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Stanza 126. In the second chapter, what the astrologer has to follow, what the questioner has to do, the sthiti of the questioner, Arudha Lagna, etc., have been detailed

Stanza 127. In the third chapter, nimittas have been detailed. In the 4th chapter, Prasna Chakra is drawn up according to Ashtamangala Prasna.

Stanza 128. In the 5th chapter, the calculations regarding Lagna Sphuta and others are given. In the 6th, Sutra, Trisphuta, etc., and their effects are described. In the 7th chapter examination through Ashtamangala is treated at full length. In the 8th, the effects of Arudha and Lagna are given.

Stanza 129. In the 9th chapter, the discussion of longevity through Prasna and Jataka is conducted. In the 10th chapter, death-inflicting periods as based on Prasna and Horoscopy are reviewed.

Stanza 130. In the 11th chapter, signs and periods indicating death are examined through both Prasna and Horoscopy.

Stanza 131. In the 12th, diseases and how they are caused is the subject-matter. In the 13th when disease begins and when it ends and kindred topics are explained.

Stanza 132. In the 14th chapter, how Bhavas are to be examined is discussed. In the 15th, the topic is favour or disfavour of gods and others, and how to propitiate them.

Stanza 133. In the 16th, certain Lakshanas are examined. In the 17th and 18th, queries bearing respectively on marriage and children have been discussed. In the 19th, the prospects of having children as read from horoscopy have been thoroughly gone through.

Stanza 134. In the 20th, the subject is the examination of the 7th house. In the 21st, agreement of the couple is examined. In the 22nd, Gochara effects are given. In the 23rd, the topic is Karma Vipaka.

Stanza 135. In the 24th, the topics are queries on rulers, deities, war and hunting. In the 25th, indications for rainfall have been given. The 26th deals with wells.

Stanza 136. In the 27th, queries bearing on food, gain and whereabouts of a traveller have been taken up. Sex and sexual union have been detailed in the 28th chapter. In the 29th, moksha, and in the 30th, unknown horoscopes have been detailed.

Stanza 137. Dreams, how they are caused and their effects are the subject-matter of the 31st chapter. And in the 32nd, Ashtakavarga has been detailed.

Stanza 138. Let those who have unfair notions keep away from this book, just as some Saivites being a rival party keep away from Vaishnavites.


Some Saivites, it seems, being a rival party to Vaishnavites were decrying the value of this book at that time. The author says let this treatise be of no use to them. It seems in the eastern districts there was an astrologer named 'Easwara' and that he was speaking low of this book. What the author says is that his rivals' disciples need not be benefited by this book.

Stanza 139. Everything contained in this treatise is based on Sastraic authority. Therefore study what is contained in this carefully and have faith in the value of the teachings contained therein and your words will never turn false.

Stanza 140. As requested by my disciples, I prepared this book with care. The first part contains 16 chapters, and the second part contains another 16 chapters. Thus in all in 32 chapters, the treatise is complete.

Thus ends the Chapter XXXII Here ends the second part of Prasna Marga.

Index of Technical Terms



Abhichara: Incantation by a foe for evil purposes

Abhisheka: Pouring holy water on the idol with Vedic chanting

Adhaka: Vessel of 20" diameter, and 8" deep

Adhara: Container

Adheya: Contained

Adhomukha: Signs Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn

Aditya: Sukta Hymn to the Sun

Affliction: Aspected by or joined with Mars, Saturn, or Rahu

Agnibhuta: These signs are explained in Chapter 14.

These are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Agni Mandala: Solar ingress into certain stars

Agnimantra: Hymn to Fire

Aindragnisukta: Combined hymn to Fire and Indra

Akasabhuta: Airy signs

Alpatmaja signs: Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio

Angana: Premises

Anupachaya: Houses other than 3, 6, 10, 11 from the rising sign

Anishtabhava: Houses 6, 8, 12

Anupadesa: Watery places

Antra: Intestines

Apasmara: Epilepsy

Apoklima: Houses 3, 6, 9 and 12 from the rising sign

Aruchi: Tasteless

Arudha Lagna: The sign rising at the time of query. See 2. 7 to 11.

