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Stanza 197. We have given something regarding Yuddha Prasna. More details can be had from other works and the results of war predicted


Mrigaya Prasna

Stanza 198. If the 8th house happens to be owned by Mars or occupied by him, or if Mars is posited in a kendra, a pig with its young ones will be shot dead. If the Sun occupies a kendra, a tiger will be shot dead. If Venus occupies the 1st, 8th or 11th and Mercury is in a quadrant, no animal can be shot dead. If Venus occupies the 1st, 8th or 11th and Mars is in a quadrant, a pig will be shot but it will escape.

Stanza 199. If the ascendant is a moveable sign occupied by Mars, Gulika is posited in the 8th and Saturn stands in the 4th, a pig will be captured in the hunt.

Stanza 200. The Sun, Saturn, Mars and Rahu occupying the 4th, 7th, the ascendant and the 10th indicates the death of many animals in the hunt.

Stanza 201. When malefics occupy moveable signs and benefics are in fixed signs and Gulika is in the 3rd, many animals such as tigers, etc., will be killed.

Stanza 202. If malefics occupy kendras or quadrants, the 5th or the 9th, Mandi is posited in the 3rd, and Capricorn happens to rise, animals will be captured in the hunt. When the Moon and Mars are in the 8th, Gulika is in the 3rd, and Yamakantaka occupies the 9th a pregnant animal will be killed. The nature and kind of the animals are to be ascertained from the rising decanate.

Stanza 203. That which helps the easy killing or capture of animals in a hunt is the elevation or depression of the ground. This can be known from the Rasi or planet. The number of animals to be captured should be ascertained from the number of planets in combustion, in debilitation, or in inimical places.

Stanza 204. In Sara Samgraha, animals have been classified under various heads as bipeds, quadrupeds, etc., and planets also have been allotted relationships to animals. They are given below: —

Stanza 205. The Sun governs lion and other superior animals; the Moon, hare and other gentle animals; Mars, tiger, leopard and such cruel animals; Mercury, pig and hog; Jupiter, elephant and horse; Venus, deer and stag; Saturn, donkey and camel and Rahu, creeping animals as godha. The Sun and Saturn govern bipeds, the Moon and Mercury, six-legged animals, Mars and Jupiter quadrupeds and Venus and Rahu, 8 legged animals.

Stanza 206. According to some authors, the Sun governs lion; the Moon, hare; Mars, tiger; Mercury, pig; Jupiter, wild elephant; Venus, small animals; Saturn, animals that live on thorns, etc., as camel; and Rahu, creeping and crawling ones such as snakes.

Stanza 207. Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius govern quadrupeds. We shall now describe the animals as given in Krishneeya.

Stanzas 208 to 211. The Sun in Sagittarius indicates elephant; in Leo, lion; in Taurus, deer and stag; when the Moon is in Sagittarius, it is horse; in Leo, lion; in Aries, goats; in Taurus, oxen and cows. When Mars occupies Sagittarius, it is horse; Leo, tiger; Aries, goats; and Taurus, oxen. When Mercury is in Sagittarius, Leo, Aries or Taurus, it means hog and monkey. Jupiter in Sagittarius means horse; in Leo, camel; in Aries and Taurus, camel and donkey. When Venus occupies Sagittarius it is horse; Leo and Aries, elephant and donkey; and Taurus, wild ox. When Saturn occupies Sagittarius, it means elephant; in Leo, baboon (monkey); in Aries, he-buffalo; in Taurus, she-buffalo.

Stanza 212. Planets that occupy quadrants and trines indicate animals that could be seen while hunting, while that planet which is joined with Gulika indicates the animal to have been shot dead.

Thus ends the Chapter XXIV




Stanza 1. At the time of the solar ingress into Gemini, when the Moon occupies a watery Navarasa and Venus is in the 2nd or 12th from the Sun, there will be copious rains. When the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are in watery signs and Mercury and Venus conjoin in a fixed sign, there will be very heavy rains.

Stanza 2. When the Sun, Mercury and Venus occupy the same sign and the same Navamsa, there will be heavy rains. But if the sign and Navamsa happen to be watery, the rains will be all the more heavy.

Stanza 3. When Mercury and Venus occupy the same sign and the same Navamsa and in combustion, and Venus happens to be behind Mars, then also there will be plentiful rains.

Stanza 4. If the Sun is in an earthy sign and the Moon, Mercury and Venus occupy watery vargas, and at that time if a. rainbow is seen in the western sky, then also there will be plentiful rains.


If a planet occupies a watery sign in the Navamsa, Drekkana, etc., it means it is in watery vargas.

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