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Sign or Navamsa Sign Signification

Aries Dhatu and Karma

Taurus Moola and Bhoga

Gemini Jeeva and Nasa

Cancer Dhatu and Karma

Leo Moola and Bhoga

Virgo Jeeva and Nasa

Libra Dhatu and Karma

Scorpio Moola and Bhoga

Sagittarius Jeeva and Nasa

Capricorn Dhatu and Karma

Aquarius Moola and Bboga

Pisces Jeeva and Nasa


The constellations also signify:

Aswini Bharani Krittika Dhatu and Karma
Rohini Mrigasira Aridra Moola and Bhoga
Punarvasu Pushyami Aslesha Jeeva and Nasa
Makha Pubba Uttara Dhatu and Karma
Hasta China Swati Moola and Bhoga
Visakha Anuradha Jyeshta Jeeva and Nasa
Moola Poorvashadha Uttarashadha Dhatu and Karma
Sravana Dhanishta Satabhisha Moola and Bhoga
Poorvabhadra Uttarabhadra Revati Jeeva and Nasa


Stanza 24. Again a sign itself can be divided into three parts, viz., Karma, Bhoga and Nasa. The first Drekkana is Karma; the second, Bhoga and the third is Nasa. Hence the first part of Aries is Karma Dhatu, the 2nd part Bhoga Dhatu and the 3rd part Nasa Dhatu. The first part of Taurus is Karma Moola, 2nd part is Bhoga Moola, 3rd part is Nasa Moola. The first part of Gemini is Karma Jeeva, 2nd part Bhoga Jeeva, 3rd part Nasa Jeeva. With regard to other signs we have to proceed in this way. This is the view of the learned ia the science.

Stanza 25. With regard to odd Navamsa, Chara Rasi amsas are Dhatu, Sthira Rasi amsas are Moola and Ubhaya Rasi amsas are Jeeva. In regard to even Navamsas, the reverse holds good, viz., Chara — Jeeva, Sthira — Moola and Ubhaya — Nasa Dhatus.


This stanza deals with the rulership of Dhatu, Moola and Jeeva, in regard to Navamsa signs. An odd Navamsa may happen to be chara or moveable (example Aries Navamsa Rasi) or common (e.g. Gemini Navamsa Rasi). An even Navamsa can be sthira (e g. Taurus) or Chara (e.g. Cancer). Hence according to this stanza when the Navamsa is odd, Chara Rasi amsas signify Dhatu, Sthira Rasi amsas Moola and Ubhaya Rasi amsas Jeeva.


Navamsa Rasi Its Nature Indication
Aries — odd Chara — moveable Dhatu
Taurus — even Sthira — fixed Moola
Gemini — odd Ubhaya — common Jeeva
Cancer — even Chara — moveable Jeeva
Leo — odd Sthira — fixed Moola
Virgo — even Ubhaya — common Dhatu
Libra — odd Chara — moveable Dhatu
Scorpio — even Sthira — fixed Moola
Sagittarius — odd Ubhaya — common Jeeva
Capricorn — even Chara — moveable Jeeva
Aquarius — odd Sthira — fixed Moola
Pisces — even Ubhaya — common Dhatu


Stanza 26. If Arudha Lagna, Navamsa, the planet that occupies Arudha and the Arudha Nakshatra, happen to be Dhatu, then the stolen wealth is iron, stone, copper, earth, bronze, gold, silver, lead — minerals as such. If in the Dhatu Rasi, the Navamsa, the asterism and the conjoined planet signify Moola, the stolen article is made of roots or treasure. If in the Dbatu Rasi, the Navamsa, the asterism and the joining planet are Jeeva, then images and idols made of metals are the stolen articles.

Stanza 27. If all the factors involved signify the Moola, it indicates vegetables, sprouts and fruits. If the Rasi signifies Moola and the rest of the factors signify Dhatu, it is jaggery, dry fuel, clothes and all burnt things. If the Rasi is Moola and the other factors are Jeeva, then images made of wood and animals living in the holes of trees, parrots, nests, cowshed, etc., are indicated.

Stanza 28. If the sign and the other factors are Jeeva it indicates elephants and other animals, governesses who take care of children, pregnant women, shepherds, etc. If the Rasi is jeeva and the remaining factors are Dbatu, things indicated aie half-burnt things, corpses and bones. If the Rasi is Jeeva and the others signify Moola, the things indicated are claws of tigers, skins, hair of animals, tusk of an elephant, horns and woollen blankets.

Stanza 29. Aries governs Dhatus, as gold, coins (pana), silver, copper, lead lamps and vessels and iron.

Stanza 30. Taurus governs Moola such as clothes, trousers, hats, hard dress, sandal, all things made of cotton, beds, pillows, etc.

Stanza 31. Gemini has governance over Jeeva such as snakes and bears, wild flies and bees, rats, wild cats, etc., etc. Cancer governs Dhatus as pick axe, swords and other weapons. Capricorn is also similar to Cancer.

Stanza 32. Leo governs Moola — roots, rice plants, chunna, betel leaf, blackgram, littlegram, plantains, jack fruits and mangoes. Virgo governs Jeeva — as all flesh used by women while eating. Libra rules Dhatu — as butter milk, milk, curd, skins, blankets.

Stanza 33. Scorpio governs Moola — as family of fruits and roots, poisonous planets, pepper, liquor and opium, etc. The first half of Sagittarius indicates human vargas and the 2nd half elephants, horses, snakes and cocks. Aquarius is similar to Leo. And Pisces has all those things given for Gemini besides serpents and fishes. The lost articles should be ascertained on the basis of Arudha and Navamsa.

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