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Stanza 53. If the full Moon is in the ascendant aspected by Jupiter or Venus or if a benefic occupies the 11th house, the lost wealth can be recovered soon

Stanza 54. Here we have given only a brief account of nashta prasna or queries bearing on lost articles. Those who are desirous of learning more may refer to the famous treatise Krishneeya.

Thus ends the Chapter XXIX


Nashta Jataka


Stanza 1. To ascertain the four factors beginning from the birth star of the querist, the method implied in the verse "moortitwe" is explained in the following few stanzas.


This chapter is entitled Nashta Jataka. When a person does not know his birth time or has no horoscope but still wants his life read, a birth horoscope can be prepared according to certain rules, and they have been described here.

Stanza 2. The zodiacal factors assigned from Aries to Pisces respectively are 12, 5, 10, 3, 8, 1, 6, 11, 4, 2, 9 and 7. This is to be deducted from the root or base number 49, the balance multiplied by 7 and the product divided by 27. The remainder counted from Aswini gives the birth star.


The 12 signs have been assigned numbers as follows: Aries 12, Taurus 5, Gemini 10, Cancer 3. Leo 8, Virgo 1, Libra 6, Scorpio 11, Sagittarius 4, Capricorn 2, Aquarius 9 and Pisces 7. The base or Kuta number is 49.


(a) Arudha Lagna = Scorpio.

(b) The number assigned to it is 11.

(c) Deducting 11 from the base number 49, we get 49 — 11 = 38.

(d) Multiplying the balance by 7, we get 38 x 7 = 266.

(e) Dividing the product by 27, we get 266 / 27 = 9 plus remainder 23.

(f) Counting 23 from Aswini, we get Dhanishta as the birth star.

Stanza 3. To determine the position of Jupiter, the ascendant and the Sun respectively (at the time of birth) deduct 7, 14 and 21 from Kuta (49). Thus we get as root numbers 42 for Jupiter, 35 for the Ascendant and 28 for the Sun. Subtract the number allotted to each of the signs (zodiacal factors) as in the previous verse from the base numbers. The balance is to be multiplied by 7 and divided by 27. The remainder in each case is the constellation occupied by Jupiter, the Sun and ascendant respectively, counted from Aswini.


The method suggested in these verses for constructing the birth chart in cases of unknown birth time, differs from those recommended in Brihat Jataka and other standard classics.

This stanza gives a method for ascertaining on the basis of Prasna chart, the nakshatra or the constellation occupied by Jupiter, the ascendant and the Sun at the time of birth. The number 49 (Kuta) is taken as the starting point.


What were the planetary positions at birth of the native X whose birth details are not available ?

11-10 a.m. (1ST) on 13-12-1984 (Thursday) at 13° N, 77° E 35'.



    Rahu 3-56  
Lagna 7-55 RASl Moon 28-16
Mars 28-50 Merc R 2-50 Venus 12-50  
Jup. 25-00 Sat 0-38 Ketu 3-56 Sun 29 Arudha    


(Positions are only approximate in the query chart)

As in Stanza 2, the Kuta here also is 49.

Determination of Jupiter's position

49 -7 = 42 Root number for Jupiter

Jupiter is in Sagittarius in the Prasna chart. The number assigned to Sagittarius is 4.

Jupiter's root number minus 4=42-4 = 38

38 x 7 = 266. Dividing 266 by 27 we get 266/27 = 9 plus 23 remainder.

Counting 23 from Aswini, we get Dhanishta as the constellation occupied by Jupiter at birth. Determination of the Ascendant/

49 — 14 = 35 Root number for the Ascendant.

The Ascendant at question time is Aquarius which is assigned the value 9.

Therefore, Ascendant root number minus 9 = 35 - 9 - 26: 26 x 7 = 182. Dividing 182 by 27 we get 6 plus 20 as remainder.

Counting 20 from Aswini, we get the constellation occupied by the Ascendant as Poorvashadha.

