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Stanza 12. In giving the digits, letters indicating zero (0) are to be taken as 10. The previous number is 9. Na is 10, Ka is 12 and Ra or Pra is 12

Stanza 13. In marking the benefic places, a certain order has been followed by Varaha Mihira in his Brihat Jataka. That order has to be followed in order to know, beforehand, the order of reductions i.e., sodhana karma.

Stanza 14. The signs which have no akshas or benefic points are to be considered as adhama or lowest signs with 1, 2, 3, are also adhama (low). Those with four are madhyama or moderate in strength: and above 4 are sobhana or auspicious.

Stanza 15. When the Sun transits in his own Ashtakavarga signs having 8 bindus the effects will be wealth and prosperity from royal favour; 7 — wonderful welfare, happiness and pomp; 6 — rising power: 5 — wealth; 4 — both good and bad will be equal; 3 — fatigue through journey; 2 — sinful actions; 1 — severe sickness; no bindus — death.

Stanza 16. In his own Ashtakavarga the Moon while in transit gives the following results; a sign counting 8 bindus — happiness, prosperity, pomp and help from relatives; 7 — gain of clothes, comfortable food, gain from relatives; 5 — courage and mental satisfaction; 4 — misery and ill-health; 3 — quarrel with relations; 2 — quarrels brought about by one's wife and one's wealth; 1 — irreparable losses; and no bindus — sorrow, extreme panic and death.

Stanza 17. When Mars in his own Ashtakavarga transits signs with 8 bindus — gain of landed property and money, victory; 7 — prosperity, through brothers; 6 — favour through kings; 5 — pleasing experiences; 4 — good and bad in equal proportion; 3 — separation from brothers and women; 2 — quarrel due to wife and wealth; 1 — fear from weapon, fire and diseases as small pox, etc.; and no bindu — diseases in the stomach, fits and death.

Stanza 18. When Mercury transits in his own Ashtakavarga signs with 8 bindus — respect from kings; 7 — increase of wealth and learning; 6 — success attending all efforts; 5 — reconciliation with relations; 4 — want of spirit in everything; 3 — anxiety through disturbed thoughts; 2 — diseases caused by the tridosha; 1 — imprisonment by force and unexpected calamities: and no bindu — death caused by loss of everything.

Stanza 19. When Jupiter transits in his own Ashtakavarga signs with 8 bindus — sovereignty and kingly prosperity; 7 — gain of wealth and happiness; 6 — gain of clothes, vehicles and gold; 5 — ruin to enemies, accomplishment of desired objects; 4 — gain and loss equal; 3 — nervous debility and ear diseases; 2 — royal frowns; 1 — loss of wealth and relations; and no bindu — derangement of the mind, loss of wealth and children.

Stanza 20. When Venus transits in his own Ashtakavarga signs with 8 bindus — comfort from good clothes, women, flowers and wholesome food; 7 — gain of ornaments and pearls; 6 — happiness from agreeable wife; 5 — meeting with friends; 4 — good and bad equal; 3 — quarrel with the people of the locality and relatives; 2 — diseases and dismissal from one's profession; 1 — fear from water and poison; and no bindu — all sorts of calamities.

Stanza 21. When Saturn transits in his own Ashtakavarga signs with 8 bindus — acquisition of administrative control over a village or a town; 7 — gain of servants (maid), or asses or camels; 6 — respect from thieves, hill tribes and army chief; 5 — gain of grains; 4 — good and bad equal; 3 — loss of wealth, servants, wife and happiness; 2 — imprisonment, fear and diseases; 1 — dirty fallen life; and no bindu — ill-luck in everything.


The effects declared for planets transiting the different signs in their own Ashtakavargas are enumerated above. The description of results is general and should not be applied verbatim. Moreover effects of transits as from the Moon are also to be considered. Suppose Saturn transits the 12th from the Moon which may happen to be the 3rd sign having 6 bindus from his position, in his own Ashtakavurga. How to reconcile the results? This is a tough problem for a student of astrology. I have dealt with this subject in detail in my book Ashtakavarga System of Prediction to which I would refer my readers.

