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Stanza 34. All signs can be divided into four parts, Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva and Mrita

Stanza 35. The first Drekkana of every sign is Dhatu, the 2nd is Moola and the third is Jeeva. This is the view of Madhavacharya.


According to another interpretation, the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd parts of a sign signifies Dhatum, Moola and Jeeva. The original word used in thryamsa, which means one third. Mi. K. K. Kurup, a well-known astrologer of Kerala, explained to me as early as 1968 that thryamsa could be considered as a Drekkana i.e., one-third of a sign.

Stanza 36. If a planet is placed in the Dhatu portion of a Nara Rasi, bangles, chains, swotds, small bells and such things useful to men are signified. Planets occupying the Dbatu portion in a watery sign denote water pots and cooking utensils.


According to verse 34, each Rasi has been divided into four parts, indicating respectively Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva and Mrityu. Nara Rasis or human signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first half of Sagittarius and Aquarius. If in a Nara Rasi, Arudha falls in the first part, the articles signified are bangles, chains, swords, etc. Cancer is a watery sign. If the Arudha is in the first (of the four parts) it indicates water pots, cooking utensils, etc.

Stanza 37. The thief's appearance will correspond to the rising Drekkana if the ascendant is strong. If it is weak, it will correspond to the shape of the planet occupying the 7th; or the strongest of the planets disposed in quadrants describe the appearance of the thief. If there are many planets there will be many thieves and the nature of the thieves should be ascertained from the planet in retrogression.

Stanza 38. According as the planet signifying the thief is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th house the theft will have been committed by the querist, a family member, a brother, mother and uncles and children respectively. Similarly if the planet signifying the thief is in its own vargas, the questioner will be the thief; in the vargas of the 2nd lord, family members; in those of the third lord, brothers; of the fourth lord, mother; of the 5th lord, children, etc. If such a planet is in the 6th or 8th, the thief will be an enemy.

Stanza 39. The habitation of Jupiter and Mercury is in villages; the Moon and Venus in watery places; the Sun, Mars and Saturn in forest regions; Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius in cities; Gemini, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus in villages; Leo and Capricorn (first half) in forests; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and the latter part of Capricorn in water. The birthplace of the thief will be in accordance with the habitation of the planet ruling the thief.

Stanza 40. Examine the habitation of Chora Graha and settle the birthplace of the thief. The residence of the thief should be ascertained from the sign occupied by the chora planet. If the habitation and residence of the planet happen to be the same, then he is Jiving in the place of his birth.

Stanza 41. The Moon can be considered as proceeding from a village to a forest, Venus from a forest to a village, Venus travels in a shallow watery surface, the Moon travels in a deep well.; Rahu moves in a snake hole, hollows or pits; Saturn wanders in a burial ground and thick forests; the Sun in mountains and Mars amongst creepers in mountains.


The significations given in this stanza can enable one to predict the whereabouts of the thief. If the planet involved is the Moon, then the thief will be proceeding from a village to a forest. These principles are to be adapted to fit into modern conditions.

Stanzas 42 and 43. The first Drekkana indicates 'standing', the 2nd Drekkana indicates 'lying down' and the third indicates 'sitting'. Thieves also can be considered to be in this stage. 'Human Drekkanas' denote the most distinguished amongst the thieves. Monkey-face, horse-face, dog's face, pig's face, serpent — these Drekkanas indicate very bad persons amongst thieves.

Stanzas 44 and 45. The shape of the thief, his dress and weapons are all to be determined from the nature of the 36 Drekkanas. What they are, has been detailed in Brihat Jataka. The first word of every stanza in that chapter has been given in these two stanzas for easy reference and remembrance.

Stanza 46. All vowels are governed by the Sun; the Moon rules ya ra la va; Mars — kavarga; Venus — chavarga; Mercury — tavarga; Jupiter — thavarga; Saturn — pavarga; and Rahu the remaining letters. The signs also govern the alphabetical letters (as given in the notes). From this the name of the thief can be determined.


All the 16 vowels are governed by the Sun. The other planets and signs signify the various letters as follows: ya (*) ra (*), la (*), va (*) - the Moon; ka (*), kha (*), ga (*), gha (*), jna (*) - Mars; cha (*)) chha (*), ja (*), jha (*) — gna (sr) — Venus; ta (*), tha (*), da (*), dha (*), na (*), — Mercury: tha (*), thha (*), da (*)t dhha (*), na (*) — Jupiter; pa (*), pha (*), ba (*), bha (*), ma (*) — Saturn: ssa (*), sha (*), sa (*), ha(*)t la (*), ksha (*) - Rahu

Signs govern the letters as follows: —

Aries - a (*), aa (*), e (*), ee (*), ssa (*)

Taurus — u (*), oo (*), ru(*) sha (*)

Gemini - roo (*), sa (*)

Cancer - ye (*), eye (*), ha (*)

Leo - o (*), ou(*), la (*)

Virgo - am (*), aha (*), ksha (*)

Libra — ka (*)

Scorpio — cha (*)

Sagittarius — tha (*)

Capricorn — ta (*)

Aquarius — pa (*)

Pisces- ya (*), ra (*), la (*), va (*).

