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Stanza 80. When malefics are situated in quadrants in the vargas of Mars and aspected by malefics, then there will be war

Stanza 81. If Rahu, Ketu, Gulika or Kala occupy or aspect the ascendant, there will be many deaths in the war. Similarly when Mars and the Sun are strongly connected with the ascendant, the carnage will be heavy.

Stanza 82. After understanding what is meant by Sthayi and Yayi, one has to predict victory or defeat.

Stanza 83. 'Yayi' is the invading or attacking party represented by houses 2 to 9. 'Sthayi' is the defending party signified by houses 3 to 8. The invader or defendant will be victorious according as Yayi or Sthayi has more benefics.

Stanza 84. In the country of Kola, a kind of warfare known as 'Anga Yuddha' was prevalent in ancient times. The party who enters the arena of fight first is Yayi and the party that enters next is 'Poura'.

Stanza 85. 'Pouras' are the inhabitants residing within the fort, or town or city. The invading batch is known as 'Yayi'.

Stanza 86. When Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius or Pisces happens to be the 4th house, the enemy will be defeated. If a quadrupedal sign happens to be the fourth house, then enemies will retreat being defeated.

Stanza 87. When the Moon, Mars and Saturn occupy the 11th, Venus, the Sun and Mercury are respectively in the 1st, 3rd and 4th and Jupiter is in the 5th, the enemy will be routed and the king can return to the capital triumphant.

Stanza 88. When benefics occupy the 1st, the 7th and the 10th, the ruler will be successful. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 9th also indicate victory, Mars and Saturn give defeat.

Stanza 89. When the ascendant and the 10th happening to be Nara Rasis (human signs) are occupied by malefics the invading enemy will be defeated. When the 1st and the 10th are Nara Rasis occupied by benefics the invader will be victorious.

Stanza 90. When a malefic occupies the 1st, the 10th, the 11th or the 12th, the invader will take possession of the capital. A benefic in any of these houses gives defeat to the invader.

Stanza 91. Victory or defeat is to be read from the Sun and the Moon and the signs they occupy. This is explained in Rana Deepika.

Stanza 92. Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces are the Sun's or diurnal signs. The remaining are the lunar or nocturnal signs.

Stanza 93. When the Sun and the Moon occupy diurnal signs, the ruler will be defeated. When they occupy nocturnal signs, the invader will be defeated.

Stanza 94. When the Sun occupies a nocturnal sign, the invader will defeat the besieged and when the Moon occupies a diurnal sign, the invader will be repulsed.

Stanza 95. When the Sun and the Moon are respectively in their own, i.e., diurnal and nocturnal signs, though the fighting parties be young and well equipped, will not desire to fight.

Stanza 96. When strong malefic planets occupy unfavourable places, the asterisms involved must be noted. The parts of the body signified by the constellations, as reckoned from the birth asterism, get injured or wounded.


The 27 constellations govern the different parts of the body of the soldier thus:

Janma Nakshatra or birth asterism — face; the 2nd — left eye; the 3rd, 4th and 5th — head; 6th — right eye; 7th — right ear; 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th — right hand; 12th, 13th and 14th — right leg; 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th — chest and heart; 20th — neck; 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th — left hand; and 25th, 26th and 27th — left leg.

Stanza 97. A ruler should begin to collect materials for war on a day ruled by Dhanishta. He should collect money and make his first appearance amidst his enemies on the day ruled by Poorva-bhadra. He should declare war at the time when Mars and the Moon occupy their own vargas in the same Navamsa in the ascendant. Then he will secure victory.

Stanza 98. On a Tuesday, when Mars is in the ascendant or at the time of Vishaghatika, the ruler taking an arrow or some water and assuming it to be fiery should shoot it in the direction of the enemy. If the arrow is sent in Vishti Kala from that quarter (Dik) governed by that Vishti, the enemy can be easily defeated.

Stanza 99. Indications or signs, pointing when wars and other calamities devour a country, are clearly explained in the Samhita by Varaha Mihira. They are noted below.

Stanza 100. When temples, forts, festoons, flagstaff are affected by fire, the enemy will invade the country within six months.

Stanza 101. When it smokes without fire, when dust and darkness pervade the atmosphere, terrible experiences are in store for the country. Asterisms invisible in a cloudless sky at night and visible in broad day light indicate that some danger is at hand.

Stanza 102. Though there is no wind, branches of trees tear away from them; trees fall off uprooted; fearful sounds are heard from the tops of trees. These indicate imminent war, deposition of kings and epidemics everywhere.


These are to be looked into, when there is fear of invasion, or when the future of a king is being considered in a Prasna.

Stanza 103. Trees and creepers bloom in certain periods. When they blossom in other periods, fall of kingdoms or destruction in the country can be predicted. If they bloom prematurely death of children and if any fluid oozes out of trees, destruction to all things can be predicted.

Stanza 104. If any fluid resembling liquor issues out of trees, vehicles will be destroyed. If any watery substance resembling blood issues out, there will be war; if any liquid resembling honey comes out, there will be epidemics; if anything like oil issues out there will be poverty and if anything as thin as water issues out, there will be great fear affecting the people.

Stanza 105. If the tree of worship (generally preserved in a palace) blossoms in untimely periods and yields fruits in the unusual seasons, it forebodes the ruler's death. In the same manner, if smoke or fire issues out of that tree, it forebodes the death of the ruler.

Stanza 106. Dead trees put forth fresh leaves, trees die without any legitimate cause, fallen trees rise up of their own accord and put forth leaves; these indicate some divine danger is at hand.

Stanza 107. When trees seem to shiver and sounds emanate from them, it signifies that some calamities affecting the people in general are nearby. When all such abnormal phenomena take place, results come within ten months.

Stanza 108. Weapons seem to burn, or to make unusual sounds or to shiver and shake; they come out of the sheath of their own accord, cuts and breaks take place. All these show that a fearful war is impending.

Stanza 109. Birds that generally inhabit towns and villages begin to migrate to forests, and forest birds frequent inhabitable spots in large numbers; animals that are seen during daytime are seen during night and, nocturnal ones frequent broad day light. These also indicate danger.

Stanza 110. When a palace, or sacred trees kept near the harem or doorway of a fort, are being afflicted by birds coming in large numbers, or by honey-hives or by natural and wild growth of mallika and lotus creepers or by the frequent appearance of serpents, there will be ruin in the country.

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