Determination of the Sun

49 - 21 - 28 — Root number for the Sun.

The Sun at the query is in Scorpio whose number is 11.

The Sun's root number minus 11=2S — 11-17

17 x 7 = 119. Dividing 119 by 27 we get 119 / 27 = 4 plus 11 as the remainder.

Counting 11 from Aswini, we obtain Pubba as the constellation occupied by the Sun at birth.

Stanza 4. Multiply the expired portion (in ghatis) of the Navamsa occupied by the Moon by 9, divide the product by 27. The remainder counted from Aswini gives the Janma Nakshatra (or the birth star). The birth star can also be obtained by treating the ascendant at the time of query likewise.


Let us assume the position of the Moon at the time of query is Virgo 22°. He has passed six Navamsas and is in the 7th. the expired longitude in the 7th being 2°.

The Moon takes roughly 60 ghatikas to transit one asterism or 13° 20' of an arc. Therefore for each degree of longitude, the corresponding time will be 4 ghatis 30 vighatis and for each Navamsa 15 ghatis.


Moon =28° 16', i.e., in Pisces Navamsa; i.e., the Moon has crossed 1° 36' in Pisces Navamsa.

The Moon takes approximately 60 ghatis to cover 1 aste-rism or 13° 20' of arc.

i.e., 800': 60 x 60 vgh.:: 96: X

X = 60 x 60 x 96 / 800 = 482 vgh. or 7gh. 12 vgh. = 7.2 ghatis.

7.2 x 9 = 64.8 / 27 plus 10.8

The constellation at birth is the 11th or Pubba.

The Lagna longitude can also be similarly dealt with. But which constellation — that arrived at from the Moon or the one arrived at from the ascendant — is to be taken is left in doubt.

Stanza 5. Varaha Mihira in his Brihat Jataka in the chapter on 'Nashta Jataka' has dealt with certain nimittas or indicative signs with the help of which the position of the Moon at birth can be ascertained.


In the following stanzas, the author lists the nimittas or indicative signs by carefully noting which one can infer the Moon's position at the time of a querist's birth.

Stanza 6. If at the time a query is put, the astrologer sees before him pricky leaves or thorny plants or goats, the image or picture of a goat or woollen blankets; or if he hears a goat's cry or the name of goat mentioned, it may be inferred that the querist's birth Moon was in Aries. Similarly if the astrologer sees an ox, cow, the skin of these animals, images or pictures of these animals, plough, yoke, ghee, grass and straw, or if the names of these animals are heard mentioned, the Moon's position is in Taurus.

Stanza 7. The querist's Moon will be in Gemini if the indicative signs are: a couple coming together, musical instruments such as Veena, beds or sleeping materials or thambula are seen. Mud-crab, old leaves and water indicate Cancer.

Leo is denoted if mention of lions and tigers is made or their images seen or if elephants, deer and pigs are seen or their sounds heard. Indicative signs for Virgo are boats, lamps, paddy, burning cinder or stories regarding these.

Stanza 8. Merchandise, measures, weighing machines, bargaining, merchants, counting, weighing, indicate Libra; Scorpio indicates snakes, scorpions, vermin and visha vaidya. Bows and arrows, a man bearing these or horses signify Sagittarius.

Stanza 9. Capricorn denotes the family of deer, their horns and skins, hearing their sounds. Aquarius is signified by pots, potters and water pots. Pisces will be the querist's Moon sign if the indicative signs are fishes, nets and water. If these signs are seen or if their names are heard mentioned, then the appropriate sign should be considered.


The science of nimittas is a deep one based perhaps on the appreciation of the fact that in Nature everything is interrelated and not isolated When a person who is about to start on an errand encounters the crossing of a cat he feels success may not attend his errand. The cat as such has nothing to do with the person or the errand. Nor is it a coincidence. As Carl Jung says, it is synchronicity and such a phenomenon gives us an indication of what is likely to happen.

