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Stanza 66. If the ascendant and the 9th house are similarly disposed, the native will find a treasure trove at the age signified by the number of bindus in the ascendant

Stanza 67. If the bindus in the 11th are greater than those in the 12th, one will become wealthy; if they are less he will become poor. If the bindus in the 11th are more than those in the 10th, the native's gains will be appropriate to the exertions put forth. If not, they will be less.

Stanza 68. Houses having at least the minimum number of bindus indicated in verse 63, and aspected by their respective lords and unafflicted by malefics, will be fruitful of effects. Otherwise the reverse will be the case.

Stanza 69. The sum of the bindus in the 1st, the 5th and the 9th is known as bhanduka; the sum of the bindus in the 2nd, the 6th and the 10th is known as sevaka; the total of the 3rd, the 7th and the 11th is poshaka; the total of the 4th, the 8th and the 12th is ghataka. If ghataka number is greater than the rest, the native will be miserably poor; if it is less than poshaka, one will be wealthy; if bhanduka number is bigger, one will have help from relatives; if it is less, he will have no help from his relatives and friends; and if sevaka is greater benefit from service will be greater for him.

Stanza 70. Add together the bindus of the four signs from Pisces, four signs from Cancer and four signs from Scorpio. Pisces to Gemini, Cancer to Libra and Scorpio to Aquarius represent the 1st, middle and last parts of life. Whichever total of the three sections of life, is greatest, it indicates happiness and prosperity during that period of life. The period of life corresponding to the less number of bindus will be marked by disease and sorrow.

Stanza 71. Kendra, Panapara and Apoklima houses denote the three sections of life. Add together the bindus in each of these sections. That section of life will be happy and prosperous, whose total is the greatest.


In stanza 70, the three sections of life viz., childhood, youth and old age are represented by Pisces to Gemini; Cancer to Libra; and Scorpio to Aquarius. The bindus in each of these sections is to be added together. That section of life — childhood, youth or old age, will be happy, whose total is the greatest. Suppose in a horoscope the 1st, 2nd and last sections get respectively 110, 112 and 115. The happy period of life will be during his old age.

Kendra houses are the 1st, the 4th, the 7th and thelOth; panapara houses are the 2nd, the 5th, the 8th and the 11th; and the apoklima houses are the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and 12th. Total the bindus in respect of the Kendra, Panapara and Apoklima houses. Here that part of life-childhood, middle age and old age-will be happy, the total in the section belonging to which is the highest.

Stanza 72. The total of the bindus in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses is antarbhaga. The total of the bindus in the rest of the houses is bahirbhaga. If antarbhaga number is greater than bahirbhaga, mental peace, attention to all good karmas, education and culture will result. If bahirbhaga is greater than antarbhaga, pomp, vanity, power and misery will be the result.

Stanza 73. Total the bindus from the ascendant to the sign occupied by Saturn, Saturn to the ascendant; ascendant to Mars; and Mars to the ascendant severally. In each case multiply the sum by 7 and divide the product by 27. The quotient will indicate the age when the native will be afflicted by diseases and other misfortunes.


To know the years of misfortune, a simple method is given. Total the number of bindus from the ascendant to the sign occupied by Saturn (i); from the sign occupied by Saturn to ascendant (ii); from the ascendant to the sign occupied by Mars (iii); and from the sign occupied by Mars to the ascendant (iv). Multiply each of these (i, ii, iii and iv) by 7 and divide the product by 27. The age at which one faces troubles correspnnds to the age equal to the quotient. Suppose the total number of bindus in a horoscope from Lagna to Saturn is 229 (i) and from Saturn to Lagna is 158 (ii); from Lagna to Mars is 307 (iii) and from Mars to Lagna is 83 (iv).

i) 229 x 7 / 27 = Quotient 59, Remainder 10

ii) 138 x 7 / 27 = Quotient 40, Remainder 26 iii) 307 x 7 / 27 = Quotient 79, Remainder 16 iv) 83 x 7 / 27 = Quotient 21, Remainder 14

The years of difficult stress, ill-health will be 59, 40, 79 and 21. We can also say that when malefics Saturn, Rahu and Mars transit the constellation signified by the remainder, one faces much trouble, opposition and sorrow. For instance in (I) the remainder is 10 which counted from Aswini gives Makha. When Saturn, Mars and Rahu transit Makha the native is exposed to the happening of unfortunate events.

