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Stanza 32. Pearls of thunder crash in the night time; deep red flashes of lightening are observed during day time, cold winds blow from the East

Stanza 33. Young sprouting leaves raise their beads high, birds freely bathe in water or in dust, serpents bask in the sunshine lying on grass.

Stanza 34. Clouds assume the colour of peacock, parrot, wild crow, or chataka bird and seem to have the shape of waves, hills, tortoise, pigs and fishes.

Stanza 35. A rainbow at sunrise or at sunset, a thick line like that of an iron pebble is seen, the mock Sun, flashes of lightening, a halo straight and rainbow coloured Parivesha.

Stanza 36. A rising bundle of Sun's rays shoot-out justlike hills, clouds come closer to the earth, with thunder and lightning.

Stanza 37. Water becomes tasteless, the sky gets the colour of the cow's eyes, a glow in the 8 Diks, salt melts, the heavens get a glow just like that of crow's eggs, winds come to a standstill, frogs croak and fishes spring up above water.


Stanzas 32 to 37 give other indicative signs for immediate rainfall.

Stanza 38. When God Subramanya was asked to explain the various signs of rainfall, the reply given by the God is given below.

Stanza 39. If the first of the lunar month Chaitra happens to be a Sunday, there will be no rains in the first part of the year. During the 2nd part, the rains will be unevenly distributed. If it is Monday, rains will begin late and continue in abundance. If it is Tuesday, it will rain on hilly tracts.

Stanza 40. If it is Wedneday, there will be good rains. Thursday brings in a deluge and consequent calamities. Friday brings in prosperity though rains are deficient; and Saturday causes diseases, loss of crops and high morality.

Stanza 41. Rainfall to be predicted on the basis of different week days falling on the 1st day of Chaitra has been explained. The effects of the asterism falling in Capricorn and Aries ingresses will be now dealt with.

Stanzas 42 to 44. When the Sun enters Aries or Capricorn in the asterism of Aswini, seasonal rains will be normal; Bharani, good crops, though many calamities may hit the people; Krittika, little rainfall and more oppression of the rulers; Rohini, rain in the beginning and destruction of cattle; Mrigasira, little rain in the beginning and good rains subsequently; Aridra, copious rains and some destruction of crops; Punarvasu, rains in the beginning, disease to cattle and men; Pushyami, plenty of rains and trouble from bad characters; Aslesha, excessive rains, fear from thieves and danger of war; Makha, plentiful rains, fear from rulers and destruction to crops; Pubba and Uttara, destruction to enemies, afflictions to Brahmins and Sudras and plentiful crops.

Stanzas 45 and 46. When the Sun enters Aries or Capricorn in the constellation of Hasta, prosperity and good health are indicated; Chitta, little rain, good health and calamities; Swatj, plentiful rains and prosperity in the country; Visakha, rains here and there, general prosperity in the country, and affliction to Sudras; Anuradha and Jyeshta, ruin to crops, good rains; Moola, diseases to cattle and men, obstruction to the performance of rituals by Brahmins, and heavy rains.

Stanzas 47, 48 and 49. When the Sun enters Aries or Capricorn in the constellation of Poorva-shadha, there will be good crops, heavy rainfall and ruin in the end; Uttarashadha, scarcity of rains; Sravana, rains and crops plentiful; Dhanishta, rains in the beginning, destruction of crops and drought in the end; Satabhisha, heavy rains and plentiful availability of inferior grains; Poorvabhadra, good rainfall; Uttarabhadra, little rainfall, people devoid of good actions and mental anguish; and Revati, no rains at the proper seasons and still no famines.

Stanzas 50 to 54. If the Sun's entry into Aries occurs on the 1st lunar day, there will be no rains; the 2nd and 3rd lunar days, no increase of crops though there will be rains; 4th, excessive downpour, calamities and floods; 5th, heavy rains and good crops; 6th, heavy fighting in the country; 7th, troubles from kings though there will be ordinary rains and damage to grain; in the 8th, proper rains and prosperous crops; the 9th, good crops and many calamities; 10th, heavy rains, calamities and misery; 11th, good rains, increase of inferior grains and secondary calamities to the people; 12th and 13th, scarcity of rain; and troubles from thieves; 14th, downpour at the beginning, but no rains after 12 days; and new Moon or full Moon, quarrels and wars, copious rains, increase of crops.

