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Stanza 54. When other signs of victory for the soldiers posted in the various directions are found, the enemies will be killed and their weapons captured

Stanza 55. The soldier who stands in a depressed ground or who feels with his hands the left side of his body will be defeated. If other signs (of defeat) are found, he will be wounded, or his weapons will be confiscated by the enemy or he will die.

Stanza 56. Victory falls on those who feel with their hands, their chest, head or right hand or their weapons. The soldier, who cuts or breaks another thing at the time, will also score success.

Stanza 57. On hearing that there is to be a war, a king or his representative may enquire whether the enemy would invade or not. Then the answer is to be given as follows:

Stanza 58. If the Moon occupies a fixed sign, and the ascendant happens to be a moveable sign and a moveable Navamsa, then the enemy will soon come to fight in strength. If the Moon is in a moveable sign and the ascendant is in a fixed sign and a fixed Navamsa, the enemy will not invade.

Stanza 59. If the ascendant is a fixed sign or the Moon is in a common sign and Mercury, Jupiter or Venus occupies the 6th, then the enemy who has invaded will be defeated.

Stanza 60. When the Moon occupies a fixed sign and the ascendant happens to be a moveable sign and Navamsa, the enemy will invade in strength. When the Moon is in a moveable sign and the ascendant falls in a fixed sign, the enemy though well prepared will not march for fighting.

Stanza 61. If the ascendant is a fixed sign and the Moon is in a common sign, though the enemy may have come near, will return without fighting.

Stanza 62. When the Moon is in a moveable sign and the ascendant in a common sign, the enemy will come half the way but retire without fighting. When the Moon is in a common sign and the ascendant in a moveable sign, the enemy will march from two directions; and if the ascendant is aspected by malefics, the enemy will be defeated.

Stanza 63. If malefics occupy the 5th or 6th, the enemy will retreat though he has proceeded half the distance. If malefics occupy the 4th house, the enemy will be defeated in the fight.

Stanza 64. If malefics occupy the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 5th, the 6th and the 12th, enemies will come to fight, but when the malefics are in the 4th, they will not come to fight.

Stanza 65. When the Sun and the Moon are in the 4th, enemies will not come to fight. When Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in the 4th, they will mount an attack immediately.

Stanza 66. If Aries, Taurus, Leo or Sagittarius happens to be the ascendant or the 4th house and if any planet occupies them, the enemy will go back without fighting.

Stanza 67. If a fixed sign ascends and Jupiter or Saturn occupies it, then the enemy will not come to fight. If the ascendant is a moveable sign and the Sun or Jupiter occupies it, then the enemy will invade.

Stanza 68. If Jupiter or Venus occupies the 2nd or 3rd, the enemy will appear all of a sudden with his army. In regard to a question bearing on a missing person, he will come back safe.


The combinations given in stanza 68, viz., Jupiter or Venus occupying the 2nd or the 3rd from the ascendant, can also be applied to queries bearing on missing persons. If at the time of the query the above combination is present, then the missing person will return.

Stanzas 57 to 68 give combinations to find out if an inimical ruler will march his army against the king (querent) or not. These same combinations may be suitably adapted to present-day warfare. The nature of the signs and planets involved can also be successfully employed to anticipate the nature of attack — aerial, naval or the army moving in.

The following planetary combinations may be noted as indicative of an invasion: All these combinations are for the time of query.

(a) The Moon is in a fixed sign, the Ascendant is in a moveable sign and a moveable Navamsa — the enemy comes in great strength.

(b) The Moon is in a common sign and the Ascendant is in a moveable sign — the enemy mounts a two-pronged attack marching in from two different directions.

(c) Malefics in the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 5th, the 6th and the 12th — the enemy comes to fight.

(d) Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in the 4th — a sudden and immediate attack.

(e) The Ascendant is a moveable sign and the Sun or Jupiter occupies it — the enemy will invade.

(f) Jupiter or Venus occupies the 2nd or 3rd — the enemy makes a sudden appearance or ambushes. The nature of the rising sign is not specified.

2. Under the following circumstances, the enemy will not invade or even if the march has begun, will abandon it:

(a) The Moon is in a moveable sign and the Ascendant is in a fixed sign and a fixed Navamsa — an invasion by the enemy need not be feared.

(b) The Ascendant is a fixed sign and the Moon is in a common sign — the enemy will begin his march but give it up half-way.

