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Stanza 7. In Arya Saptati, it is stated that the appearance and caste of the thief will be exactly similar to that of the lord of the ascendant

Stanza 8. According to Madhava, the 6th house is to be considered to identify the thief. The planet that occupies the 6th house or the lord of the 6th reveals the caste, name and appearance of the thief.

Stanza 9. If the planet involved occupies his own sign or Navamsa, then the wealth has not been stolen, it is still there. If the planet occupies the sign or Navamsa of a foe, then the wealth is in the house of his foes; similarly if a planet occupies a friendly sign or Navamsa, the stolen wealth is in the possession of friends or relations. If the planet is exalted or in exalted Navamsa, then it is in the hands of a rich man; if it is debilitated or in debilitated Navamsa, it is in the hands of a low-born man. The details can be read from Arudha and Navamsa Lagna.


Of the three viz., the lord of the ascendant, the lord of the Navamsa Lagna and the lord of the Bhava concerned, the last is the most powerful in awarding the results.

Stanza 10. The stolen property is in the direction signified by Arudha. If there is a planet in Arudha, that can be taken into consideration. The direction is to be ascertained on the basis of the verse in Brihat Jataka "pragadeesaha''. If Arudha is a moveable sign, property lies far off; if it is a fixed sign, it is near and if it is a common sign, the property is neither far away nor nearby.

Stanza 11. If the ascendant is strong, the stolen wealth is in the direction signified by it. If it is not strong, the direction is to be ascertained from the planet aspecting the ascendant. According as the ascendant is a moveable, a fixed or a common sign, the wealth is passing from hand to hand, is in a fixed place, or is in a neighbouring house or village.

Stanza 12. If the ascendant or Navamsa is a fixed sign or the ascendant is vargottama, then the thief is one amongst the household. Otherwise the thief is an outsider. If the ascendant or the Navamsa is a common sign without being vargottama, the thief hails from the neighbourhood.

Stanza 13. According as Arudha is a diurnal or nocturnal sign the theft took place in broad daylight or in the night.

Stanza 14. If Arudha is Aries, the stolen wealth is in meadows and pasture lands or places where goats roam; if Taurus, places where oxen wander about or prefer to live; if Gemini, a solitary place, sleeping room or a private parlour; if Cancer, places where crabs live or in crevices; if Leo, forests, caves and hilly tracts; if Virgo, places where vegetables, trees and plants grow in large numbers, and watery places; if Libra, market places, open bazaars, etc.

Stanza 15. If the Arudha is Scorpio, the stolen property will be in caves, burial grounds or hollows; if Sagittarius, the battle ground and king's residence; if Capricorn forests, banks of of rivers, places inhabited by aboriginal tribes; if Aquarius, the kitchen, potter's house, etc.; and if Pisces, holy temples and Brahmin's houses.


Planetary Indications of Theft

Stanza 16. If Jupiter aspects or joins the ascendant, the stolen article will be in cowsheds, home of preceptors, temples, houses of chaste women. Venus indicates the sleeping room, gardens, water tanks, houses of beautiful damsels; places where garlands, flowers, ointment are kept safe. Mars governs kitchen and houses of carpenters. The Sun signifies houses of quarrelling women, houses of beautiful women in the prime of their youth, watery spots. Divide the Rasi where Jupiter stands into 4 parts of 7 1/2 degrees each. If the planet occupies the first part, say, it is a cowshed; the 2nd part, home of preceptors; the third part, temples and the fourth part, houses of chaste women.

Stanza 17. The Moon denotes the house of the dancing girl, watery places, neighbourhood of lakes or seas. Mercury governs houses of young and youthful women, houses of strong women, houses of beautiful damsels. Saturn governs houses of old ladies, places where broken vessels are thrown away, places where vessels in which flesh is cooked, washed or kept; muddy and airy and marshy spots. The exact spot can be identified by dividing the Lagna as per the method suggested in Krishneeya.


