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Stanzas 29 to 33. Madhava describes how Janma Nakshatra can be fixed by noting the various parts of the body beginning from the head the questioner touches at the time of query

If he happens to touch the head — Krittika; forehead — Rohini; eyebrows — Mrigasira; ears — Aridra; cheeks — Punarvasu; chin — Pubba; teeth — Aslesha; neck — Makha; right shoulders — Pubba; left shoulders — Uttara; hands — Hasta; fingers — Chitta; finger nails — Swati; chest — Visakha; heart — Anuradha; breasts — Jyeshta; stomach — Moola; right flanks — Poorvashadha; left flanks- — Uttarashadha; navel — Sravana; waist — Dhanishta; sex-organ - Satabhisha; right thigh — Poorva-bhadra; left thigh — Uttarabhadra; knee caps — Revati; lower part of the knees — Aswini; and feet — Bharani.

Or the 26th star counted from the query star will be the birth asterism; or the birth star can be ascertained on the basis of the limbs touched by the querist clearly.


Several methods have been given for determinig the Ascendant, the Moon-sign, the Sun and Jupiter at the time of birth, when the birth particulars of the native are not available. Sometimes each method gives a different sign or constellation. The astrologer must, using these signs and also paying due attention to omens at the time of query and by observing carefully the querent's physical appearance, approximate age and mannerisms, combine the varying clues to determine the native's Ascendant, Moon-sign, birth-Sun and birth-Jupiter. Readers may also refer to the chapter on Nashta Jataka or Unknown Birth Times in Hindu Predictive Astrology.

Thus ends the Chapter XXX


On Dreams


Stanza 1. If in a query chart, the Sun occupies the ascendant or the Moon aspects the ascendant, or the 7th house happens to be the Sun sign, it must be inferred that the person had dreams the previous night. The duration of the dreams will correspond to the expired portion of the ascendant. The time can be ascertained from the lord of Lagna also. If the lord of Lagna is the Moon, it was only for a few seconds (kshana). For other planets take the Naisarga periods.


If any body puts the question, "Have I had any dreams today? if so, what is the nature of the dreams?" the combinations given in this stanza have to be applied.

Stanzas 2 to 5. If the Sun occupies the rising sign, burning fire, blazing torches, red clothes, etc., were seen; if the Moon is in Lagna, women, white, river and flowers; if Mars, gold, pearls, red clothes, raw flesh, flowing blood, etc.; if Mercury the native dreamt that he flew through the heavens; if Jupiter, there was a happy social party with relations; if Venus, the native crossed watery surfaces such as lakes and seas; and if Saturn, he climbed hills and elevated places. If many planets are found in the ascendant, these dreams will be seen in turns. If these occupy inimical or debilitation signs, the dreams will be bad. If the planets are defeated in planetary fight, then again they will be bad. If they are in combustion, the dreams will be disjointed.

Stanzas 6 to 9. The nature of dreams can be known from the nature of Arudha, Chathra, ascendant and the fourth house thus; Aries — temples; Taurus — devas; Gemini — Brahmins and saints; Cancer — water containing plant life and grass cut from the earth; Leo — hill men and buffaloes; Virgo — cohabitation with women; Libra — gold, merchants and those in power; Scorpio — horses, beetles, poison; Sagittarius — barks of trees, flowers and fruits; Capricorn — men and women together; Aquarius — looking glass; and Pisces — gold and oceans.


What one has seen in his dream can be ascertained from the horoscope on the basis of the Arudha sign, or Chathra sign or the rising sign or the fourth house. It implies that the strongest of the above factors is to be considered. Assuming that the rising sign is the strongest and it happens to be Scorpio, the querist will have seen in his dream horses, beetles or poisonous medicines, etc.

Stanza 10. The above is taken from Jnana Pradeepika. Still there are some more peculiarities and they are culled out from Ashtanga Hridaya (a medical treatise).

Stanza 11. If one dreams that when he is engaged in drinking liquor along with dead men (pretas) be is dragged up and down by a dog, the result is he will be attacked by high fever and die.

Stanzas 12 to 15. If one dreams that while wearing red flowers and clothes and having one's body dyed red and enjoying all sorts of pleasures, one is carried by a woman, he will be attacked by 'Rakta Pitta'. Riding on buffaloes, pigs, dogs or camels southwards indicates death by consumption. Dreaming of thorns, creepers, bamboos and palm trees sprouted from one's throat, denotes attack of Gulmaroga and death from it.

Dreaming that while anointed in ghee with no clothes on, performing a homo, a lotus plant sprouted from one's throat, it indicates attack by leprosy and death.

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