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Multiply the number of Arudha sign counted from Aries by 9 and divide the product by 27. The remainder counted from Asvvini will give the Nakshatra at the time of birth

Stanzas 16 and 17. If the ascendant at the time of the query is odd, it is to be inferred the native is born in the first six signs counted from Aries. Here the first 15 degrees is to be allotted to three Rasis, the first 5 is Taurus, the next 5 Gemini and the next 5 to Aries. If the ascendant happens to be in the second half of an odd sign, the birth ascendant is to be Leo, Virgo and Cancer (note the order).

In the case of even signs, the birth ascendant will be one amongst the six counted from Libra.

Here again, the order to be noted is Scorpio, Sagittarius and Libra. If the query ascendant is in the second half of an even sign, the order to be followed is Aquarius, Pisces and Capricorn (5° each).


The principles are simple.

Example: Suppose the query ascendant is 23° in Aries, an odd sign, the birth ascendant is one of the signs from Aries to Virgo. If it is in the second half of an odd sign, the birth ascendant can be either Leo, Virgo or Cancer. The ascendant point has fallen in the 2nd part (20° to 25°) of the second half of the sign. Therefore the ascendant is Virgo.

Stanza 19. From Ashta Mangala number, the year of the birth, month, Nakshatra and Lagna can also be ascertained.

Stanza 20. Keep the Moon's longitude in two places. From one deduct the ascendant point. Add the remainder to the original longitude of the Moon. This can be considered as the Moon's position at the time of birth.

Stanza 21. If the query ascendant is Aries, the birth month is Vaisakha; if Taurus, the month is Jyeshta. In this order we can calculate for the rest, of the signs. Again if Lagna is odd and is aspected by male planets, the birth is in the bright half; if the ascendant sign is even, and is aspected by female planets, then the birth is in the dark half.


If Lagna sign is odd and is aspected by female planets, the strongest should be taken and the paksha fixed.

Stanza 22. If you perceive or hear any signs or sounds, which can be classified under any Drekkana sign, then it is to be inferred that the Sun occupies that Drekkana.

Stanza 23. The sign occupied by the lord of exaltation sign of the lord of Arudha, will be the Moon's position at the time of the querist's birth. The sign occupied by the lord of the debilitation sign of the lord of Arudha will be the birth ascendant. If the questioner happens to sit at the time then take the 7th from query ascendant; if he happens to stand, take the 10th; if he happens to get up, take the ascendant sign itself; and if he is about to sit, take the 4th. Such a sign can be the ascendant at birth.

Stanza 24. In Brihat Jataka, Varahamihira has detailed a method of fixing the birth ascendant in the verse "Hora Navamsa Prathima".

Stanza 25. Count the Decanates from the Drekkana rising at the time of query to the Decanate occupied by the Sun at the time. Expunge multiples of 12. The remainder counted from the rising sign at query will be the rising sign at birth.


This stanza simply gives the methods enumerated by Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka. Two methods are given:

1. The birth Lagna is the Navamsa sign of the query Lagna.

For instance if in the query chart the Navamsa Lagna is Leo, then in the birth chart the Lagna will be Leo.

2. Take the Drekkana of the ascendant in the query chart. Count from it till the Drekkana occupied by the Sun. Note the number of Drekkanas, expunge multiples of 12. The remainder counted from the query ascendant gives the birth ascendant.

Example: The 2nd Drekkana of Taurus rises at the time of query and the Sun is in the 3rd in Libra, The number of Drekkanas intervening between these two is — Taurus 2, Gemini 3, Cancer 3, Leo 3, Virgo 3 and Libra 3 — total 17. Expunging the multiples of 12, the remainder is 5, which counted from Taurus gives Virgo as the birth ascendant.

Stanza 26. According as the rising Drekkana at the query time is the 1st, the 2nd or the 3rd, Jupiter at birth will be in the ascendant sign or the 5th or the 9th from it. Or Jupiter will be in the sign of the Drekkana held by him, or the 5th or the 9th from it.


This stanza appears at first sight to be somewhat confusing. Jupiter's position at birth is ascertained on the basis of the sign rising at the time of the query.

Example: Suppose the rising sign at query is 22° Aquarius, which means the third Drekkana. This means Jupiter at birth is in the 9th from the rising sign, viz., Libra.

In the query chart if Jupiter is in the 1st Drekkana, in the birth chart he will be in the same sign; if in the 2nd Drekkana, in the 5th from his query position; in the 3rd, in the 9th sign from his own query position.

Stanza 27. The Janma Kala Guru can be considered to be the Dwadasamsa Rasi of Udaya Lagna. The Dwadasamsa sign of the ascendant at query will be the sign occupied by Jupiter. Taking into consideration the body-build of the querist and the 12-year cycle of Jupiter, his radical position can be fixed.


A parivartana or cycle of Jupiter takes roughly 12 years. To ascertain the number of revolutions which Jupiter had passed in the querists case, the planet that occupies the ascendant at query has to be looked into. If it is the Moon, the number is 1, Mars — 2, Mercury — 3, Venus — 4; Jupiter — 5, the Sun — 6, Saturn — 7. If there is more than one planet in the ascendant, the strongest planet must be taken and the number of revolutions completed fixed. The Moon in Lagna denotes 12 years, Mars 24 years, Mercury 86 years, etc., in this order. If there are no planets in Lagna, the number of revolutions should be fixed from the lord of the Lagna. By looking at the physical characteristics of the man, the number of revolutions can be verified.

Stanza 28. One Rasi - three Drekkanas; one Drekkana = 10 degrees; 1/12 Drekkana = 50 minutes (Drekkana Dwadasamsa). Find out which Dwadasamsa of the Drekkana, the query ascendant occupies. Count that number from the ascendant and Jupiter will be in the sign.so arrived at, at the time of birth. According as the query ascendant is in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Drekkana, Jupiter at birth will occupy the Navamsa sign of the query ascendant, or the 5th, or the 9th from it. The 10th house from the Navamsa of the Moon at the time of query will be the position of the Sun at the time of birth.

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