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Stanza 95. If Rahu and Saturn occupy watery signs, the rains will be enjoyable. If these are aspected by the Moon and Venus, rains will be very heavy causing harm

Stanzas 96 and 97. Pisces, Cancer, the latter part of Capricorn, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Virgo and Aquarius are watery signs. Amongst planets, the Moon and Venus are aquatic ones. Mercury and Jupiter in aquatic signs are watery. The Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu in watery signs cause a small quantity of rainfall.

Thus ends the Chapter XXV


Koopa Prasna


Stanza 1. In this chapter, I shall be detailing 'Kupa Prasna', explaining whether water can be had if a well is dug at a particular place.

Stanza 2. According to some, the best time for digging wells is four months from Capricorn while according to some others, it should be done in the month of Pisces and 3 months succeeding it.

Stanza 3. By a careful scrutiny of snake-hills, trees, grass and certain fruits, and by Kupa Prasna, whether a water layer can be discovered in a certain spot, can be known beforehand. The time for examining it has been given in the last verse. The time must be such that there should be no difficulty in testing the nature of the soil.

Stanza 4. When a query is made regarding this, one should see whether there is water or any watery substance near, or whether the first letter, in the prasna, is a jala akshara (watery alphabet) or whether the rising sign, Arudha and the planets are strong and favourable, or whether any indications suggest the presence of water.

Stanzas 5 and 6. If at the time of query, a dog-eater, (chandala), dancing girl, a person who has lost his wealth, a Brahmin or a kirata (a mountaineer) is seen; or if a rainbow is observed in the sky, then drinking water can be had in the place selected. The water will be from an old well buried underground. If the questioner happens to touch his neck or his face, at the time of the question, there will be water in the selected spot. If he touches his ears, water can be used after performing the necessary purificatory measures. If not, people will fall in the well and die.

Stanza 7. Whether there is water underground is to be ascertained from the following yogas, on the basis of the query time.

Stanza 8. If the ascendant is a moveable sign and Rahu and the Moon join it, there will be water in the selected spot. When the Sun occupies the 10th and Jupiter occupies the 4th, there will be water.

Stanza 9. When the Moon occupies the ascendant happening to be a watery sign, there will be water. When a malefic is in the 4th and the Moon joins the ascendant, there will be underground water.

Stanza 10. If the Moon is in Pisces, aspected by Jupiter and Venus and Arudha is Virgo; if Virgo being Arudha is hemmed in between the Moon and Venus, water will be discovered.

Stanza 11. If Capricorn rises, Venus is in Libra, Jupiter is in Pisces and the Moon is in Cancer, or Mercury and Rahu combine in the same sign and the Moon is in Gemini, there will be water in the selected spot.

Stanza 12. If Venus and the Moon are exalted and aspected by debilitated planets or the Arudha or the ascendant is Taurus occupied by the Moon, there will be an old well buried underground.

Stanza 13. When Lagna is a fixed sign occupied by Venus and Saturn or the Moon is in Leo and Arudba is a watery sign, there will be only some water in the well.

Stanza 14. When Arudha is Pisces, the Moon is in Virgo and Jupiter occupies Gemini, there will be water. Thus we have 13 yogas, besides two given in the verses 13 and 14. Indications of having an old well are also given.

Stanza 15. There will be no water in the well dug, if the Moon is in Taurus and Rahu is in Scorpio.

Stanza 16. From the above yogas, indications and other sources of information, if you come to conclude that water is available, then the direction where the well is to be dug can be known from the following.

Stanza 17. If at the time of query the questioner feels the left side of his body, it means water can be located in the south-west; any organ above the neck, in the north-east; the right side of his body and any organ below the neck, north-west.

Stanza 18. If he touches any bony spot in his body, no water can be found; and other spots of body are favourable for getting water. A fleshy spot indicates water in a miry muddy spot; forehead denotes a rocky place.

Stanza 19. After examining these general signs and yogas, if one concludes that there is water, then a Chandra Gupti Chakra is to be drawn and the direction determined.

Stanzas 20, 21, 22 and 23. One should seat comfortably facing the east if the Prasna Rekha and the diagram (chakra) to be drawn is from the morning till noon; south from noon to sunset; west from sunset to midnight; and north from midnight to next sunrise.

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