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Stanza 64. Of the compatibilities suggested above, some are strong and others are weak

Stanza 65. Their relative importance will have to be noted. According to the work Sarvartha-siddhi, 20 items of compatibilities are to be looked into. Of these, agreement in respect of Janma Rasi, lord of Janma Rasi, Vasya, Mahendra and Yoni are the most important. Hence these should be carefully studied.

Stanza 66. For matrimonial purposes the most important items of concordance to be considered are Janma Rasi, lord of Janma Rasi, Vasya, Mahendra, Gana, Yoni, Dina and Streedeergha.

Stanza 67. According to Muhurthabharana, Janma Rasi, lord of Janma Rasi, Mahendra, Yoni and Vasya are the five most important sources of agreement that should be considered.

Stanza 68. Madhava gives 15 items for consideration in all. Of these Mahendra, Yoni, Janma Rasi, lord of Janma Rasi are the most important ones. Besides, Brahmins should look into the Gotras they are born in. Others should consider the agreement in respect of Varna besides the five already mentioned.

Stanza 69. Five items of agreement, viz., Vasya, Mahendra, Yoni, Janma Rasi and lord of Janma Rasi have been found to be very effective by experience by many learned writers on the subject. Hence, at least these five should be looked into before the settlement of the marriage is made. Besides these, Brahmins should look into their Gotras, and other castes (Varnas), these being special to them.


The question of a concordance in the matter of matrimony has been elaborately described, giving the opinions of other well-known authorities. In fact the author gives 23 items for consideration. But in this verse he is practical enough to suggest that at least five items are very important and they should be looked into before the settlement of marriage is made.

With due deference to the great author I must record my humble difference from him. All these items are based either on the birth star or birth Rasi. In actual practice, however, I feel that inherent compatibility should exist in the horoscopes of the male and female if the marriage is to be successful. The author does not allot any unit for the various Kootas as has been done in works on Muhurtha. I commend to my esteemed readers the chapter on Marriage given in my book Muhurtha or Electional Astrology, wherein the subject has been discussed in great detail.

Thus ends the Chapter XXI


Effects of Transits


Stanza 1. Varaha Mihira has detailed the effects of planets in transit in his work Brihat Samhita. I shall describe here briefly what is given by him in that famous treatise.

Stanza 2. When the Sun transits the Janma Rasi (the sign occupied by the Moon at birth), fatigue, loss of good name and position, painful work and diseases afflict the native; in the 2nd, loss of money, diseases in the eye, and deception from others happen; in the 3rd, one will experience elevation to a new position, ruin to one's enemies, increase of wealth and good health; in the 4th, he will meet with obstacles in the matter of enjoying the company of his wife and will suffer from diseases in the stomach.

Stanza 3. In the 5th, affliction from enemies, and diseases; in the 6th, recovery from illness, fall of enemies and pacification of all mental griefs; in the 7th, fatigue from journeys, helplessness and diseases connected with the stomach; in the 8th repulsion for women and from women and fear from the rulers and diseases.

Stanza 4. In the 9th, calamities of all sorts, feelings of privation and severe diseases, and break to one's profession; in the 10th success in all undertakings and victory in all quarters; in the 11th, promotion to an elevated position, general prosperity, recovery from diseases and tendency to do good actions; and in the 12th, the native will not be able to reap the fruits of any good actions.

Stanza 5. When the Moon transits his own radical position, he brings in wholesome food to his satisfaction, increased bed comfort and gain of valuable things; in the 2nd, the Moon causes troubles or obstacles to all good actions, loss of fame, and money; in the 3rd, enjoyment with women, comfort from having good clothes and fresh acquisition of wealth; in the 4th, fear from others; and in the 5th troubles of all sorts, obstruction to journeys.

Stanza 6. In the 6th gain of wealth, general happiness, peace with enemies and pacification of all diseases; in the 7th, wholesome and satisfactory food, presents from others, gain of money, comfortable sleep and enjoyment of women; in the 8th trouble from fire; in the 9th diseases in the stomach and fear of imprisonment; in the 10th, benefits from Government; in the 11th visits from relatives and increase of wealth; and in the 12th, loss of money and obstacles to all work.

Stanza 7. When Mars transits the birth Moon, obstacles to all undertakings; in the 2nd, fear from rulers, troubles from thieves and fire, sorrows caused by enemies, ailings in the body caused by mental and physical griefs; in the 3rd, gain of valuable metals, favour of God Subrahmanya and easy destruction of enemies; in the 4th, association with bad men, diseases in the stomach, high fever, unconscious flow of seminal fluid.

Stanza 8. In the 5th, Mars gives troubles from foes, sorrows due to children, and dread from diseases; in the 6th, gain of valuable metals as copper and gold, fear from quarrels and misunderstandings, fresh breaks with enemies; in the 7th, misunderstanding with the wife, diseases in the stomach and eyes; in the 8th, blood pressure due to severe blows in the body or break of limbs and consequent diseases, fear from dishonour, mental depression.