(c) The Moon is in a moveable sign and the Ascendant is in a common sign — the enemy will start marching but retire without fighting.

(d) Malefics are in the 5th or the 6th — the enemy will retreat though he has marched a long way.

(e) Malefics occupy the 4th, the enemy will not march at all.

(f) The luminaries are in the 4th — the enemy will not come to fight.

(g) Aries, Taurus, Leo or Sagittarius is the Ascendant or the 4th house and a planet occupies it — the enemy returns without fighting.

(h) The Ascendant is a fixed sign and Jupiter or Saturn occupies it — the enemy will go back without fighting.

3. When the enemy marches on against the querent, the outcome is decided in the following manner:

(a) The Ascendant is a fixed sign or the Moon is in a common sign and the 6th house is occupied by Mercury, Jupiter or Venus — the invading army will be defeated.

(b) The Ascendant in a moveable sign is aspected by malefics and the Moon is in a common sign — the enemy will be defeated no matter what strategy it employs.

(c) Malefics occupy the 4th house — the enemy will be defeated.

These rules, though framed in ancient days as applicable to the methods of warfare prevailing then, can still be applied in modern times with slight adaptations.

Stanza 69. Count from the asterism of the ascending degree to the asterism held by the Moon. From the day of the query the enemy will come in as many days subject to the condition that there are indications for the enemy's attack, and when there are no planets intervening between the ascendant and the Moon.

Stanza 70. The time of arrival or return of the enemy is ascertained by multiplying the period assigned to the planet indicating the event by the the number of the Navamsa it has gained.


According to Varahamihira, each planet is assigned a time scale, viz., the Sun ayanam (6 months); the Moon — two ghatikas or 48 minutes; Mars — a day; Mercury — a rithu (season or two months); Jupiter — a masa (month); Venus a paksha (fortnight): and Saturn — a varsha (year).

Suppose the planet indicating the invasion is Venus and he is in the 2nd, Cancer, having covered 7 Navamsas. The time scale for Venus is 1 month. This multiplied by 7, viz., 7 months indicate the probable time of invasion by the enemy.

Stanza 71. Ascertain first the house occupied by the planet that indicates the good or bad events. Multiply this by the period governed by the lord of Lagna. This counted from Prasna day gives the period of the fructification of the event.


Suppose the malefics indicating invasion occupy the 4th house and the lord of the ascendant is the Sun, whose period is 6 months. Then multiplying 4, the number of the afflicted house by 6, we get 24 months, which means, the enemy will attack in 24 months from the day of the query.

Stanza 72. The product obtained by multiplying the period governed by the lord of the ascendant by the completed number of Navamsas in the ascendant will be the time required for the success or defeat of the enemy.


According to some pandits the time-scale of the lord of the Navamsa Lagna should be multiplied by the number of Navamsa gained by the lord of Lagna.

Stanza 73. If the planet that indicates success or otherwise of the event occupies a fixed sign, then its period should be multiplied by 3; and if it occupies a common sign, the period should be multiplied by two.


In a moveable sign, the period assigned holds good.

Stanza 74. If, at the time of query, the questioner or another person is seen standing along with him or one of them has his hands joined together or has his hands clasped with another, then the war will end in arbitration; or if a planet occupying its own or friendly sign aspects the ascendant, a peace pact will be signed by the parties.

Stanza 75. When Mercury occupies the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th or the 12th and the ascendant is aspected by benefics, it can be boldly predicted that a treaty will be signed by the parties and there will be no war.


According to another interpretation, Soumya means benefic planets and not Mercury.

Stanza 76. When a strong malefic occupies the 7th house, and he happens to be the victorious one in Graha Yuddha (planetary fight), then peace will be concluded without war, thereby gaining a lot of wealth. If, however, a malefic is in the ascendant, even if there is to be peace, it will be temporary.

Stanza 77. If the 1st, the 11th and the 12th happen to be Nara Rasis (human signs) and benefics occupy the same, there will be unexpected peace. Malefics in common signs indicate no peace.

Stanza 78. Benefics occupying the 9th, the 1st, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th aspected by benefics, denote that peace will be concluded. Malefics aspected by malefics occupying quadrants denote that war will go on.

Stanza 79. If malefics are in Lagna, Mercury is in the 3rd and the Sun occupies the 4th, there will be war, the citizens will suffer destruction and the enemy will succeed and the defending ruler will be defeated.

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