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Stanza 129. The 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 10th signs from the birth-ascendant and radical Moon of the native are auspicious for the journey


According to some the ascendant at the time of the journey could also be the sign of the native's ascendant at birth or his radical Moon-sign.

Stanza 130. When the ruler starts at a time when the 8th house from the rising sign or the Janma Rasi of the enemy is occupied by a malefic planet, the enemy will be destroyed.

Stanza 131. When the Moon occupies the 4th (from the ascendant at the time of the journey), or when the lord of the 6th occupies the ascendant, the native will experience grief. When the lord of the Dik (direction) towards which the ruler starts happens to be weak and is posited in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, then grief, ill-repute and death will come to pass.

Stanza 132. The following should be avoided: (a) The 6th and 8th signs from the birth ascendant or radical Moon of the person; (b) the signs occupied by the lords of the 6th and the 8th from the birth ascendant and the birth Moon; (c) when the lords of the birth ascendant and the birth Moon become weak (in the election chart), or these signs are afflicted by malefics; and (d) the lord of Dik (direction), the ascendant and the benefics at the time are weak: When the journey is undertaken in the above-mentioned periods losses alone will happen.

Stanza 133. When the Moon occupies the 4th from the ascendant (at the time of the war), there will be some initial successes but the end will be fatal. When the lord of the direction towards which the ruler travels, occupies the 6th or the 8th from the ascendant (in the election chart), the result will be grievous.

Stanza 134. The 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses from the Janma Lagna of a person should be avoided for everything. Shaving, marriage and journeys can be conducted in the 6th from the Janma Rasi.


The ascendant at the time of undertaking any activity should not fall in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from one's Janma Lagna or Janma Rasi. But in regard to travel, marriage, shaving, the Muhurta ascendant can fall in the 6th from one's Janma Rasi.

Stanza 135. There is an imaginary log or stick known as Parigha. Its lay is as follows: Krittika to Aslesha — east and south-east, Makha to Visakba — south and south-west, Anuradha to Sravana (including Abhijit) west and north-west and Dhanishta to Revati — north and north-east.

Stanza 136. The lay of the Parigha for 14 days from Dhanishta to Aslesha is north-east (vayavya). Hence on those days it is inauspicious to travel south or west. The lay of the Parigha for 14 days from Makha to Sravana is south-west (nairiti). Hence, on those days it is inauspicious to travel north to east. Women and cows are excepted.

Stanza 137. The constellations Jyeshta, Poorva-bhadra, Rohini, Uttara, Pushyami, Hasta, Sravana and Aswini respectively denote diksoola in the east, south-east, south, south-west, west, north-west, north and north-east. Travel in the various directions should not be undertaken in the constellation denoting the diksoola.


For instance Jyeshta shows sula towards the east. No journey should be undertaken towards the east on a day ruled by Jyeshta. Similarly with regard to the other asterisms, travel towards directions in constellations declared as indicating sula should be avoided.

Stanza 138. According to Brihaspati, asterisms Rohini, Mrigasira, Pushyami, Hasta, Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Revati are auspicious for all quarters. Varaha Mihira considers Aswini, Pushyami, Hasta and Anuradha to be good for all places.

Stanza 139. Travel should be avoided towards directions on days ruled by asterisms declared to be Parigha thus: Uttarashadha and Sravana — east; Aswini and Uttarabhadra — south; Rohini and Pushyami — west and Uttara and Hasta — north.

Stanza 140. The 25th and 27th asterisms from one's birth star should be avoided for journeys. According to some, these stars are inauspicious for all good actions.

Stanza 141. The constellation Moola is good for all journeys. Chitta is unfavourable for all journeys. According to some, the 1st lunar day is auspicious while others say it is not favourable for journeys.

Stanza 142. The groups of lunar days — Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya and Purna — are auspicious for travel towards east, south, west and north respectively. Adhomukha signs are not favourable.


Nanda tithis are the 1st (pratipada), the 6th (shashti) and 11th (ekadasi); the Bhadra tithis are the 2nd (dwiteeya), the 7th (saptamf) and the 12th (dwadasf); Jaya tithis are the 3rd (triteeya); 8th (ashtami) and 13th (trayodasi); and poorna tithis are the 5th (panchami), 10th (dasami) and 15th (Paornima). At the time of a journey the ascendant should not fall in an adhomnkha sign.

Stanza 143. To travel east on a Tuesday is good; towards south — Monday and Saturday; towards west — Wednesday and Thursday; and towards north — Sunday and Friday. No journey should be undertaken towards the east on a Sunday; south — Thursday; west — Friday; and north — Monday.

Stanza 144. According to Brihaspati the following week-days are inauspicious for travelling towards different directions: Thursday and Friday — east; Tuesday — south; Saturday and Monday — west; and Thursday and Wednesday — north.

Stanza 145. The following are auspicious for travel: east — Tuesday; south — Monday and Saturday; west — Wednesday and Thursday; and north — Wednesday and Friday.

Stanza 146. Starting on a Sunday brings in calamities in the way; Monday — want of enthusiasm and some obstruction for meals; Tuesday — fear from burns and pitta (bilious troubles); Wednesday — reconciliation with friends; Thursday — success and profits; Friday — gain of clothes, wealth and women; Saturday — diseases and imprisonments and even death.

Stanza 147. The effects of journeys undertaken during the Kala-hora of different planets are similar to the effects of week days mentioned above with this difference, viz., journey in the Moon's Kala-hora brings help from women and gain of jewels.

Stanzas 148 and 149. It is auspicious to undertake a journey to that quarter, the lord of which, is in a quadrant or occupies the right quarter calculated in the order of Nakshatras. It is also auspicious when the lord of the weekday occupies the Upachaya Rasi or the right quarter in the order of Nakshatras.

It is auspicious, even though rejected on other grounds, to begin a journey when the lord of the weekday occupies 3, 6, 10 and 11 from Yatra Lagna. Though accepted on other grounds, it is not auspicious to start when the lord of the weekday occupies other than an upachaya place.

Stanza 150. If, at the time of starting, the Moon joins with malefics, sickness will be the result. If he is associated with benefics, the native will quarrel with the person with whom he travels. Hence the Moon should not be conjoined by any planet good or bad.

Stanza 151. When you undertake a journey keeping the dik or direction expressed by the asterism in which Venus stands to your left, you will not return and you will meet with death. This Sukra Dosha is ineffective when you go out of the country caused by famines, floods etc., or when your journey limits itself to neighbouring parts or when Venus is exalted or occupies own house.

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