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Stanza 73. If shedding tears, sniffing, water dipping through the nose or entering into a watery spot is perceived, there will be heavy rainfall

Stanza 74. If at the time a halo is observed round the Sun or the Moon, or the sky is darkened by clouds, there will be a great downpour. The direction where the rains will pour is to be ascertained by noting carefully the side of the questioner in which wetness is observed.

Stanza 75. If at the time of the query articles such as liquor, butter, a pregnant woman, vessel containing water, he-buffalo, elephant, Brahmin, are sighted, there will be rains.

Stanza 76. If the questioner happens to touch his face, eyes, testicles, etc., or when he excretes urine at the time of the query, there will be rain.

Stanzas 77 and 78. Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus, Libra and Scorpio are watery signs. From Pisces to Scorpio in the above order the watery signs become less and less watery. The remaining ones are non-watery. The Moon and Venus are watery planets. Mercury and Jupiter in watery signs are aquatic.

Stanza 79. In a query bearing on rainfall, the Sun and Mars, the Moon and Venus and Mercury and Jupiter in pairs respectively indicate no rain immediately, heavy rains and moderate rains.

Stanza 80. If the first letter in the question happens to be ghosha letters or a long vowel, there will be rain immediately; if it is khara or atikhara or anunasika, there will be no rain.


The vargas are given below.


Vargas Khara Atikhara Mridu Ghosha Anunasika
Ka-Varga ka kha ga gha nga
Cha „ cha chcha ja jha jna
Ta „ ta tta da dha na
Tha ,, tha ttha da dha Na
Pa „ pa pha ba bha ma


Suppose the 1st letter in the query is ma. It falls under anunasika, which means there will be no rain.

Stanza 81. If a watery planet occupies a non-watery sign, there will be rain soon. If a non-watery planet occupies a watery sign, there will be rain after some delay. A watery planet in a watery sign brings in regular rains. A non-watery planet in a non-watery sign brings in no rain.

Stanza 82. What is said above is applicable to Kupa Prasna (digging wells) also. In a query bearing on rainfall it can also be used. Here adha means soon or below and upari means at the top or in the end.

Stanza 83. In the bright half of the month, if benefics occupy the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th houses which should be watery signs, or the Moon is in an aquatic sign, there will be rain.

Stanza 84. If at the time of prasna, the 2nd or the 3rd house happens to be a watery sign, then within 20 days the rains will be so heavy that floods will rise up in rivers.

Stanza 85. If at the time of query (in the rainy season) Saturn and Mars are in the 7th house from the Sun or the Moon, or in the 4th or 8th or the 2nd or the 3rd from the ascendant, there will be copious rains.


In another version of the Mss. we find sitarki (Venus and Saturn) instead of vakrarki (Mars and Saturn). Venus can never occupy the 7th from the Sun.

Stanza 86. If at the time of a query about rain during the rainy season, the Moon is in the ascendant which should be a watery sign; or in the bright half the Moon is in a quadrant, there will be rain all of a sudden. According as a benefic or a malefic aspects the Moon, the rain will be very heavy, or scarce. By substituting Venus in the place of the Moon similar results can be predicted.

Stanza 87. In a query regarding floods, if the Moon or Mercury or Jupiter or Venus aspected by benefics occupies the ascendant or a quadrant, there will be high floods.

Stanza 88. If the planets mentioned in the above verse are aspected by malefics or are joined by them, the rains will be very little. If the Arudha or Chatra is a watery sign and has in it a watery planet, there will be heavy rain.


It is said that stanza 87 is to be applied for predicting floods, which follow as a consequence, heavy rains. If the benefics referred to are in the 4th, floods are said to result from springs and wells; in the 7th, rivers will swell resulting in floods; and in the 10th floods will be due to heavy rains. Malefic planets affecting the benefics obstruct rainfall. If either the Arudha Rasi or Chatra Rasi happens to be watery, then also heavy rainfall can be expected.

Stanza 89. The 4th governs the water underground as in springs or wells, the 7th governs the water in rivers and the 10th governs the water due to rains.

Stanzas 90 and 91. Though the above-mentioned signs and combinations indicate heavy rains, if the ascendant has the associatian or aspect or Navamsa or Drekkana of Mercury, there will be no rains, being disturbed by winds. If Mars, Mercury, Saturn or Rahu occupies quadrants, rains will be quickly dissipated by adverse storms and cyclones.

Stanza 92. If the ascendant which should be a watery sign is occupied by the Moon and Venus or if Arudha aspected by Venus and the Moon happens to be a watery sign, there will be rains.

Stanza 93. If Arudha, the rising sign, and Chatra sign, all the three, happen to be Prishtodaya signs, then there will be rain. If at that time Venus and the Moon are in exaltation, the rains will continue for the whole of that day.

Stanza 94. If Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu occupy quadrants, there will be no rains, being disturbed by adverse winds. If they are associated with benefics, there will be some rain.

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