Stanza 74. In the year represented by the bindus in the unfavourable house occupied by Rahu the native will be affected by poison. Similarly the age shown by Mars will witness surgical operation, and the age shown by Saturn will reveal sorrows and diseases.


Suppose the signs occupied by Rabu, Mars and Saturn have respectively 38, 29 and 30 bindus. It implies that the years 38th, 29th and 30th will respectively indicate hint of getting poisoned, likelihood of undergoing surgery and facing sorrows and diseases. It occurs to me that the evil results suggested can happen only when the planets are afflicted. In my own humble experience the years become significant for the results concerned only when the planets are in the 8th and the 6th. The astrology-student can easily test this principle by studying a number of horoscopes.

Stanza 75. At the age corresponding to the bindus in the signs occupied by Venus and Mercury, the person will enjoy wealth, fame and children; have marriage and mental happiness and acquire education, honour and fame.


If for instance the figure in the sign occupied by Jupiter is say 25, then at the age of 25, the native may beget a child and enjoy wealth and fame. Similarly the indications in regard to Venus and Mercury should be noted. Before these rules are applied one must make sure that the native has the appropriate combinations in the horoscope.

Stanza 76. The Ashtakavarga charts can be applied to the interpretation of Dasa results thus: Mark the Ashtakavarga of the Dasa lord. Divide the Dasa periods into 12 parts. The first (sub) period will be represented by the sign wherein the lord stands. The 2nd sub-period will be the 2nd from the Dasa lord and so on. Thus each sub-period will have the same number of months as Dasa period. The sub-periods of the signs where bindus abound will be good; whereas, the sub-period of the Rasi in which the bindus are less will be generally bad.


I have elaborated this method in my book Ashtakavarga System of Prediction, to which the reader is referred. Generally the results of a sub-period will pertain to the Bhava to which the sign in question has reference. Take for instance the Dasa of Mercury placed in Leo, ascendant being Aquarius. The 12 sub-periods, each of 17 months, will be formed by the sign occupied by Mercury and the subsequent 11 signs. The 1st sub-period indicates the results pertaining to the Bhava it signifies. Here, the ascendant being Aquarius, the results will relate to the 7th house. Depending upon how Mercury is disposed here the results will be good or bad. If in Mercury's Ashtakavarga, Leo has more bindus then results will be happier. If it has no bindus, the 7th house results will be adversely affected.

Stanzas 77 and 78. Bhinnashtakavarga is put to two kinds of reduction. In the matter of Trikona Sodhana or triangular reduction: if in one of the signs that make up the Trikona, the number of bindus is 0, the bindus in the remaining bindus shall be eliminated. If the three signs of a trikona group have bindus, deduct the least number from each of these. If equal number of bindus are in the signs of a triad, eliminate wall. If two signs have no bindus, remove the bindus in the 3rd also.

Stanza 79. After carrying out trikona reduction, the ekadhipatya reduction should be carried out in respect of all signs except Cancer and Leo. If both the signs (owned by the same planet) have the same number of bindus eliminate both the figures. If the bindus in one sign are less than the other, deduct the smaller number from both. If both signs contain planets, do not eliminate the figures.


Stanzas 78 and 79 deal with trikona sadhana (triangular reduction and ekadhipatya sodhana (reduction due to ownership of two signs by a planet).

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius constitute Mesha trikona. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn make up Vrishabha trikona; Gemini, Libra and Aquarius constitute Mithuna trikona and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces belong to Karkataka trikona. Reduction is to be applied to the bindus in each trikona group.

After this the second reductions (ekadhipatya sodhana) is to be done on the basis of the ownership of two signs each by a planet, Cancer and Leo being excepted.

There appears to be some differences amongst classical astrological writers as to how these reductions are to be carried out.

I am not elaborating this subject further as I have dealt with it exhaustively in my Hindu Predictive Astrology and Ashtakavarga System of Prediction with examples. Hence the reader is advised to read these books.

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