Stanza 22. When planets transit signs with no bindus they produce only evil. Similarly when they transit signs with 8 bindus, the results will be brilliant. Every sign has 8 kakshyas or orbits. When a planet transits in its own ashtakavarga a kakshya devoid of bindus, evil can only happen. Only when he transits the kakshya owned by the lord who has contributed a bindu (aksha lord), good will happen. In this way should be studied good causing and evil producing kakshyas.


Here a reference is made to kakshya or an orbital division. There are 8 kakshyas of 33/4 degrees in a sign ruled respectively by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and the Ascendant.

The following is reproduced from my book Ashtakavarga System of Prediction:

Prasthara Ashtakavarga

We have hitherto learnt how to cast Bhinnashtakavargas of the different planets, the combined Ashtakavargas of all planets and the reduction of the bindus by the processes of Trikona and Ekadhipatya.

The next in importance is the diagrammatic representation of spreading out the benefic points (bindus) contributed or donated by each planet in respect of each Ashtakavarga. The benefic points (bindus) contributed by each of the planets are isolated so that while predicting Gochara or transit results or interpreting Dasas or analysing Bhavas the exact period or nature of effect can be clearly located. The tabular representation of the spreading-out or isolation of the benefic points, given out by each planet, is called "Prasthara Chakra".

According to classical writers, draw east to west 9 lines and north to south 13 lines and in this chakra (diagram) containing 96 houses, enter the points contributed by each planet (before reduction) in the descending order of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and Lagna.

The following is the Prasthara Chakra of the Sun's Ashtakavarga in the Standard Horoscope:

The Sun is in Virgo. Therefore the spreading-out starts from Virgo. In Table II, the bindus in the horizontal row against each planet indicate the auspicious places (in the Sun's Ashtakavarga) from the Sun and from other planets. The bindus in the vertical rows are those contributed by the different planets reckoned in the order of their orbits from the earth. For example the total figure in Virgo (in Sun's Bhinnashtakavarga) is 4 and these four bindus are contributed by Saturn, Mars, the Sun and Mercury. The Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Lagna have not made any contribution. The Prasthara Chakras have to be prepared for each planet. The following are the Prasthara Chakras of the other planets in the Standard Horoscope.

For instance in the Sun's Prastharashtakavarga, no bindus have been contributed by Jupiter, Venus, the itfoon and the Ascendant. When the Sun transits his own kakshya (11° 15' to 15°) good will happen. When the Sun transits the kakshyas devoid of bindus unfavourable results will happen.

Table II Sun's Prastharashtakararga

  Virgo Venus Sun Libra Mercury Scorpio Mars Sagittarius Capricorn Ascendant Aquarius Moon Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Jupiter Cancer Leo Saturn Total


Stanza 26. In the previous verse, the effects of Ashtakavarga as read from transits of planets have been given. The general effects of the Ashtaka-vargas will now be given:

The Sun's Ashtakavarga Effects

Stanza 27. In the month of the Sun's transits in his own ashtakavarga of signs having more auspicious bindus, it is auspicious to perform marriage ceremonies and other good actions and undertake long distance journeys, etc. When the transited sign has less than 4 bindus, the opposite results will happen.

Stanza 28. One should worship God Siva and serve the rulers, in the direction indicated by the sign having the largest number of bindus. Prosperity results when the sacred lamp is lit in the evening to worship Siva and obeisance to the king is paid in the directions signified by the signs having the largest number of bindus.

Stanza 29. Total up the number of bindus in the four consecutive signs beginning from the Sun; in the next four signs from the 5th; and the next four signs from the 9th. If the first total is greater than the 2nd or the 3rd, the first part of the day is good for beginning any auspicious work such as conducting marriage, interviewing important persons etc. If the 2nd is greater than 1st and 3rd, the 2nd part of the day will be good for these. If the 3rd is greater than 1st and 2nd, the 3rd part of the day is good. The part of the day corresponding to the least total is inauspicious for any good work. The Moon's Ashtakavarga.