Stanza 9. In the 9th, loss of money, diseases and defeat; in the 10th, profits in all ways; in the 11th, elevation to the headship of a village and general happiness; and in the 12th, troubles of all sorts, waste of money, diseases due to heat, blood pressure and diseases in the eye.

Stanza 10. When Mercury transits the radical Moon, it indicates quarrels and misunderstandings with relations, loss of money caused by libel or unlawful words and writings and journeys to distant places; in the 2nd, fresh acquisition of wealth and influence and general prosperity; in the 3rd fear from enemies and anger of rulers; in the 4th, gain of money, prosperity to relatives and general progress of family; in the 5th, quarrels with wife and children.

Stanzas 11 and 12. Mercury transiting the 6th indicates success in all things, general luck and rapid promotion; in the 7th, quarrels: in the 8th, victory, happiness from children, gain of clothes, increase of income, mental peace and increase of learning; in the 9th, diseases of all kinds; in the 10th, destruction of enemies, gain of money and happiness from women; in the 11th good speech, fresh gains, happiness and success in everything, better and closer association with wife and children; and in the 12th, troubles from foes and diseases.

Stanza 13. Jupiter transiting the birth Moon involves loss of money, depromotion, quarrels and mental dejection; in the 2nd, gain of wealth, ruin to foes, happiness with women; in the 3rd, some change in profession, obstacles to all actions; in the 4th, sorrows caused by relatives, want of peace from all quarters; in the 5th, acquisition of vehicles as horses or oxen, gain of ornaments and children, happiness from women, gain of clothes, and dwelling houses; in the 6th, tendency to feel unhappy though having everything to make one comfortable.


Vehicles as horses or oxen imply by horse-carriages or carts drawn by oxen.

Stanza 14. In the 7th, from radical Moon Jupiter brings in cleverness in speech, sharpness of intelligence, accomplishment of all actions and gain of money, happiness in sexual enjoyments; in the 8th, unbearable grief, diseases, loss of liberty, over-exertion and fatigue; in the 9th, profits, happiness with wife and children, acquisition of authority and accomplishments and success in all actions; in the 10th, loss of position or profession, wealth and fruitlessness of all actions.

Stanza 15. Jupiter transiting in the 11th, indicates favours, success in all actions and elevation to a distinghished station in life; and in the 12th, fatigue caused by long walks and severe miseries in life.

Stanza 16. Venus transiting the natal Moon denotes getting wholesome food, enjoyment with wife, gain of perfumed articles, fresh sleeping materials and valuable clothes and happiness resulting from these.

Stanza 17. Venus in the 2nd gives wealth and grains, acquisition of ornaments and flowers, favour of rulers and happiness for the family members; in the 3rd, respect and regard for one's opinions, profits, honours from others, acquisition of clothes and destruction of enemies; and in the 4th, happy reconciliation with relatives and great prosperity.

Stanza 18. Venus transiting the 5th indicates gain of money, birth of children, help from relatives, satisfaction for the elders; in the 6th, troubles from enemies and diseases; in the 7th, trouble and danger from women; in the 8th, happiness resulting from women, acquisition of household utensils and ornaments in the family; in the 9th gain of wealth, fruition of liberal and charitable actions and happiness and enjoyment with women.

Stanza 19. Venus transiting the 10th causes rivalry and quarrels and dishonour; in the 11th enjoyment of good food, gain of perfumed articles and favour from relatives; and in the 12th, gain of wealth in many ways and acquisition of clothes and ornaments.

Stanza 20. Saturn transiting birth Moon causes fear from poison and fire, loss of relatives and friends, exile to distant lands, quarrels with one's own relatives, misunderstandings due to monetary transactions and journeys to distant places.

Stanza 21. Saturn in the 2nd, loss of wealth, happiness and health; decrease of desires; in the 3rd, gain of elephants, buffaloes, good health and successful termination of all actions.

Stanza 22. Saturn in the 4th brings in a cloud to the mind, separation from wife and one's own wealth; quarrels with all; in the 5th, sorrows arising from death of children.

Stanza 23. In the 6th, pacification of enemies and diseases; in the 7th, intimacy with female servants and distant journeys; in the 8th misunderstanding with one's own people and extreme helplessness. Saturn in the 9th, enemity with all, imprisonment or bondage, obstruction to one's charitable actions and heart trouble; in the 10th, loss of fame, wealth and education, and success in one's actions (Karma Phala).

Stanza 24. Saturn in the 11th, intimacy with other women, huge profits, increase of honour and authority; and in the 12th, succession of intermittent griefs and overwhelming calamities in life.

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