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Stanza 24. The ascendant and other houses occupied by benefics promote the sanctity of the Bimba and other significations. Malefics harm or destroy the significations


The exceptions in the case of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses should be noted.

Stanza 25. If Mars occupies Bimba Bhavas (1 and 5), then the idol has a bend or a cut. If Saturn occupies the house, the idol is very old. If Rahu or Gulika is in Bimba Bhava dirty animals, such as Dundubha, have touched it. If Ketu occupies Bimba, enemies have bathed it with some prohibitive powder. If the Sun occupies it, the Bimba has been smeared with pepper ointment and the efficacy of the Divine Presence has been reduced. Any evil planet in the 12th house denotes disfigurement of the image.

Stanza 26. Saturn occupying the 4th house denotes that the entire temple complex is worn out. Mars or the Sun in the 4tb suggests that a part of the building has been affected by fire. Gulika disposed in the same house indicates the entry of persons in pollution. Two malefics in the 12th reveal that outcastes and fallen people have entered the temple.


According to some papadwaya means not two malefics, but Rahu and Ketu.

Stanza 27. Malefics in the 3rd or 8th denote that the naivedya offered is unclean. If the planet is Saturn, what is offered is inadequate. If it is Mars regular offerings are not made. If it is Rahu or Ketu or Gulika, some dead animal matter has been mixed up with the naivedya.

Stanza 28, If a malefic planet occupies the 9th house, it is to be interpreted that some misfortune has befallen the temple authorities. The particular person involved should be ascertained from the asterism occupied by the malefic or its trinal star. In the same way, the condition of the priests, servants, Devalakas, etc., should be ascertained.


From the 12th house, the priests' future can be read: from the 10th, Devalakas; and from the 3rd the temple servants.

Stanza 29. When a malefic planet is in the 7th house, some of the ornaments of the Deity have been lost. If he occupies the 10th house, the worship or the Utsava (procession) is not being properly conducted.

Stanza 30. Ashtabandha is to be considered from the Bimba Bhava. If this is moveable, Ashtabandha is not strong; if it is a fixed sign, the Ashtabandha can be said to be very strong. The strength of Ashtabandha has to be read from the 4th house also. This is the view of some learned writers on the subject.

Stanza 31. According as the Bimba sign is moveable or adhomuka, the idol is shaky or has fallen down.

Stanza 32. Benefic planets posited in or aspected by the ascendant, and Jupiter occupying favourable houses indicate that the Deity is in a favourable mood to bless people.

Stanza 33. If malefics occupy the ascendant and other unfavourable houses, it is to be inferred that the Deity is angry. The reason for the wrath depends on the nature of the houses occupied or aspected by malefics.

Stanza 34. What is stated earlier for answering questions bearing on general matters may be conveniently utilised in Deva Prasna also.

Stanza 35. Death of persons connected with the temple and future good, etc., can be read from Sutra and Trisphuta. If there are indications for death, it is to be predicted that animals like cows will die falling in wells or tanks.


Marana Sutra is calculated by the combination of Bhavas. The nature of death depends on those Bhavas. If death indications happen to be in the 4th and it is aspected by an evil planet governing quadrupeds and the Bhava happens to be a watery sign, then we can say that a quadruped will die falling in water. If it is Cancer, it will be in one year: if it is Scorpio, it will be in one month; and if it is Pisces, it will be in a day.

Stanza 36. What is given in earlier chapters can also be intelligently utilised here. In Deva Prasna, if indications are present for loss of money or signs of uncleanliness, appropriate remedial measures should be prescribed.

Stanza 37. To ward off all evil and to bring about general prosperity, Bhagavat-seva, Ganapati Homa, Bhagyasukta Japa and Abhisheka with milk and its products should be conducted in the temples regularly.

Thus ends Deva Prasna and here begins Raja Prasna.

Stanza 38. On questions bearing on royalty, the 12 houses beginning from the ascendant signify respectively the bodily features of the king, treasury, army and the chief of the army, vehicles, mantra, i.e., advice and advisers, enemies, the ways of procedure to be adopted in war, age, mental attitude or policy, administrative work, gains and losses.


The Ascendant represents the ruler, his health and well-being. If the question relates to the State, all details pertaining to the chief minister can be gauged from the Lagna. If it is the Union or the Country that is the subject of the question, the well-being or otherwise of the prime minister is assessed from the rising sign. The 2nd house rules the economic policies of the government. The 3rd house shows the defence forces and also the neighbouring states or countries as the case may be and relations with them. Malefics here indicate border squirmishes and tensions between neighbouring states or neighbouring countries. The 4th house ruling vehicles covers all domestic issues. The 5th house is very important since it gives clue to those who surround the ruler as advisers and counsellors. The 6th house governing enemies or the opposition is simple enough. The 7th shows warfare and matters of war and defence strategy. The 8th house which shows age can also be taken to anticipate the time and duration of periods of trouble, riots and violence in the state and problems in the administration. It also gives an inkling of the span or longevity of the ruling government. The 9th house influences the policies of the government. Mars, Saturn and Rahu afflicted in the 9th are a synonym for corruption. The administrative machinery is covered by the 10th house. The 11th and 12th houses rule revenue and expenditure respectively. Afflictions to the 11th show either a deficit in the State's funds or heavy taxing programmes.

Here is information of much importance on political astrology. The ascendant represents the personality of the ruler — the king, president, etc., the 9th indicates the policy of the ruler or the government and the 10th administrative work.

Political forecasts in respect of a country can be made on the basis of the time of commencement of the new year. Predictions for a desired month can be worked out on the basis of a chart cast for the time at which the new Moon or Amavasya ends. The details furnished in this and the following stanzas can be adopted while dealing with mundane forecasts, subject to the modern political, social and economic factors.

Stanza 39. Malefics are harmful in houses other than the 3rd and 11th. Mars and the Sun are favourable in the 10th house. Benefics generally strengthen the houses they occupy. A benefic in the 6th removes the opposition of the enemies. The Moon in the 12th or 8th does not promote the house. Venus occupying the 7th is not favoured.

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