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Stanza 152. No journey should be undertaken towards a Dik where Gulika, Saturn or vishti stands. The opposite side brings in success

Stanza 153. A journey by water should be undertaken in mridu, kshipra and chara constellations. The ascendant must be a watery sign; and Capricorn sign or Navamsa should be excluded.


Aswini, Pushyami, Hasta are kshjpra constellations; Punarvasu, Swati, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha are chara constellations; and Mrigasira, Chitta, Anuradha and Revati are mridu constellations.

Stanza 154. In fixing the time for a journey (Yatra Lagna) the following dispositions should be avoided: (i) The Moon in the bright half in the 1st, 6tb, 8th; (ii) the Moon in the dark half in the 7th or 10th; (iii) Venus in the 6th, 7th or 10th; (iv) Jupiter in the 3rd, 8th or 10th houses; (v) malefics in all houses other than 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th; Rahu and Saturn in the 10th; and (vi) all planets in the 12th.

Stanza 155, 156 & 157. The Sun in the 1st bouse at the time of starting (yatra Lagna) brings in grief, heat, diseases and obstacles; in the 2nd, destruction of health, wealth, fame and the army; in the 3rd, gain of money, food, pearls and lands; in the 4th, quarrel with relations and dislike for everything, discomfort in sleep and travels; in the 5th, danger to children and gain of wealth from the wayside; in the 6th destruction of enemies and accomplishment of desired object; in the 7th loss of money and quarrels with wife; in the 8th, death, or deadly danger; in the 9th, charity decreases and money is gained; in the 10th, success without one's exertion or personal knowledge; in the 11th, gain of jewels; in the 12th, loss of money in all ways.

Stanza 158. The Moon in the 1st, quarrels and grief; in the 2nd, gain of clothes, women and jewels, favour from sons and relations; in the 3rd, gain of women, jewels and wealth; in the 4th, gain of money (if the Moon is bright) and death of relations (if dark).


When the full Moon occupies Lagna, peace and pacification. of all griefs crop in.

Stanzas 159 and 160. The Moon in the 5th indicates gain of money and loss of children; in the 6th, quarrels with relations and grief; 7th gain of wealth, lands and women: if he is weak, loss of money; 8th, death or grief; 9th, the person will not return immediately, his mission will meet with success; when Moon is in the 10th, loss of money; strong Moon in the 1st, increase of wealth; in the 11th gain of money, happiness and prosperity; and in the 12th, fear, loss of wealth, grief and diseases.

Stanzas 161, 162 and 163. Mars in the 1st indi-cases fear from fire and poison, trouble from weapons and diseases due to blood corruption; in the 2nd, danger to the army but the attainment of all objects; in the 3rd, gain of women, jewels, wealth and clothes; in the 4th, fear from enemies and death of relatives; in the 5th, danger to children; in the 6th, destruction of enemies unexpectedly; in the 7th, loss of money, grief from enemies and diseases; in the 8th, danger to relatives, loss of money, grief from diseases and fear of death; in the 9th obstruction to charity; 10th, good according to some and bad according to other; in the 11th, gain of money and prosperity; and in the 12th, great loss of money.

Stanzas 164 & 165. Mercury in the ascendant indicates fame, happines, success and accomplishment of aim; in the 2nd, gain of money sometimes carefully and sometimes carelessly; in the 3rd, accomplishment of one's desired objects; 4th, comfort in sleep, in food and prosperity; in the 5th, happiness from sons; in the 6th, death of enemies and accidents to oneself; in the 7th, company of good women and acquistion of clothes and money; in the 8th, happiness according to some and misery according to some others; in the 9th, increase of charitable deeds; in the 10th, attainment of all objects: in the 11th, increase of education and wealth without exertion; and charitable deeds; in the 12th, much expenditure.