Stanzas 55 to 59. The results of the Sun's entry into Aries and various Karanas are: Bava, great rains and ills to the country and increase of crops; Vyaghra, rains at the proper seasons, affliction to cows and famine conditions; Kaulava, uneven, ill-distributed rainfall and ills of different sorts; Khara, increase of cows, wealth and grains, rains will be excessive for 12 days; Gara, heavy rains only in the beginning of the year; Vanija, no rain in the beginning, but excessive rains at the end of the year and outbreak of diseases; Vishti, diseases to cows, increase of crops, proper rains and calamities to the people; Sakuna, same as Vishti, but more intense in evil; Chatushpada, deluge and loss of crops; Naga, copious rains and increase of crops; and Kimsthugna, rains at the proper time, little loss to crops but in the end grains grow plentifully.

Stanzas 60 and 61. If at the time of the Sun's ingress into Aries, Aries, Libra or Scorpio rises, scarcity of rains will be the result; if Leo, uneven distribution of rains; if Scorpio, rains will be moderate; in the remaining signs, the effects will be copious rains and general prosperity. But if Virgo rises, rains will be little and crops poor.

Stanzas 62, 63 and 64. If the Sun occupies the ascendant at the time of the solar ingress into Aries, proper rains though late will occur; if the Moon is in the ascendant, there will be plentiful rains and crops; if Mars, no rains in the beginning or the end; if Mercury, there will be he,avy rains, if the sign is watery. Otherwise rains will be very deficient; if Jupiter, no rain in the beginning but only a little loss to crops; if Venus, rains at improper seasons, great war, calamities to rulers, diseases to cattle, good crop-yield and prosperity to the people; if Saturn, scarcity of rains, affliction from thieves and other troubles and general depression; and Rahu or Ketu in a watery sign, plenty of rains.

Stanza 65. If the rising sign at the time of the Sun's entry into Aries is afflicted by more flaws (doshas) such as the presence of Gulika, etc., there will be no rains and famine conditions will prevail in the land.

Stanza 66. If the ascendant at the time of the Sun's entry into Aries happens to be a watery sign and is aspected by watery planets, there will be proper rains. If the sign is a fiery one and is associated with or aspected by fiery planets, there will be no rain.

Stanza 57. By studying the solar ingress into Aries the effects for one full year can be predicted. By examining the monthly ingress the effects of the month can be predicted. If the ascendant at the time of the solar entry is associated with or aspected by benefic planets, there will be good rains and favourable crops during the year or the month concerned. If the ascendant is afflicted by malefics, there will be no rains and consequent failure of crops.

Stanzas 68 to 70. When the solar ingress happens to fall on days ruled by the asterisms Rohini, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Uttarashadha, Abhijit, Sravana, Dhanishta, the year is known as Indra Mandala. The year will be happy and prosperous. When the ingress falls on days ruled by Bharani, Krittika, Pushyami, Makha, Pubba, Visakha and Poorvabhadra, the year is known as Agni Mandala, The effect will be fear from fire, poverty everywhere, crops fail and autumn crops are destroyed. When the ingress falls on days ruled by Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Uttara, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, then the year has Vayu Mandala. Fear from kings, storms and scarcity of rains will be the result. When the ingress occurs on days ruled by Aridra, Aslesha, Moola, Poorvashadha, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra or Revati, then the year has Varuna Mandala. Good rains and general prosperity will ensue.

Stanza 71. If the Sun happens to be in Kimsthugna, Kola or Sakuna the Sankramana Purusha is said to be in sthiti (or stability). The effect will be great rise in prices. If the Sankramana Purusha happens to be in Naga, Gaja, Khara or Chathushpada, then he is said to be in 'Nishanna' or 'stationary'. The effect will be moderate prices. If the Purusha happens to be in Vyaghra, Vishti, Simha and Gara, he is injhe state of sayana or sleep. Prices will be low.

Stanza 72. When a query regarding rains is made, the following, if seen or felt, indicates that there will be rains. The questioner touches any watery things as wet clothes, water, aquatic plants, fruits, etc.; he stands near a watery place, bathes in water, drinks water; any sound expressing water and watery substance is heard.

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