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Zodiacal and Planetary Factors

Stanza 80. After the two reductions multiply the remaining bindus in the different signs by their respective zodiacal factors, viz., Taurus and Leo 10; Gemini and Scorpio 8; Libra and Aries 7; Virgo and Capricorn 5; Cancer 4; Sagittarius 9; Aquarius 11; and Pisces 12; and add up all the 12 products. The result is Rasi Guna Yoga or sum of the zodiacal factors.

Likewise multiply the bindus in the signs occupied by the different planets by their respective planetary factors, viz., the Sun 5, the Moon 5, Mars 8, Mercury 5, Jupiter 10, Venus 7 and Saturn 5. The total of all these is Graha Guna Yoga or sum of the planetary factors. When the sums of the zodiacal and planetary factors are added together, Suddha pinda is obtained.

Stanza 81. Multiply the bindus in the 9th from the Sun in his own Ashtakavarga (before reduction), by the Suddha Pinda of the Sun. Divide the product by 27. The remainder, counted from Aswini, will be the asterism, which when transited by Saturn causes the death of the father.

Stanza 82. Multiply total figures in the Sun's Ashtakavarga (after reduction) by the figures in the 9th from the Sun. Divide the product by 27. The remainder counted from Aswini represents the constellation, Saturn's transit of which will be fatal to the father.

Stanza 83. After having fixed on the basis of the Sun's Ashtakavarga the constellation the transit of which by Saturn causes the death of father, we shall deal with the positions of Jupiter and the Sun at the time of father's death.

Stanza 84. The Suddha Pinda of the Sun should be multiplied by the figures in the 7th from Jupiter in the Sun's Ashtakavarga and this product divided by 27 and the remainder counted from Aswini indicates the star, the transit of which by Jupiter causes father's death. Similarly multiply the Suddha Pinda of the Sun by this figure in the 7th, from the Sun (before reduction) in his own Ashtakavarga. Divide the product by 27. The remainder from Aswini gives the constellation the transit of which by the Sun indicates the father's death.

Stanza 85. With the help of the Sun's Ashtakavarga, the month when the native will die can be ascertained. Again the positions of Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun at the time of mother's death can also be known. They are explained below.

Stanza 86. The remainder obtained by dividing by 12, the product of the Sun's suddha pinda and the figures in the 8tb from the Sun in his own Ashtakavarga (before reduction) indicates the sign (counted from Aries), the Sun's transit of which indicates the month of the native's death.

Stanza 87. Multiply the figures in the 4th house from the Moon (before reduction) in his own Ashtakavarga by his Suddha Pinda and divide the product by 27. The remainder counted from Aswini indicates the star, Saturn's transit of which causes the mother's death.

Stanza 88. Just as we have calculated the positions of Jupiter and the Sun at the time of death of father from the Sun's Ashtakavarga, in the same manner, we can find out their positions from the Moon's Ashtakavarga at the time of mother's death.

Stanza 89. Multiply the Suddha Pinda of Mars by the bindus in the 3rd from Mars in his own Ashtakavarga and divide the product by 12. The remainder counted from Aries represents the sign, Jupiter's transit of which indicates help from brothers. The Dasa of the lord of this sign will also be favourable to the native and brothers will do him good.

Stanza 90. The number of bindus in the 3rd from Mars in his own Ashtakavarga gives the number of brothers and sisters. Classification into male and female is dependent on the sex of the planets who have contributed the bindus. Just as we calculate sons from the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter, we should calculate brothers from Mars Ashtakavarga. When Mars transits the sign having no bindus (after reduction) the native's brothers will die.

Stanza 91. Multiply the Suddha Pinda of Mercury by the number of bindus in the 2nd from Mercury in his own Ashtakavarga (before reduction). Divide the product by 12. The remainder counted from Aries represents the sign, the Dasa and Bhukti of the lord of which is favourable for the progress of education. Jupiter's transit of this sign also favours similar results.

Stanza 92. All the indications of Mercury as karaka can also be considered as happening during this period.

Jupiter's Ashtakavarga

Stanza 93. Details about progeny are to be ascertained from the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter. The number of children will correspond to the number of bindus (after reduction) in the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from Jupiter. The conduct and nature of the children will be similar to the nature of the lords who have contributed the bindus.


I feel we should take the number of bindus before reduction and not after reduction. It will not be possible to assign the remaining bindus to the different planets.

Stanza 94. If lords who have contributed bindus (indicated in the previous verse) are exalted or retrograde, then the number should be trebled. If they are in their own sign, or their own Navamsa or in vargottama, the number is to be doubled. If they are in debilitation or in enemies' houses, the children will die. Male lords and lords occupying male houses indicate male children. Female lords and lords in female houses indicate female children.

Stanza 95. The question of issues can also be examined from the lords of the 5th from the Moon and the Ascendant and from the lord of the 9th from Jupiter. The bindus found in the houses occupied by the above lords (after reduction) give the number of children.

Stanza 96. The above methods are culled out from Chandrika an annotation of Hora. There is also another method of determining issues from Jupiter's Ashtakavarga.

Stanza 97. Find out the number of bindus in in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter in the 5th house from Jupiter and exclude the following: — (a) the enemy of Jupiter; (b) the enemy of the lord of the 5th from Jupiter; (c) the planet in combustion; (d) the planet occupying an inimical place; (e) planet in debilitation; (f) the lord of the debilitation sign of the lord of the 5th from Jupiter and (g) Saturn.

Stanza 98. Total up all the bindus in Jupiter Ashtakavarga (after reduction). Subtract those found in the signs occupied by malefics. The remainder indicates the number of children.

Stanza 99. In the Dwadasamsa chart note the strongest sign out of the (a) 5th from Ascendant; (b) 5th from the Moon and (c) the 5th house from Jupiter. The number of bindus found in the strongest will be the number of children.

Stanza 100. There will be birth of an issue when Jupiter transits the asterism represented by the remainder obtained by multiplying the bindus (before reduction) in the 5th from Jupiter by Jupiter's Suddha Pinda and dividing the product by 7.

Stanza 101. When Jupiter transits the asterism represented by the remainder obtained by multiplying Jupiter's sodya pinda by 7 and dividing the product by 27 children will be born. If the Navamsa occupied by Jupiter is stronger than the Rasi occupied by him, the above remainder should be counted not from Aswini but from Dhanishta.

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