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Stanza 16. From the Nakshatra occupied by Venus after the end of combustion, rainfall can be predicted

Stanzas 17, 18, 19 and 20. The four asterisms beginning from Bharani constitute the first mandala or cycle; the 4 beginning from Aridra is the 2nd mandala; the 5 stars beginning from Makha is the 3rd Mandala; the 3 stars beginning from Swati is the 4th mandala; the 5 stars starting from Jyeshta is the 5th mandala and the 6 stars commencing from Dhanishta and ending with Aswini mark the 6th mandala. When Venus rises after combustion in the 4th and 6th mandates copious rains and abundant crops will prevail during the year. If he rises in the 1st and 2nd mandalas rains will be below average. If he rises in the 3rd and 5th there will be little rain and famine will afflict the people.


Obviously our author seems to have taken these details from Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita where the results for Venus emerging out of combustion from the stars in the different mandalas have been dealt with elaborately.

Stanza 21. In the rainy season, when the Moon transits the 7th from Venus or the 5th, the 7th or the 9th from Saturn, aspected by benefics, there will be heavy rainfall.

Stanza 22. Rains can be expected when the combustion periods of the various planets begin and end; when the Moon conjoins with other planets, when the Sun aspects the six mandalas described above, on full Moon and new Moon days, when the Sun transits Cancer and Capricorn, and when the Sun occupies the asterism of Aridra.

Stanza 23. When Mercury conjoins with Jupiter or Venus, or when Jupiter joins with Venus there will be rain. When Mars and Saturn conjoin without any aspect or association of benefics danger from fire, lightning and storms can be expected.

Stanza 24. When clouds surrounded by a radiance resembling that of the Moon, white as nectar, with a blue-black spot in the centre, and pouring layers of water and resembling a staircase pass from west to east or east to west, there will be a very heavy downpour before long.

Stanza 25. If in the rainy season, the sunrise is observed to have a 'halo' in the east, and the noon (midday) is marked by the intense heat of the Sun's rays, there will be rain that day.

Stanza 26. Ants are observed to carry their eggs from one place to another intermittently; snakes have their sexual union or climb on trees; cows hasten home to meet their calves. These are all indicative of immediate rainfall.

Stanza 27. Cats scratch the ground with their claws; young children play on the rainwater constructing mud-banks and dams. These indicate rainfall.

Stanza 28. Hills shine at a distance and seem to have a blue colouring; caves are observed to have a covering of thick mist: and the disc of the Moon has a circular red line, the colour being that of the eyes of the hen. These are signs of immediate rain.

Stanza 29. Chameleons climb up trees and stare stupidly at the sky. Cows toe seem to stare upwards. These indicate immediate rain.

Stanza 30. Cocks crowing in the day looking up and flashes of lightning marked in the northeast denote heavy rains.

Stanza 31. There will be rains immediately if the Moon is observed to have the colour of honey or of the eyes of parrots or doves; or the disc of the Moon though enveloped in clouds, seems to emanate a radiance round in shape (pratichandra).


In the earlier chapters omens or nimithas or indicative signs have been dealt with bearing on other aspects of horoscopy or prasna. In Stanzas 26 to 31, the author gives certain indicative signs, which clearly suggest there would be immediate rains etc., in the rainy season.

Fourteen nimittas mentioned in the texts have been given below for the information of the reader:

1. Carrying of eggs by ants from place to place-

2. Snakes climbing trees and having sexual intercourse.

3. Cows rushing home to meet their offspring.

4. Cats scratching the ground.

5. Young children building dams mud banks.

6. Hills at a distance appearing to have a blue colouring.

7. Thick mist covering caves.

8. The Moon's disc having a circular red line.

9. Chameleons climbing trees and staring at the sky.

10. Cows looking up at the sky.

11. Cocks crowing in the day.

12. Flashes of lightning appearing in the north-east.

13. The Moon's colour appearing to be that of honey or the eyes of parrots.

14. The appearance of mock-moon or pratichandra.

It is clear from the list of indicative signs given above how deep were the observations of nature made by our ancient sages and how superficial has been our own understanding of not only nature but also the nimittas embodied in ancient books. Sir Walter Scott's Quentin Durward records that once when King Louis and his entourage were returning to Paris, they found on the way, that washermen with washed clothes on the backs of donkeys were rushing home. When they were asked why they were rushing hastily they said that the donkeys had lifted their ears upwards which meant there would be immediate rain. And in no time the heavens poured torrential rains. Varahamihira, the celebrated mathematician, astrologer and astronomer, has dealt with the subject of rainfall extensively in his Brihat Samhita and readers are advised to go through this classic.

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