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Eight lines should be drawn longitudinally to be intersected by five lines to be drawn horizontally. The result is 28 squares signifying the 28 asterisms and Chandra Gupti Chakra

In this diagram commencing from the 1st square enter numbers 1 to 5 horizontally, then 6 vertically down below; and 7, 8 and 9 horizontally towards the left; under 9 mark 10 and horizontally 11, 12, 13 and 14 towards the right; above 14 mark 15 and then 16. Beginning from the last square, to 16, mark the regular order 17th to 28th.

Stanzas 24 and 25. Dividing a day's duration, viz., 60 ghatikas by 28, each asterism gets 2 1/7 ghatikas. Dividing the time of query in ghatikas 2 1/7, we get dinarsha counted from Aswini. The asterism indicated by the longitude of the ascendant at the time of query is udaya nakshatra.

Stanza 26. The Dinarsha is to be inserted in the 1st square. Count in the order marked in the diagram till the udaya nakshatra.

Stanza 27. Count from udaya-nakshatra to the asterism held by the Moon according to the order of the diagram. The resulting square indicates the spot where the well has to be dug. Just as in the case of the Moon, the asterism held by other planets can also be considered.


The above stanzas give a peculiar method of locating the water source, by consdering what is called Chandra Gupti Chakra. This is drawn below as per stanzas 20 to 23.











1 Anuradha [Dinarsha] Mrigasira
Satabhisha (udaya nakshatra)


Study the stanzas 20 to 27, keeping this diagram before you. This will enable readers to understand the method of casting the diagram without difficulty. Assuming that the ascendant is 15° Aquarius, the time of query is 35 ghatis and the asterism for the Moon's position is Mrigasira and for the longitude of the ascendant the asterism is Satabhisha, we arrive at the spot where water is available thus:

Dividing 35, the time of query, by 2 1/7, we get (35 / 2 1/7) quotient 16 which means the Dinarsha is the 17th from Aswini, viz., Anuradha.

As the ascendant is 15° Aquarius the corresponding asterism will be Satabhisha.

Therefore: Dinarsha is Anuradha, Udaya Nakshatra Satabhisha, Moon's Nakshatra Mrigasira. Counting from Dinarsha to udaya nakshatra we get (see diagram) the square marked 8. Counting from udaya nakshatra (square 8) to the Moon's Nakshatra in the order of the diagram we get Mrigasira No. 16 in the square. This particular square, which is in the S.E., indicates the spot where water will be available. This diagram may be considered as a plan or a blue print and the exact location can be identified.

I must say that I have tried this method quite successfully in the case of three of my friends to help them locate the spot where water could be found for digging wells.

Stanza 28. Some great writers have included Dinarsha in working Chandra Gupti Chakra while other great writers have excluded it.

Stanza 29. According to the latter school, the first square in the diagram should be considered as Aswini. From this is to be counted the asterism occupied by a watery planet. That division will indicate the spot where the well has to be dug.

Stanza 30. Here is the third view. The Udayanakshatra is to be entered in the 3rd square and from this is to be counted the Nakshatra held by a watery planet. This division also will give the spot where the well has to be dug.

Stanza 31. The three views given by learned men have been mentioned. A fourth view also can be added.

Stanzas 32, 33 and 34. Consider the first division in the diagram as Aswini, and count on till the square where Chandra Nakshatra stands. Assume this as Dinarsha, and count on till the Chandra Nakshatra again and mark it. Assume this marked square as udaya nakshatra and count on once more the asterism where the Moon stands. This will be one of the spots where the well has to be constructed. Instead of the Moon we can consider the asterisms occupied by Jupiter or Venus.


According to this method, No. 1 in the diagram is Aswini. In our example: counting from Aswini to the asterism held by the Moon, viz., Mrigasira we see No. 5 in the diagram. This is styled as Dinarsha; counting again from this we get in the diagram No. 9.

This can be treated as udaya nakshatra. Again counting 5 from this we get 23. This marks the west and the spot indicates the presence of water.

Stanzas 35 and 36. When this query is considered before noon, count from Aswini and the 3rd square will be Krittika. In the afternoon count from Pushyami, and the 3rd square will be Makha. After sunset, count from Swati and the 3rd division will be Anuradha. After midnight, count from Abhijit, and the 3rd division is Dhanishta. Here is a short description of the Chandra Gupti Chakra.


Four different types are given, and any one of them can be followed.

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