Stanza 47. Arudha, the lord of Arudha, the sign occupied by the lord and the Navamsa of the lord of Arudha, should be considered. The letter indicated by the strongest will be the first letter of the thief. The house of the thief is the sign occupied by the lord of the 6th. The lord that aspects or joins the 6th, the lord of the 6th, the Navamsa sign of the lord of the 6th, the 6th house Rasi — the letters of these (the strongest and having more significations) may be taken as the initial letter in the name of the thief.


Suppose a person keeping something within the palm of the hand says "What is there inside this?", or he puts in queries "What is the name of the thief?", "What did I lose?, what is the matter in my mind ?" etc. This stanza enables us to answer such queries. We should be guided by the first letter in his questions. If Lagna is aspected by a planet, the first letter of the word in the question will be the one indicated by the planet; if it is not aspected, then the letter indicated by the planet occupying Lagna; and if there is more than one planet, always take the strongest.

Stanza 48. In the previous verse, by Amsa, we have to take Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa, the lords of these to be noted and their letters to be examined. If a planet occupies its own varga, then the letter to be noted is the one owned by the planet. If he occupies another varga, then the combined letter formed by adding his letter to the letter of the lord of the varga. If the planet occupies a fixed sign, then the name contains 4 letters; a moveable sign denotes 2 letters. A common sign denotes 3 letters and also includes 'surnames'.

Stanza 49. Calculate the longitude of Gulika. The quotient obtained by dividing the unexpired vighatikas in the Navamsa of Gulika by 100 indicates the planet. If it is one, it is the Sun; if two, the Moon and so on. The constellation governed by the planet so got indicates the first letter in the name of the thief.

The quotient, obtained by dividing the unexpired portion of Gulika Navamsa by 75, gives the expired signs — the letter indicated by the next sign is the first letter in the name of the thief.

Stanza 50. For the time of query, the longitudes of the Moon and Gulika are to be calculated and the stronger of the two should be treated as Arudha. From it, the nature of the wealth lost as Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva, etc., should be ascertained. The sign occupied by the lords of the 2nd from Arudha indicates the place where the stolen wealth is hidden according to the dictum "Matsau ghatee nrumithunam"'.


At the time of question the sign occupied by the Moon or Gulika, whichever is stronger, should be treated as Arudha and the nature of the article — Dhatu, Moola or Jeeva, ascertained on the basis of the Arudha so arrived at. The nature of the place where the stolen article is deposited should be ascertained from the nature of the sign the 2nd lord occupies. The nature of the sign should be considered as per the stanza *matsau ghatee nrumithunam given in Brihat Jataka.

The translation of this verse along with notes by late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao are given below: —

"Meena is represented by two fishes lying close to each other with their heads pointing in opposite directions; Kumbha is shown by a person bearing a water pot; Mithuna is indicated by a man with a club and a woman with a lute, in close embrace; Dhanus is described as a Centaur with the hind part resembling that of a horse and the front of an archer; Makara bears the representation of the face of a deer with the hinder part of a crocodile; Tbula represents the appearance of a man with a balance in hand; Kanya is shown by a virgin seated in a boat with a crop in one hand with a light in the other, and the other signs are represented by their names and move in places congenial to their nature."

"Pisces is formed of one fish with its tail against the head of the other and vice versa. The sign will be later on called Ubhayodaya or that which can rise either way, for we see a head and a tail on each side of the figure. Kumbha in Sanskrit means a pot and Makara means a crocodile. Thula means balance and Kanya means a virgin. Dhanus means a bow and the rest are easy to understand. The places most congenial to their natures will be controlled by them and they also have a great likeness for such regions and the products of those regions. Watery surfaces are liked by fish and crab, ordinary jungles and grassy plains are for ram and bull. Deep forests and caves are for lion. Streets in the cities are for balances. Towns are for men and women or the couple. Military grounds are for archers.

"Crocodiles are fond of watery places. Scorpions are fond of underground crevices and holes. The representations of these creatures are very familiar to our readers to require any further explanations."

Stanza 51. According as the lord of the 2nd (from Arudha) ooccupies a moveabie, or a fixed or a common sign, the stolen wealth is far off, is near, is midway. There are two types of thieves, viz., (a) abhyanthara (b) bahya. The 3rd house denotes the former while the 6th governs the latter. If the lord of one of these combines with or is aspected by the lord of the 2nd, or if a chura planet occupies the 11th, it can be said that the missing wealth has been stolen. If the lords of chora houses are not connected with the lord of the 2nd or the 11th, then the missing wealth has not been stolen but is only misplaced.


Chora houses are the 6th and the sign occupied by the lord of the 6th.

Stanza 52. If the ascendant is owned, joined or aspected by a malefic, then the stolen wealth cannot be got back. If the ascendant (owned or joined by a malefic) is aspected by a benefic, a portion of the wealth will be recovered; or full wealth at a distant time or the lost wealth will be replaced by another. If it is owned, joined and aspected by benefics, the whole amount will be got back. If it is owned or joined by benefics but aspected by a malefic, the money cannot be got back though it can be discovered where it is.

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