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Stanza 43. If in his own Ashtakavarga Mercury occupies a sign devoid of any bindus, the person will be dis-spirited. The same result can happen when Mercury transits such a sign

Stanzas 44 and 45. When Saturn transits the sign devoid of bindus after reduction, there will be loss of children, brothers and friends. If the said sign happens to be the 3rd, 6th, 11th from the Moon, it will not be that bad. When Saturn passes in transit through signs with no bindus, the period will be calamitous.

Stanza 46. When Saturn transits a sign that has no bindus in Mercury's Ashtakavarga and which happens to be the 8th or 12th from the Moon, the person will either be fatally sick or die.

Stanza 47. When Mercury transits a sign which has 4 bindus, education must be commenced. Any litigation launched then will be successful.

Stanza 48. The direction indicated by the sign having the largest number of bindus should be selected for beginning education, for going to school and for recreation grounds. Such a direction is also favourable for worshipping Vishnu and paying obeisance to the heir-apparent. For getting success in litigation one should choose the time at which the sign holding a large number of bindus rises.

Jupiter Ashtakavarga

Stanza 49. When Jupiter transits signs having more than 4 bindus in his own Ashtakavarga the time is auspicious for religious functions, initiation into mantras performing japa, homa, deva puja, Vedic studies, feeding Brahmins, undertaking remedial measures to get children, earning and saving money. When he transits signs having a few bindus such actions will be fruitless.

Stanza 50. The spot, indicated by the sign having abundant bindus, is to be selected for feeding brahmins, performing mantra japa and daily salutations. Gold ornaments and other things should be deposited in the direction indicated by the Dik having more bindus; for interviewing the Guru, learned Brahmin and ministers, this direction will be favourable for success in all undertakings.

Venus Ashtakavarga

Stanza 51. When Venus transits in his own Ashtakavarga, signs having more bindus, the time is propitious for purchase of beds, mats, pillows, etc., for beginning study of music, conducting and doing all things for conventional happiness.

Stanzas 52 and 53. After carrying out the reductions note the number of bindus. The place indicated by the sign-direction having more bindus is favourable for getting a lady married, to have the bedroom in the house and to secure a bride from the direction signified by the sign having the highest number of bindus.

Saturn Ashtakavarga

Stanza 54. When Saturn transits signs having more number of bindus (in his own Ashtakavarga), it is fruitful to employ servants, and to begin agricultural operations. Select that quarter signified by the sign having the largest number of bindus for cultivation, for keeping agricultural implements, for constructing latrines and for throwing away refuse, and for storing fuel.

Chara Chakra

Stanza 55. Total the bindus in Aries and its trines representing the East; Taurus and its trines signifying South; Gemini and its trines denoting West; and Cancer and its trines signifying North. The direction that has the largest number of bindus is the most auspicious.

Stanzas 57 and 58. So far we have dealt with individual Ashtakavarga. Collective Ashtakavarga is now detailed. In a Rasi mark the following numbers in regular order beginning from the Sun at the time of birth: 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2; from the Moon 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3, 7, 1; from Mars 4, 5, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 2; from Mercury 3, 1, 5, 2, 6, 6, 1, 2, 5, 5, 7, 3; from Jupiter 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2. 4, 2, 4, 7, 3; from Venus 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 3; from Saturn 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 1; and from the ascendant 5, 3, 5, 5, 2, 6, 1, 2, 2, 6, 7, 1.

Stanza 59. When the bindus in each sign are totalled Samudaya Ashtakavarga is obtained.


When the bindus are totalled we get 43 for the Sun, 36 for the Moon, 49 for Mars, 46 for Mercury, 36 for Jupiter, 40 for Venus, 42 for Saturn, and 45 for the ascendant, the total being 337. This can be got by adding up the various individual Ashtakavargas.

Stanza 60. In the collective Ashtakavarga, signs having more than 30 bindus can be said to be the best (sreshta); those getting between 25 and 30 — middling (madhyamd); and those below 25 — last (kashta). The best signs should be selected for all good work, journey, etc., worst signs should be avoided. Persons born in best signs can be taken for association. They will bring in good. Persons born in worst signs will be a source of affliction.

Stanza 61. The sum total of the bindus in the 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th is known as Vithaya (164). If the total exceeds 164, the native will be prosperous; if the total is less than 164, then his expenses will be high; and if it is 164, income and expenditure will be equal.

Stanza 62. The sum total of bindus in the 6th, 8th, 12th houses is known as theertha (76). If it is less than 76, income will be greater. If it exceeds 76 expenses will be greater. If it is 76, both will be the same.

Stanza 63. In the collective Ashtakavarga, the minimum number of bindus required are: Lagna 25, 2nd house 22, 3rd house 29, 4th house 24, 5th house 25, 6th house 34, 7th house 19, 8th house 24, 9th house 29, 10th house 36, 11th house 54 and 12th house 16. If the numbers exceed these, the houses will be strengthened, if they are less than these, the houses will be weakened.

Stanza 64. If the 4th and the 2nd houses, having secured more than the minimum suggested above, are afflicted by malefics, the native will inherit family property. Otherwise he will have no paternal wealth.

Stanza 65. Likewise if the 10th house contains more than the minimum bind us and is free from affliction, one will earn vast wealth; if the 11th house is similarly disposed, one will earn without any exertion.

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