Stanzas 166, 167 & 168. Jupiter in the 1st indicates fame; in the 2nd, gain of money; in the 3rd, fatigue due to travels; in the 4th, respect accruing from charitable actions; in the 5th, attainment of impossible aims; in the 6th, control of enemies or according to some being won over by the enemy; in the 7th, fame, wealth and women; in the 8th, death or according to some, the person will live long; in the 9th, birth of a son and increase of charitable deeds; in the 10th, gain of money and success in all actions; in the 11th, attainment of desired objects: and in the 12th, all sorts of grief.


There appears to be some contradictions in the description of the results of planets occupying different places from Yatra Lagna. For example, in stanza 154, Jupiter's situation in the 10th is not favoured where as according to stanza 168, Jupiter in the 10th indicates gain of money etc. The author does not not appear to have indicated how such contradictions could be resolved. Under such circumstances an astrologer should go by his own power of analysis and interpretation.

Stanzas 169 and 170. Venus in the 1st indicates favour of dancing girls, success in all actions, gain of clothes and garlands and comfortable food; in the 2nd, gain of money; in the 3rd, never gets tired; in the 4th, closer association with relations; in the 5th, gain of wealth, station in life and fame; in the 6th, trouble from enemies, grief, want of comfort in sleep or travels or long stay in a place; some are of the opinion that Venus in the 6th brings in happiness and defeat of the enemy; in the 7th, gain of women and wealth in the beginning and in the end loss of everything; in the 8th, success in one's aims; in the 9th, accomplishment of one's objects without delay; in 4he 10th, gain of much wealth; in the 11th, success and monetary gains; and in the 12th, grief and want of rest according to some; some are of the opinion that it is good.

Stanza 171, 172 and 173. Saturn in the 1st in the travel ascendant signifies imprisonment and death; in the 2nd, loss of money; in the 3rd destruction of the enemy; in the 4th, others will bring about the destruction of the relatives; in the 5th, failure in everything; in the 6th, enemies will be vanquished; in the 7th, diseases in the eyes and want of enthusiasm; in the 8th, death from poison, fire and weapons; in the 9th, no happiness or feelings of charity; in the 10th, break in one's profession and grief; in the 11th, gain of money and success over the enemy; and in the 12th, all kinds of calamities.

Stanza 174. Malefic planets in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th confer beneficial results. But Saturn in the 10th is bad. Benefics in all houses are productive of good but Venus in the 7th does not give favourable results.

Stanza 175. A planet unfavourable by position etc., at the time of birth, though a benefic, does not do good when he occupies Yatra Lagna. A planet favourable by position and strong though a malefic, does not do harm when he occupies Yatra Lagna.


This is a suggestive stanza which can also be applied to the Gochara or transit results of planets. A natural benefic may occupy unfavourable positions etc., in the birth chart. Such a planet placed in the ascendant at the time of starting a journey (Yatra Lagna) does not confer any beneficial results. Likewise a malefic planet which occupies a favourable position in the birth chart can do no harm if he is placed in the ascendant.

Stanza 176. A planet weak according to horoscope and unfavourable in Gochara movement and inimical to the prevailing Dasa lord, though a benefic does not do any good to the native if he occupies Yatra Lagna.

Stanza 177. A planet strong at the time of birth and favourable at the moment and friendly to the lord of the Dasa prevailing at the time, though a malefic, does give only favourable results to the native, if he occupies Yatra Lagna.

Stanza 178. If the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of the enemy is in combustion or debilitated or in Yatra Lagna or 6th house from the same, journey undertaken will end in good.


Here the idea is that if the lord of the Janma Rasi in the birth chart of the enemy is combust or in debility in the Yatra chart, or occupies the ascendant or the 6th in the Yatra chart of the person who wishes to declare war, then the person concerned will be successful. All the above 4 stanzas can be applied in individual cases when dealing with one's enemy or the opponent. Suppose X (plaintiff) wants to file a suit against say Y (defendant), then X must elect an auspicious time so that in the election chart the lord of the Janma Rasi of the defendant is debilitated or occupies the Lagna or the 6th at the time of filing the suit by the plaintiff. This is supposed to ensure success in the court affair. Similarly this principle can be used while filing election applications. In actual practice we have found that stanza 178 can be applied successfully.

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