Stanza 30. When the Moon transits signs in his own Ashtakavarga containing more bindus, it is auspicious to perform the first tonsure of the baby and all business agreeable to the mind. For a man to marry a girl, for a king to employ a servant, for a servant to serve a king, for a student to begin studies under a teacher, for a teacher to begin teaching and for all persons to receive relations and make friendships select the days of the Moon transiting signs where bindus abound.


When yoking pairs, in matrimony, take the man born in a sign having more bindus according to the female's horoscope and vice versa.

Stanza 31. Seeing early in the morning persons born in signs which are associated with more bindus in the Moon's Ashtakavarga will prove fruitful. It is equally good for giving gifts such as clothes to persons born in such signs.

Stanza 32. Good work should not be done when the Moon transits signs devoid of bindus. Of course, those actions will be fruitless. To associate with such people or to see such people born in signs with no bindus in the morning is productive of evil.


Here the reference is to persons born in signs devoid of bindus in the Moon's Ashtakavarga in their horoscopes.

Stanza 33. Wells and tanks found or dug in directions signified by signs holding many bindus are productive of health. To worship Durga and to pay homage to queens such Rasi Diks are good.


The direction indicated by the sign holding the largest numbers of bindus in the Moon's ashtakavarga is favourable for taking bath, for taking drinks, for digging wells and tanks and for worshipping Goddess Durga or interviewing a queen. One is well advised to set apart one's house or room in the direction suggested above for the purpose of worshipping God.

Mars Ashtakavarga

Stanzas 34 and 35. When Mars transits the bindu-abounding signs in his own Ashtakavarga transactions connected with lands or gold will be favourable. One should set apart a room in such a direction for the worship of God Subrahmanya and for interviewing with the Army Chief or for conducting any transactions relating to lands and gold and for cooking and conducting Homas and vanquishing enemies. When Mars transits a sign having less than 4 bindus it is not auspicious for all the above activities.


In this chart Aries has the highest number of bindus. During the period of transit of Mars in this sign, it would be auspicious to interview military officers or persons in authority. Aries represents east. One can have his kitchen in the eastern part of his house, or have homa performed. When Mars transits Cancer which has the least number of bindu or Pisces which has no bindus the period is not conducive for the activities mentioned above.


  Mars Ashtakavarga 39


Mercury's Ashtakavavga

Stanza 36. In Mercury's Ashtakavarga, if there are no bindus in the 2nd house from Mercury, the native will be mute. If there are 2 or 3 bindus, his words will be Chapala Vak.

Stanza 37. If there are 4 bindus, he will be able to give a suitable reply. If there are 5 or 6, he will talk agreeably and his words will be honoured. If there are 7 bindus, he will be a poet.

Stanza 38. If there are 8 bindus in the 2nd house from Lagna, the person will be unassailable in speech. If there are no bindus in it, he will not be able to speak out his own needs and desires.

Stanzas 39 and 40. If there are bindus contributed by malefics, his speech will be affected and vain glorious. If the bindus contributed are by benefics, he will talk modestly. If the bindu is contributed in the 2nd by the Sun, his speech will be patronising; if by Mars, his speech will be harsh and provocative; if by Mercury, pleasing; if by Jupiter, clear and intelligent; if by Venus, abounds in Puranic stories and ideals; and if by Saturn, mixed up with falsehood.

Stanzas 41 and 42. If the 2nd house from Mercury (in his own Ashtakavarga) has a bindu contributed by the Moon in debilitation or occupying an enemy's house, the native will talk loosely and carelessly this and that. If out of Rahu, Gulika and Ketu, two of them occupy the 2nd house, he will indulge in abusive talk. In assemblies he will only talk rot such as thieving, co-habitation, and ill-reports of others, stories of low-born people and ill-bred persons. If Gulika is in the 2nd, he will talk only scornful words.

Ïðîñìîòðîâ 642

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