The place a stolen article is deposited in can be ascertained by noting the planet occupying the Arudha Lagna. For instance according to stanza 16, if Jupiter is in Arudha, the places will be (a) cowsheds or (b) residences of preceptors or temples or houses of chaste women. Which is the exact locality ? For ascertaining this, divide the Arudha sign into 4 parts and see in which part Jupiter is located. Suppose Jupiter is in Scorpio 13°. This will be the 2nd part which means the house of a preceptor. Take the Sun again; if he is in Arudha, the article of theft will have been kept in (a) houses of quarrelling women, (b) or houses of beautiful and young women or (c) watery spots. In this case the ascendant is to be divided into 3 parts. If the Sun is, say 25°, which means the 3rd part, the article will be found placed in some watery spot.

Stanza 18. The number of stolen articles is to be determined as follows: If it is Aries 7, Taurus 5, Gemini 12, Cancer 6, Leo 8, Virgo 6, Libra 7, Scorpio 7, Sagittarius 13, Capricorn 10, Aquarius 6, and Pisces 15. The sign that has revealed the stolen articles is to be looked into and the number as given in the stanza should be ascertained. The colour of Arudha sign reveals the colour of the stolen thing. Regarding this, there is a difference of opinion.


The practical application of this method is somewhat ambiguous. For example: if the sign signifying the theft of the articles is Aries, the number is 7. It is possible that I may not have understood the meaning of the verse correctly.

Stanza 19. From Aries to Leo — the colour has to be taken according to the verse in Brihat Jataka* rakta, sweta, suka tanu nibhah. Virgo governs variegated colours, Libra — white colour, Scorpio and Aquarius — black or dark colour, Sagittarius — golden colour, Capricorn — pinjala colour and Pisces — sky-blue.


According to the stanza referred to in stanza 19, the colours of the 12 signs are respectively: Aries red, Taurus — white, Gemini — green, Cancer — pink, Leo — pale white, Virgo — pie bald, Libra — black, Scorpio — golden; Sagittarius — yellowish; Capricorn — variegated; Aquarius — deep brown; and Pisces — white.

Stanza 20. The rasmis or rays contributed by the different planets are respectively: the Sun 30, the Moon 28, Mars 8, Mercury 6, Jupiter 9, Venus 7, Saturn 3, and Rahu and Ketu 2 each. The rasmis of the planets joining or aspecting the ascendant indicate the number of articles lost in theft.


If Arudha is stronger than the Ascendant, then the rasmis of the planets joining the former should be considered. Wherever the word Lagna is used, it automatically implies the strongest of the Arudha and Lagna.

Stanza 21. If the Sun, Mars or Mercury aspect the Moon, then the stolen wealth is buried underground; if Jupiter aspects the Moon, the stolen wealth is kept suspended in some elevated spot; if Venus, it is hidden under water; if Saturn, it is kept open exposed to the winds. If the Moon is not aspected or associated by any planet, then the lost article will be, on the basis of Arudha sign, kept in a vessel made of Dhalu, Moola or Jeeva as indicated by the Arudha sign.


If Arudha is urdhwamukha, it is high in the air; if it is adhomukha, it is low in the ground. The nature of the wealth and when it was stolen, can be given from the planet that aspects Arudha.

Stanza 22. Aries and its quadrants, Taurus and its quadrants, Gemini and its quadrants represent respectively Dhatu and Karma, Moola and Bhoga and Jeeva and Nasa. Navamsa Rasis also signify Dhatu and Moola as above.

Stanza 23. Constellations from Aswini and onwards represent in groups of three respectively Dhatu and Karma, Moola and Bhoga and Jeeva and Nasa. Of the planets, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu signify Dhatu; the Sun and Venus, Moola; and Mercury and Jupiter, Jeeva.


Zodiacal signs and constellations are said to represent Dhatu, Moola, etc. as follows:

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