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Stanza 111. When any house becomes the repository of bones and remains of the dead body brought in by dogs, the owner of the house will die

Stanza 112. If fire and smoke are perceived in a forest where there is no fire, both in the morning and evening, long and deep cracks are discovered in the lower strata of the ground, or if the whole ground seems to shiver and shake, then some danger is at hand.

Stanza 113. When children carrying weapons, sticks and stones roam about crying, "cut, beat, carry off, divide", some unexpected danger is at hand.

Stanza 114. The house marked or disfigured by cinder or some coloured mud will go to ruins; when the picture of the owner is drawn or the figure of pretas engraved in any decent family house, it will soon be destroyed.

Stanza 115. The house not kept clean by frequent sweeping but allowed to be covered by cob-webs; the house where the sacred lights are not lit; and the house where low class women quarrel, will go to dogs.

Stanza 116. The kingdom of a ruler who tolerates atheists and counter-religionists, and who disregards good usages and customs and who is always jealous, angry and impatient and who is interested only in fighting, will go to rack and ruin.

Stanza 117. Signs or indications should be peculiar and abnormal. They should not form part of the customs of the place, or of the times or of the community.


The various omens listed in these stanzas should relate to abnormal phenomena and not to existing situations.

Stanza 118. When an army marches to the battle-field, the presence of flesh-eating birds in the rear indicates the defeat of the army in the battlefield. Flight of birds (a bevy of them) in the front of the army is auspicious.

Stanza 119. The good and bad results should be predicted by the astrologer after a careful study of the various shades of differences in the omens.

Stanza 120. As it is very difficult to estimate the strength of planets and signs, omens help very much the elucidation of their real strength.

Stanza 121. Whenever the above-mentioned unfavourable omens are perceived, the prescribed remedial measures should be performed and the threatened evil effects will not happen.

Stanza 122. To secure victory, the ruler should start war on an auspicious day, tithi, rasi and nakshatra.


The day and time should be fixed on the basis of rules given in works on Muhurtha. The auspicious time is said to ward off the evils indicated by the omens and planetary positions.

Stanza 123. The lord of the Varna of the ruler should be strong at the time when righting begins. The lord of his birth-ascendant should also be very strong. The rising sign must be urdhwamukha and sirshodaya and moveable. The proscribed asterisms should be avoided.


To start the fighting on auspicious time should be fixed with the following dispositions:

(a) The planet ruling the caste of the ruler should be strong;

(b) The lord of the birth ascendant of the ruler should be strong;

(c) The Muhurtha Lagna, i.e., ascendant to start the war, should be urdhwamukha, sirshodaya and a moveable sign.

The sirshodaya signs are: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Bharani, Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, Visakha, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadra are the prohibited stars. The 4th (chaturthi), the 6th (shashthi), the 8th (ashtami), the 9th (navami), the 12th (dwadasi) and the 14th (chaturdasi) should be avoided as also Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday and Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Stanza 124. When the sign in which the omen appears is beneficial, when planets in transit are favourably disposed, the king should march the army, avoiding prohibited asterisms, the constellation of Chitta and the chidra lunar days.


The chidra tithi or prohibited lunar days are the 4th (chaturthi), the 6th (shashthi), the 8th (ashtami), the 9th (navami) and the 14th (chaturdasi).

Stanza 125. Prishtodaya signs are not good for journeys. So also fixed signs. Gemini is inauspicious and causes the downfall of the ruler.

Stanza 126. Urdhwamukha signs when occupied by benefics are good for journey. So also fixed signs. But Aquarius is ordinary and causes harm. Gemini even if conjoined by benefic planets should be avoided. This is the view of sage Garga.

Stanza 127. Journey started in a sirshodaya sign leads to the achievement of the object in view. A prishtodaya sign defeats one's object. Armies will have to retreat after defeat. Easy attainment of the aim can be had by starting towards the various directions governed by the various signs. The counter-Diks bring in only defeat.


Aries and its trines indicate East: Taurus and its trines indicate West; Gemini and its trines rule South and Cancer and its trines denote North.

Stanza 128. Journey during day should be conducted in diurnal signs, and during night in nocturnal signs; if vice versa the result will be unfavourable. If the journey is begun when the Sun and the Moon are in tie ascendant which should be a moveable sigp, the object will be realised.


If the Sun, the Moon and the ascendant are together in a fixed sign, return to own place can be done. Common signs are suitable for starting the journey and also for returning.

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