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Stanza 69. The principles, suggested in the earlier chapters for predicting rain on the basis of the first letter of the query, can be used in regard to qustions on digging wells

Stanza 70. Note the expired ghatikas and vighatikas from sunrise till the hour of the query. Multiply this by 28 and divide the product by 60. The remainder is the Nakshatra counted from Aswini. This is known as "Dinarsha".

NOTES Example:

a) Let the expired period from sunrise to the time of query be 35 gh. 30 vgh. = 35.5 gh.

b) Multiplying this by 28, we get 35.5 x 28 = 994.

c) Dividing 994 by 60, we get 994 / 60 = 16, remainder 34.

Expunging multiples of 27, we get 7 which counted from Aswini gives Punarvasu. Therefore Dinarsha is Punarvasu.

Thus ends the Chapter XXVI


Bhojana Prasna


Stanza 1. In a question bearing on "meals" the ascendant indicates the physical qualities of the man who takes meals. Its strength and its association, etc., determine the man. While taking meals he faces that side which is indicated by the Dik to be determined from the lord of the ascendant. The 2nd house governs the dining plates or leaves used for taking the meal. If Saturn occupies the 2nd, the plate has a crack; if the Sun or Mars, the plate is squeezed or depressed or the leaf is faded. The Moon governs a clean plate round in shape. If the 2nd is a fixed sign, then the plate used is one that is generally used for eating.


In this chapter "Bhojana Prasna" or the subject of questions on meals is taken up. The answer that should be given when a query regarding meals, its nature, the server, and the persons who partook, etc., is explained.

Stanza 2. The Bhakshya or the item used as subsidiary dish to rice is governed by the 3rd house. If the Sun and Venus occupy the 3rd, then roots, surana and cheerai are used. If it is the Sun, then the cooked thing is a round one such as "Vadai". If it is the Moon, then it is "sweet laddu" or other round ones. If the 3rd house is jeeva and contains Jupiter, then bread is used. The 4th house indicates the nature of drinks served. If it is occupied by Saturn or Gulika, the water drunk is impure and contains germs.

Stanza 3. According to some writers, the 4th house indicates the person who gives the food, his nature and temperament, his caste, etc. Of the planets who are in the 4th and who aspect the 4th, the stronger one indicates the caste. If there are no planets standing in or aspecting the 4th, the caste is to be determined by the 4th house. The 5th house is the 'server' or butler. If Mars occupies the 5th, he is of angry nature. If Saturn or Rahu is in the 5th, the man is not liberal in giving or serving food.

Stanza 4. If Saturn or Rahu occupies the 5th, one is accustomed to steal food. If the 5th is an odd sign, the server is a male; if even, she is a woman. If the 5th house is aspected by benefics, he or she is of good temperament.

Stanza 5. From the 6th house is to be looked into upadamsa items. The Sun in the 5th indicates 'dishes' that are hot and made of maricha (chillies); the Moon in the 5th indicates too much of salt in dishes.

Stanza 6. Mars in the 6th indicates the thing is burnt or very pungent. If Mercury is in the 6th, the dish contains items of all taste. Jupiter governs sweet dishes Venus indicates dishes cooked with mangoes or fruits that grow in creepers.


There is another reading. Instead of 'Skanda', 'Kanda' is seen. In that case roots are meant.

Stanza 7. Saturn in the 6th governs 'bitter dishes' containing bitter fruits, etc. Rahu, Ketu or Gulika in the 6th indicates flesh.

Stanza 8. When these planets (Rahu, Ketu or Gulika) occupy Pisces, it is fish; Aries, goat's flesh; Capricorn, flesh of the deer. The appropriate non-vegetarian dish should be inferred from the nature of the sign involved.


In so predicting, care must be taken to see whether the persons concerned are flesh eaters or vegetarians.

Stanza 9. The 7th house governs 'seka dravya' or the appetisers. Mars or the Sun in the 7th indicates pepper water; the Moon curds; Mercury buttermilk; Jupiter, milk; Saturn, rice water or kanji; Venus, it is again buttermilk. If the 7th house is an aquatic sign occupied by Saturn, it is water. Regarding this there are divergent views.

Stanza 10. If the Sun or Mars or Saturn occupy the 7th, oily matter is used. If the Moon, it is rice water. If Jupiter, it is ghee; and if Venus, it is butter.

Stanza 11. The quality of the food is to be ascertained from the 8th house. If the Sun is in the 8th, the food is half cooked; if Mars, it is burnt; if Rahu, it has been so cooked that it gives a poisonous odour with poison in it; if Saturn, it gives a bad taste; and if Gulika, either vermin or human hair or burnt cinder can be found in it. If benefics occupy the 8tb, the food is wholesome and properly cooked.


If there are no planets in the 8th, these effects should be gleaned from the planets that aspect the 8th; and if there are no aspecting planets, then the results should be read from the lord of the 8th.

Stanza 12. The 9th house indicates the persons who take food along with the principal man 'the questioner'. The caste of the man, his colour and the number, etc., can be specified by taking into consideration the number of planets that occupy or aspect the 9th or the Rasmis indicated by the 9th or Rasmis of various planets. If Gulika occupies the 8th, the man will get polluted while taking meals.

Stanza 13. The quantity of food eaten, or the satiety of the individual has to be read from the 10th house. If a malefic occupies the 10th, the person is not satisfied with the quantity served. If a benefic occupies the 10th, he is quite satisfied with the quanity given. If the 10th house is Urdhwa-mukha, his belly is overloaded; if it is Adhomukha, it is incomplete; if it is Tiryangmukha, it is filled moderately.


According to some, if the 10th is an ebbing sign, or the Moon is waxing, then the person overeats. If it is a flowing Rasi or the Moon is on the wane, then he has taken an insufficient quantity.

Stanza 14. The 11th house indicates the nature of the conversation at the time of meals. If the Sun is in the 11th, the talk is about rulers and political matters; if the Moon, it is about women; if Mars, about brave people; if Mercury, about learned men; if Jupiter or Venus, the conversation is about God and Brahmins; if Saturn, about thieves and thugs; if Rahu, it is about visha vaidyas (healers of poison); and if Gulika, persons dead.

Stanza 15. Rest after meals is to be studied from the 12th house. Benefics in the 12th indicate sound sleep and rest; malefics reveal disturbed sleep. If Mars occupies the 12th, the person will lie down on a woollen blanket; if Mercury occupies the 12th, on the skins of animals; if the Sun, on mats made of grass; if the Moon, on wooden logs; and if Jupiter and Venus, soft cushions and beds.

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