The direction faced by the querist determines the sign

Ascendant: Sign rising at the time of birth or query

Ashtaka Sraddha: A kind of offering to the manes

Ashtakavarga: System explained in Chap. 32

Arsa Roga: Piles

Atikhara: Letters Kha, Chha, Tha, Thha, Pha

Atisara: Dysentery

Ayu Sukta: Hymn for longevity


Benefics: Jupiter, Venus and full Moon

Bhagandhara: Fistula

Bhagya: Ninth house

Bhagva Sukta: Hymn for wealth

Bhanduka: Total of bindus in houses 1, 5 and 9 from Lagna

Bhadra tithi: Lunar days 2, 7 and 12

Bhadra dipa: Auspicious lamp

Bhava: House

Bheri: Drum

Bhumibala: Vitality of the earth for war. It depends on the lunar month

Bhuta: Hob-goblin

Bija Sphuta: See Chapter 19, verses 5 and 11

Biped: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and first half of Sagittarius

Brihaspati: Jupiter


Chakra puja: Worship of the sacred nine triangles

Chandragupti Chakra: See Chapter 26, verses 20 to 23

Chandrabhilasha Rasi: See Chapter 17, verse 41

Chara nakshatras: Constellations Punarvasu, Swati, Sravana,

Dhanishta and Satabhisha

Chatushpada: Quadruped signs

Chatra Rasi: The sign obtained from the Veedhi Rasi. Count the number

of signs from Arudha to the Lagna and then count

this number from Veedhi Rasi to get this

Chidra tithi: Lunar days 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 and 14

Chaitanya: Consciousness

Chora Rasis: Sixth house and the house where the sixth lord is

Combustion: Planet close to the Sun is powerless

Common signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces


Dana: Gift

Datta Sphuta: Add the longitudes of Mercury, Saturn and the fifth lord.

Multiply this product by five

Dhanu: Bow

Dinarsha: Multiply the ghatis from sunrise by 28 and divide it by 60.

The remainder counted from Aswini gives this constellation

Diurnal signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces

Dosha: Defect, blemish

Drona: Four adhakas (a measurement)

Duritamsa: The second and the third padas of samhara nakshatras.

These are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15,18, 21, 24, 27 counted by Aswini

Dusthana: houses 6, 8 and 12

Dwadasamsa: One-twelfth part of a sign. It is equal to 2° 30'


Eunuch planets: Mercury and Saturn

Eunuch signs: Signs owned by Mercury and Saturn

Even limbs: Face, eyes, ears, hands, etc.


Female Drekkana: The one-third part of a sign ruled by the Moon or Venus

Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius


Gaja: Elephant

Gana homa: A sacred offering

Ghataka: Total of bindus in houses 4, 8 and 12

Ghosha: Letters gha, jha, dha, tha, bha

Ghatika: 24 minutes

Gochara: Transit of planets

Graha Yuddha: Planets conjunct within one degree

Gulika: A sensitive point explained on pages 160 to 162 of the first volume

Gulma: Disease of the spleen


Havana: A fire offering

Hora: 15° of a sign is a hora. In odd signs the first part is ruled by the

Sun, and the second by the Moon. In the even signs it is reversed


Indra Mandala: When solar ingress is into the constellations of Rohini, Anuradha,

Jyeshta, Uttarashadha, Abhijit, Sravana and Dhanishtha


Jala bhuta: Watery signs

Jangala: Semi-dry place

Janma Rasi: The sign having the Moon at the time of birth

Jaya tithi: Lunar days 3, 8 and 13


Kakshya: Each sign is divided into eight parts. These are ruled in the

sequence of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury,

Moon, and Lagna

Kalyanadighria: Sacred butter

Kamila: Blindness

Karmas: Actions: results of past actions

Kala hora: The order in which the lords of the Horas follow is Saturn,

Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon.

The first Hora is that of the lord of the week day.

Karsya: Emaciation

Keeta Rasi: Scorpio

Kendra Houses 1, 4, 7, 10 from Lagna

Ketu South node of the Moon

Khara Letters ka, cha, ta, tha, pa

Kimsthugna One of the Karanas

Kola The first decanates of Cancer and Capricorn and last

one of Scorpio

Kshetra Pinda Oblation

Kshetra Sphuta See Chapter 19, verses 5 and 11

Kshipra nakshatras Aswini, Pushyami, Hasta

Kushmanda Homa A sacrificial offering with pumpkins

Kusa Sacred grass


Lakshana: Omens: indicative signs

Luminaries: The Sun and the Moon


Mahodara: Dropsy

Malefics: Mars, Saturn and Rahu

Manes: The dead ancestors

Mantapa: An open sheltered place in the temple precincts

Maudhya Chandra: Moon within 12° of the Sun

Moveable signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

Mridanga: A musical instrument, drum

Mridu Nakshatra: Constellations Mrigasira, Chitta, Anuradha and Revati

Mrigaya: Hunting

Mutra Kriccha: Urinary disease


Naga: Snake

Nakandhya: Partial blindness

Nanda tithi: Lunar days 1, 6, 11

Navamsa: One-ninth part of a sign

Nimitta: Omens or indicative signs

Nocturnal signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn


Odd limbs: Head, chest, stomach, vasthi, thighs and legs


Panaphara: Houses 2, 5, 8 and 11

Panchamrita: A mixture of sugar, ghee, honey, milk and curds

Panchagavya: A mixture of five articles (milk, curds, ghee, cows urine

and cow-dung) derived from the cow

Parivesha: Halo round the Sun and the Moon

Paksha: Fortnight

Panduroga: Leucoderma

Payasa: Milk and sugar preparation

Parigha: A bludgeon, an iron club, the 19th yoga in astronomy

Pitta: Bile

Parva: Lunar days 8, 14, 15

Paura: Resident

Pitris: Manes

Poshaka: Total bindus in houses 3, 7 and 11

Pratichandra: Moon though enveloped in clouds emanates a radiance

round in shape, mock Moon

Prasada: Palace

Pratipada: The first lunar day

Pratisurya: Mock Sun

Preta: Spirits of the dead

Puma tithi: Lunar days 5, 10, 15

Prishtodaya: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius signs and Capricorn


