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Stanza 25. Planets in the course of their transit contribute both good and evil to the native. But, they may be made to do good by propitiation, offerings, etc

Stanza 26. The Sun and Mars give their transit effects when they are in the beginning of the sign; Jupiter and Venus in the middle part; and the Moon and Saturn in the last part. Mercury gives his effects throughout the sign.


While considering the transits one has to note that unfavourable planets when aspected by benefics are not evil fully. Similarly favourably situated planets when aspected by malefics do not cause good fully. If the major planets, while in transit, conjoin or aspect the ruling Dasa or Bhukti lord, the good effects of the directional lords are augmented or delayed and the bad effects intensified or lessened depending upon the nature of the transiting planet. If, for example, one is having the sub-period of a yogakaraka planet, Saturn in transit aspecting or associating the sub-lord can delay the operation of the Rajayoga.

Stanza 27. If planets in transit are adverse, they should be propitiated by worshipping them with flowers of various hues appropriate to the planets, by wearing apparel of the colours of the planets thus: Sun and Mars — red; the Moon and Venus — white; Saturn — dark; Jupiter — yellow; and Mercury — green; and by reciting the mantras of the planets and performing Homa.

Stanza 28. We shall now indicate the nature of the jewels or precious stones, governed by the various planets, things that are to be offered in charity, the nature of the ceremonies to be performed and the things to be avoided, when planets in transit are in unfavourable positions.

Stanza 29. The Sun governs — manikya, the Moon — mukta, Mars — vidruma, Mercury — garuda, Jupiter — pushyaraga, Venus — vajra, Satmn — indra-neela, Rahu — gomedhika and Ketu — vaidurya.

Stanza 30. When the Sun is in unfavourable transit position, gift a cow of kapila colour; for the Moon, a conch; for Mars, a red bull; for Mercury, gold; for Jupiter, yellow silk; for Venus silver and white horse; for Saturn, a black cow; for Rahu iron and sheep; for Ketu, an elephant and sheep.

Stanza 31. Devas and Brahmanas shall be adorned. Elderly persons should be obeyed. Vedas and Puranas should be listened to. Homas should be performed and witnessed. The mind should be kept pure. Vedic chants should be listened to and gifts offered, as ordained. If these are done, unfavourable planets, however afflicted they may be, will do good.

Stanza 32. The planets in transit in unfavourable places will not do any harm if one resorts to taking bath every day, resorting to ritualistic baths as ordained by Badarayana; by having dips in holy waters and pouring on the body medicated waters of the appropriate planet.

Stanza 33. Even a ruler should avoid the following when the planets are unfavourable: Roaming during uncommon and late hours; engaging in hunting; declaring war and undertaking any risky action; embarking on distant journeys; riding on elephants, horses and other dangerous vehicles; and visiting another's house.

Stanza 34. For interpreting the effects of transits, three factors have to be considered, viz., the transit situation, vedha and vepareeta vedha.

Stanza 35. Prepare the Ashtakavargas of all the planets and mark the favourable positions from the Moon in each. They are called Gochara. When a planet occupies a Gochara position, its effects can be nullified by another planet occupying a Vedha Rasi from the above. Hence its good effects will be very greatly reduced. When a planet occupies a Vedha position in respect of another planet in transit, the effects of the planet occupying a Vedha will be reversely nullified by the planet in Gochara position. This is known as Vipareeta Vedha. Hence the evil effects also will be greatly minimised.

Stanza 36. All planets transiting, the 11th from the natal Moon, do only good. The Sun is favourable in 3, 6 and 10; Saturn is favourable in 3 and 6; Mars in 1, 3, 6, 7 and 10; Venus in all places except 6, 7 and 10; Jupiter in 2, 5, 7 and 9; Mercury in 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10; planets should not be afflicted by a planet occupying Vedha positions. This is the view of Sreepathi.

Stanza 37. When the Sun transits 11, 3, 10, 6 (note the order) from the natal Moon and when no vedha is caused by other planets except Saturn occupying 5, 9, 4, 12 (note the order), the Sun does only good.


When the Sun transits 11, 3, 10, and 6, the Vedha position of 11 is 5, of 3 is 9, of 10 is 4, of 6 is 12. If a planet occupies its Vedha position, the planet in transit position Will be afflicted.

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