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Stanza 3. According to smritis stealing food is the main cause for karsya or emaciation. As a remedial measure, an image of Siva should be gifted

Kushta Roga (Leprosy)

Stanza 4. The primary cause of leprosy can be found in murdering Brahmins, enjoying the wife of the preceptor, engaging in illicit sale of medicines or attempting to poison a trusted person. The remedial measures are: chanting rudra sukta, ayusukta and gifting the images of the Sun and the bull made of gold to venerable Brahmins and performing kushmanda homa.

Swetakushta (White leprosy)

Stanza 5. Besides the causes specified in the previous stanza, misappropriation of large quantities of cotton rolls, clothes and bronze vessels will also lead to one suffering from white leprosy.

Remedial measures are also the same as given in stanza 4.

Visarpa (Serpis)

Stanza 6. Killing serpents or having them killed by others is the cause for one suffering from Visarpa. The remedy is nagadana or gifting the image of a serpent as specified in the smritis.

Pandu Roga (Leucoderma)

Stanza 7. Stealing the wealth of the Deities and Brahmins and eating forbidden foods give rise to leucoderma. Performance of kushmanda homa and gifting of gold are the palliatives.

Atisara (Dysentery)

Stanza 8. Destroying tanks and wells is the cause for Atisara. The remedy as per sages is the recitation of Rudrasukta and Varunasukta.

Grahani (Face Disease)

Stanza 9. Tearing away the lips, breaking the teeth and cutting away the tongues of others; talking ill and disparaingly of elderly persons; uttering falsehood and becoming a false witness are the causes for disease in the face. The remedies are Kushmanda homa, Gayatri Japa and giving in charity a gold figure of the elephant, grains and medicines.

Arsa Roga (Piles)

Stanza 10. The causes of piles are misappropriating of the wealth of the learned and the blind; stealing food, having sex relations on prohibited days and killing cows. The remedy is the gifting of the figure of a cow made of gold.

Netra Roga (Eye Disease)

Stanza 11. Eye diseases are the consequence of ingratitude, casting wily glances at other women and injuring others' eyes. The remedies are giving payasa prepared with milk or dhal, gold, ghee and gifting the figure of Garuda and performance of Homas and chanting Netra-raksha sukta or Netraraksha mantra with devotion.

Nakandhya (Partial Blindness)

Stanza 12. The disease of nakandhya is due to the injuring or blinding of cow's eyes. The remedies are, giving in charity the image of Gopala.

Kama Roga (Ear Disease)

Stanza 13. Back-biting, tearing away others' ears and obstructing others' actions are said to be the causes of Karnaroga. Giving in charity land, gold, grains and woollen goods and chanting Surya Mantra are the palliatives.

Jihwa Roga (Lingual Disease)

Stanza 14. The causes for lingual disease are scolding preceptors and elderly persons, uttering falsehood, causing grief to others, tearing away others' tongues. Gifting grains, medicines, performing kushmanda homa and chanting Rahu mantra or other Suktas are the remedies.

Vatha Roga (Rheumatism)

Stanza 15. Criticising pious and respectable people, hating parents and preceptors and stealing food are the causes for rheumatism. The remedial measures are giving in charity the image of a deer made of copper along with clothes and wholesome food and reciting or chanting Vayu Sukta and other Vayu Mantras.

Soola (Colic Trouble)

Stanza 16. Having relations with virgins, animals, widows and maid-servants; consuming prohibited food, abandoning the performance of essential rituals, indulging in back-biting, killing a person by poison or sharp weapon are the root causes for colic troubles. The remedies are thila dana and padma dana and gifting away a trident made of silver or gold.

Gulma (Spleen Disease)

Stanza 17. Deep-seated enmity towards and ill-treatment of the preceptor, envy and misuse of another's food are the main causes for the disease Gulma. The remedies are Homa with Aindragni-sukta, chanting of Rudrasukta and Vayusukta, chanting of Gayatri Mantra and gifting of the image of Ganapati.


Stanza 18. Sexual relations with animals, unmarried virgins, wives of preceptors and widows, hatred of teachers, stealing of food from Brahmins and causing grief to others are the causes of Prameha. Besides these, illicit relations with mother, mother-in-law and brother's wife cause madhu meha or diabetes.

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