Quadruped: Second half of Sagittarius, first half of Capricorn,

Aries, Taurus, Leo

Querist: One who puts the question


Radical: Referring to the natal chart

Rahu: North node of the Moon

Rahu Mantra: A Vedic chant for Rahu

Rasmi: Ray. See Chapter 19, Verses 79 and 80

Rudra Sukta: Hymn to Rudra known as Namakam


Sakuna: Omens: Indicative signs

Samasaptaka: Planets in opposition

Sankha : Conch

Sankramana: Solar ingress into a Zodiac sign

Santana Chandra: Longitude of the Moon multiplied by five

Santana Gulika: Longitude of Gulika multiplied by five

Santana Graha Sphuta: Product of the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon

and Jupiter multiplied by five

Santana Guru: Longitude of Lagna multiplied by five plus longitude

of Yamakantaka multiplied by five

Santana Ravi: Longitude of Lagna multiplied by five

Santana Sukra: Longitude of Venus multiplied by five

Santana Tithi: Lunar day on which the query is put. Santana Chandra minus

Santana Ravi also. See Chapter 19, verses 34 and 35. Longitude

of the Moon multiplied by five minus five times the longitude

of the Sun

Santana Trisphuta: Add Santana Chandra, Ravi and Guru Sphuta

Santana Yoga Sphuta: Add Santhana Guru to Yamakantaka and multiply it by nine

Sarpabali: A rite to propitiate the serpent deity

Sekadravya: Appetisers

Sevaka: Total of Bindus in houses 2, 6 and 10

Saubhagya Sukta: A Vedic hymn

Shashtyamsa: One-sixtieth part of a sign

Sleshma: Phlegm

Smriti: Remembered texts on religion and thics

Sruti: Revealed scriptures

Sthayi: defending party

Sukshma deha: Subtle body

Sula: Colic

Surya Kalagni Chakra: Position or number of the constellation from the Sun.

See also Surya Sula Chakra.


Tila homa: A religious rite offering sesamum

Trikona: Houses 1, 5 and 9 from Lagna

Trimsamsa: One-thirtieth' part of a sign


Ubhayodaya: Sign Pisces

Upachaya: Houses 3, 6, 10, 11 from Lagna

Upadamsa: Ancillary items of food

Urdhvodaya: Also called Urdhvamukha or Sirshodaya. These are Gemini,

Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius

Utsava: Festival


Vargas: There are seven major divisions of a sign. These are Rasi,

Hora, Drekkana, Saptmasa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa,

Trimsamsa etc.

Varga Chatushtaya: These are Navamsa (1/9), Nava-navamsa (81),

Navamsa-Dwadasamsa and Dwadasamsa

Varuna Mantra: Hymn to Varuna beginning with "Imam me varuna srudhi"

Vata: Wind

Vata Roga: Rheumatism

Vayu bhuta: Airy signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Vayu Mandala: The time of solar ingress into Mrigasira, Punarvasu,

Uttara, Hasta, Chitta, Swati

Vayu Sukta: Hymn to the wind Deity

Vedha: Check

Vina: Lute, a fretted instrument of music

Vishaghatika: See page 42 of the first volume

Visarpa: Serpis

Vishtikarana: It is on the lunar days 4, 8, 12 and 15 of the bright half.

In the dark half the lunar days are 3, 7, 10 and 14


Waning Moon: From the eighth lunar day of the dark half of the month

to the seventh lunar day of the bright half

Watery signs: Cancer, Pisces and the second half of Capricorn.


Yamakantaka: A sensitive point rising at 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 ghatis

after sunrise starting with Sunday.

Yama Sukra: Ascendant rising at 22, 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, and 26 ghatis

after sunrise from Sunday onwards

Yayi: Invading party

Yoga Sphuta: Add the longitude of the lord of Lagna to the planet

concerned to get this


First Edition: 1985

Second Revised & Enlarged Edition: 1992

Reprint: Delhi, 1994


© Copyright Dr. B.V. Raman, 1992

All Rights Reserved


ISBN: 81-208-1034-1 (Cloth)

ISBN: 81-208-1035-x (Paper)


Also available at:




41 U.A. Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 110 007

120 Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Madras 600 004

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