the same time a planet transits the 9th (Vedha) from the radical Moon, the Sun's favourable results are negated.

Stanza 47. For the Moon the Vedhya and the Vedha signs are 1 — 5, 3 — 9, 6 — 12, 1 — 2, 10 — 4 and 11 — 8.


If the transit Moon is in the 3rd (Vedhya) from the natal Moon, it can give good results. If simultaneously another planet is transiting the 9th (Vedha), the good effects are nullified.

Stanza 48. For Mars and Saturn, the Vedhya and Vedha Rasis are 3-12, 6-9 and 11-5.

Stanza 49. For Mercury Vedhya and Vedha signs are 2-5, 4-7, 6-9, 8-1, 10-8 and 11-12. For Jupiter 2-12, 5-4, 9-10, 7-3 and 11-8.

Stanza 50. For Venus the Vedhya and Vedha signs are 2-7, 3-1, 4-10, 5-9, 8-5, 9-4, 11-12 and 12-6.

Stanza 51. The Vedhya positions for Rahu and Ketu are 3, 6, and 11 as for Saturn and the Vedha positions are 12, 9, 5. No planet having Vedha can give beneficial results.

Stanza 52. Saturn does not cause Vedha to the Sun nor does the Sun afflict Saturn. Similarly the Moon and Mercury are not mutually afflictive.

Stanza 53. Even if planets occupy favourable Gochara positions, they do not contribute good if they are afflicted by Vedha. Similarly, though the Vedha sign may be unfavourable, a planet situated there being counter-afflicted by a planet occupying its Vedha Rasi does no evil but offers only good.

Stanza 54. If an astrologer not knowing the principles of Vedha, Vipareeta Vedha and strength of planets makes bold to predict the Gochara effects, his predictions will never come true to acts.

Stanza 55. In this chapter, we have described the effects of planets in transit counting from the Moon. This is given out by the great Sage Vasishta to his pupils, and it should not be advised to any except good pupils. This is to be treasured as a great secret.

Thus ends the Chapter XXII


Diseases: Causes and Remedies


Stanza 1. Diseases have been dealt with by me in Chapter XIII. I shall now describe the primary causes of diseases and remedial measures as given in the work Karma Vipaka.


According to ancient Hindu conceptions certain types of diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, etc,, are Karma Vyadhis being the consequences of certain prohibited acts which the native must have done in his past life. The Western medical men try to find for every disease causes within the body, and they are treated by medicines, surgery, etc., The majority of Hindus however still believe in the ancient theory of our suffering, physical, mental, etc., in this life, being the consequence of certain acts done in our previous life or lives. Karma Vipaka is an ancient work listing the various diseases, how they arise and what remedial measures, which mainly consist of japa, homa, dana, etc., should be adopted. Western medical science has not said and cannot say the last word on ill-health and its healing. We have to consider what the sages say with respect and faith.

Rajayakshma (Consumption)

Stanza 2. The reason for the terrible disease consumption is that in the previous birth, the native might have caused violence to Brahmins, hated the preceptors and elders or might have indulged in sexual enjoyment at the times of eclipses. The remedies are chanting the Sahasra Nama, Rudra Sukta, Aindragni and Suktas accompanied by Havana; and giving clothes as gifts.

Karsya (Emaciation)

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