The nimittas listed in the above stanzas for fixing the Moon sign at birth are only indicative. If for instance when a querist wants to know his Janma Rasi, which he is not aware of, and if at that time some one carrying deer horns passes before the astrologer, he can assume that the Moon was in Capricorn. An astrologer who wishes to go by nimittas should be highly experienced and wedded to a life of simplicity, truth and humility.

Stanza 10. The birth Moon of the querist will be the strongest sign out of the ascendant, the 5th or the 9th from it at the time of query. If they are equally strong then the sign indicated by the organ the querist happens to touch at the time of query, or the sign where he stands, or the sign signified by the Prasna letters will be the Janma Rasi.


The question Lagna is Aquarius. Therefore, either Aquarius, Gemini or Libra can be the birth Moon-sign of the querent, the strongest sign being the most likely. Of the three, Gemini being the strongest, it can be inferred to be the Moon-sign at birth.

Stanza 11. Take the strongest of the planets aspecting Arudha. According as such a planet occupies an odd or even sign, the radical Moon is in an odd or even sign owned by the concerned planet. The question of odd or even does not arise in regard to the Sun and the Moon. If there are no aspecting planets, take the strongest of the four amongst Arudha, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th therefrom. Likewise the birth ascendant can be taken as the strongest of the Lagna, the 4th, the 7th or the 10th, or the sign owned by the stronger planet aspecting the query ascendant.


In the chart above, no planets aspect Arudha. Of Aquarius (the 4th), Taurus (the 7th), Leo (the 10th) and Scorpio (Arudha), the strongest is Scorpio. This becomes the Moon-sign at birth. Of the Lagna (Aquarius), the 4th, the 7th and the 10th, Scorpio is the strongest. This becomes the ascendant at birth. Under stanza 3, the numerical method gives Sagittarius as the birth ascendant and stanza 4 gives Leo as the birth Moon-sign. By an intelligent recourse to nimittas one sign for each Lagna and the Moon must be finally determined.

Stanza 12. Count from Arudha to the ascendant. Double this number. Deduct from this the number of the weekday and add to the balance the number of the constellation at the time of Prasna. Expunging 27 and counting the remainder from Aswini, will give the birth asterism.



(a) Arudha to the ascendant - Scorpio to Aquarius - 4

(b) Doubling 4, we get 8

(c) 8 — Weekday (Thursday) = 8-5 = 3.

(d) 3 + constellation at Prasna (Aslesha)

i.e., 3 + 9 = 12. Since the 6gure is below 27, count 12 from Aswini to get the birth constellation. Makha is the birth star.

Stanza 13. Take the number of persons present at the time of putting a query including the astrologer and the questioner. Multiply this by 3 and divide the product by 27. The remainder counted from Aswini or Makha or Moola, according as the ascendant fat the time of query) is a moveable, fixed or common sign gives the birth star.


Suppose the number of persons present at the time of query (including the astrologer and the consultor) is 8. Multiplying this by 3, we get 24. As it is indivisible by 27, count 24 from Makha (as the ascendant Aquarius is a fixed sign). This gives Bharani as the birth star.

Stanza 14. The birth month is to be fixed as follows: When the Sun occupies the 6 signs beginning from Arudha, the birth will be in Uttarayana. When he occupies the 6 signs from the 7th house, then it is Dakshinayana.

When the Sun occupies Arudha sign, the birth month is Gemini; if he is in the 12th therefrom, it is Cancer; if he is in the 11th house, Leo; if in the 10th, Virgo; if in the 9th, Libra. In this way the (solar) month of birth is to be ascertained.

Stanza 15. If the ascendant at the time of query falls in the first 15 degrees, the birth is in Uttarayana; if it is the second half of the sign, the birth is in Dakshinayana. According as at the time of query, the questioner touches the left or right side of his body, the birth is in Dakshinayana or Uttarayana.

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