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Stanza 102. Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Jupiter by 4 and divide the product by 12. The remainder counted from Aries represents the month of birth of an issue

Stanza 103. Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Jupiter by 7 and divide the product by 27. The remainder counted from the asterism occupied by Jupiter (at the time of birth) gives the asterism of the child to be born.

Stanza 104. The child's birth ascendant is the sign represented by the remainder obtained by dividing by 12 the product of Jupiter's Sodya Pinda and 9,

Stanzas 105 and 106. Note the lord of the kakshya occupied by Jupiter in the husband's horoscope and find out whether this planet has contributed a bindu in the 5th from Jupiter in his Ashtakavarga in the wife's horoscope. When Jupiter transits this particular sign, birth of an issue occurs.

The month of birth can be known thus. Note the Navamsa occupied by the lord of kakshya (occupied by Jupiter) in the husband's horoscope.

When the Sun transits the Navamsa Rasi of this kakshya lord, or its trines, the issue will be born.

When the Moon transits the sign occupied by Gulika, birth of the child occurs. The ascendant of the coming child will be the Navamsa-Rasi of Gulika or 5th or 9th from it.

Note the sign occupied by the lord of the kakshya in which the lord of the 5th from Jupiter is placed. When Jupiter transits this sign an issue will be born. This should be treasured as a secret.

Stanza 107. Note the bindus in the 5th sign from Jupiter (after reduction). Add up all the bindus after reduction in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter. Multiply the bindus in the 5th from Jupiter (after reduction) by the total bindus (after reduction) in Jupiter's Ashtakavarga. Divide the product by 12.

Stanza 108. Note whether the 5th sign from Jupiter has bindus and whether Jupiter occupies favourable places (Ishta Bhavas). If they are favourable, note the sign occupied by the planet and his Navamsa. When the Moon transits the strongest of these two signs or the 5th and the 9th from them, a child will be born.


Two factors are to be considered here: (a) the lord of the 5th house from Jupiter, if it has bindus; the lord of the favourable place occupied by Jupiter. Take the strongest and see where he is placed in the Rasi and Navamsa. When the Moon transits the stronger of these two, birth takes place.


Ascdt. Example  


In this chart the 5th from Jupiter has 4 bindus. Hence take the lord of this sign, viz., Jupiter. Jupiter himself is favourably placed in Scorpio. Take the lord of this sign, viz., Mars. Between Jupiter and Mars, Jupiter is stronger as he is in the 10th kendra. In the Navamsa he is, say, in Cancer. Therefore the Navamsa Rasi is Cancer. Between Scorpio and Cancer, the former is stronger. Therefore when the Moon transits Scorpio or its trines, viz., Pisces or Cancer, the birth of the child takes place.

Stanzas 109 and 110. Take the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter in the woman's horoscope. Note the bindus found in the 5th from Lagna, the Moon (and Jupiter); they represent daughters. Note the bindus in the 9th house from the above; they indicate sons. In the male's horoscope, bindus in the 5th represent sons and the 9th governs daughters.


This difference will be noted carefully.

Stanza 111. Multiply the bindus in the 9th house (in Jupiter's Ashtakavarga) by Jupiter's Sodya Pinda. This gives the number of sons. By multiplying the Suddha Pinda by the bindus in the 5th, we get daughters. The number of male and female children is to be ascertained from the bindus in the 5th house.

Venus Ashtakavarga

Stanzas 112 and 113. Consider the signs occupied by the lords of the 7th and 9th from Venus; the signs occupied by the lords of the 9th from the Moon and the ascendant; the sign occupied by the lord of exaltation sign of the lord of the 7th from the ascendant, the sign occupied by the lord of debilitation of the lord of the 7th from the ascendant. In Venus Ashtakavarga (after reduction), count the bindus in these signs. If the lord of the 7th is very strong, the largest number, and if weak, least number of bindus indicate the number of wives the man will have.

Stanza 114. Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Venus by the bindus in the 7th from Venus in his own Ashtakavarga. Divide the product by 27.

When Jupiter transits the asterism represented by the remainder, marriage takes place.

Stanza 115. Marriage is also likely when Jupiter transits a sign represented by the figure remaining when the product of the Sodya Pinda of Venus and the bindus in the 7th from Venus is divided by 12; or in the Dasa of the lord of this sign.

Saturn's Ashtakavarga

Stanza 116. Total the bindus (before reduction) in Saturn's Ashtakavarga from the ascendant to the sign occupied by Saturn; and from the sign occupied by Saturn to the ascendant. These two numbers will indicate the age when the native will be attacked by disease and other misfortunes. The total of the above two figures also indicates the age of troubles. If the end or a beginning of a malefic Dasa coincides with the age represented by tiiese three figures, then death may take place.

Stanza 117. Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Saturn by bindus in the 8th from Saturn in his own Ashtakavarga. Divide the product by 27. When Saturn transits the asterism represented by the remainder, or the trinal asterisms, death will take place.

Stanza 118. Multiply the bindus in the sign occupied by Jupiter in Saturn's Ashtakavarga by Saturn's Suddha Pinda. Divide the product by 12. When Jupiter transits the sign represented by the remainder death will take place. Similarly multiply the Sodya Pinda of Saturn by the bindus in the sign occupied by the Sun and divide the product by 12. When the Sun transits the sign represented by the remainder, death will take place.

Stanza 119. When the signs containing less bindus in Saturn's Ashtakavarga rise every day, there will be some mishap. When the Sun transits such signs, there will be greater misfortunes or even death may take place.

Stanza 120. If after reduction (in Saturn's Ashtakavarga) the sign Saturn occupies and the 7th Rasi from it are devoid of bindus, the native will have an unnatural death in a solitary place. If however friendly planets aspect these signs, relations will be near him.

Stanza 121. Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Saturn by 7 and divide the product by 27. The remainder represents the constellation the transit of which by Saturn may prove fatal to the native.

Stanza 122. Multiply the Suddha Pinda of Saturn by the bindus in the sign occupied by Saturn and divide the product by 27. Add this remainder to the remainder suggested in the previous stanza. Divide the sum by 27. The remainder represents the asterism the transit of which by Saturn may cause the native's death.

Stanza 123. So far Ashtakavarga and its effects have been described in detail. With the help of Ashtakavarga, Ashtakavarga Dasas can also be calculated. This can be had from other Sastras.


With this the author closes Prasna Marga adding an account of himself and recapitulating what he has described in the 32 chapters that comprise the entire treatise.

Stanza 124. My (the author's) native place is Edakad. My mother's name is "Sri". My father's name is Maha Deva. My prosperity is due to my devotion to the Goddess of Edakad. I write this work for the benefit of my pupils who may learn it without effort.

Stanza 125. In the first chapter, I have dealt with the nature of the Sastra, persons who have the authority to interpret the science, qualities required in an astrologer, characteristics of Prasna and Jataka both of them to be treated in the same level.

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