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If the asterisms of the couple happen to fall in the same group, the yoking of the couple must not be done


If the asterisms of the couple happen to fall in the second group, it is called Madhyama Rajju and the result will be death, quarrel, and less and hence this is supposed to be very inauspicious.

If the asterisms fall in the 1st and the 3rd, it is called Rajju and it also cause calamities.

Vayanukulya (Age)

Stanza 51. If the bridegroom is three times older than the bride, it is considered as good; if he is twice old, it is passable; if he is older only by a few years it results in sorrow. If the bride is older, the family will become extinct.


Stanza 52. If the Janma Rasi of the boy falls in a sign which, in the Moon's Ashtakavarga of the girl's chart, has more bindus it is good. Similarly if the Janma Rasi of the girl falls in a sign which, in the Moon's Ashtakavarga of the boy, has more bindus, it is equally good.

Stanza 53. Find out the kaksha in which the Moon is found in the girl's horoscope. If the Janma Rasi of the boy falls in the sign of the lord of this kaksha, the compatibility is good. The same is the case in respect of the boy's horoscope.


According to the Ashtakavarga scheme, each sign is divided into 8 parts or kakshas of 3° 45', the lords of which are respectively Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and the ascendant. Suppose in the bride's case the Moon is in Aquarius 11° 40'. This will be the 4th kaksha, the lord of which is the Sun. If the groom's Jan in a Rasi falls in the sign ruled by the Sun, viz., Leo, it is good.


Stanza 54. If the couple love each other, they can enter into wedlock, even if there is no agreement in other ways. This is very important in the matter of marriage.

Stanza 55. One who loves a girl sincerely, from his heart should marry her. Pure love is greater than any other virtue.


Stanzas 55 and 56 are suggestive and reflect the wisdom of the ancients in giving priority to mutual love in preference to any other astrological factor. But the love for each other must spring from their hearts and not from just casual desire. When such pure love is seen between a boy and a girl, no astrological consideration should intervene to prevent such a marriage. But in the modern times, except in very rare cases, it is not love that seems to weigh. It is lust which is transient and disappears the moment initial infatuation ends. Hence we see today any number of tragedies involving young men and women.

Other Considerations

Stanza 56. Count from the asterism of the girl to that of the boy. Multiply this number by 5 and divide the product by 7. The remainder is vyaya or expenditure. If the counting is again made from the birth-star of the bridegroom and the same process repeated, the remainder indicates 'aya' or gain or income.

Stanza 57. If income is greater than expenditure, marriage brings in all-round prosperity. If expense is greater, the couple will experience much poverty.

Stanza 58. Count from Aswini to the asterism of the boy as well as the girl and total them up. Add to this sum 13. From the total figure subtract 32. Divide the difference by 5. If the remainder is 1, the result is, aquisition of children; 2, death of one of the couple; 3, prolonged illness; and 4, prosperity. If the total after adding 13 does not come to 32, then the counting should be made from the birth asterism to Aswini.

Stanza 59. Count from the birth asterisms of the couple to Aswini. Add the two figures and deduct the sum by 5. If the remainder is 1, prosperity is indicated; if 2, general progress; if 3, calamities; if 4, acquisition of wealth and if 5, disasters.


It is held by some that the principle given in this stanza only to the Chola country.

Stanza 60. If the birth stars of the male and female fall in the first varga — Aridra, Hasta, Poorva-shadha, Uttarashadha — there will be great progress; if they fall in the second varga — Krittika, Rohini, Mrrgasira, Makha, Pubba, Uttara, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Poorva-bhadra — prosperity will follow; and if they fall in the third varga — Aswini, Bharani, Punarvasu, Pusbyami, Aslesha, Chitta, Swati, Visakha, Uttarashadha, Sravana, Revati — expenditure and debts will come in.

NOTES With this stanza ends Rinanukulya.

Stanza 61. The anukulyas (sources of agreement) described here are very effective in results. The effects of some of them are described elsewhere and they are noted below.

Stanza 62. Dina agreement indicates that the couple will live long; mahendra brings in children and grand-children; streedeergha gives the husband long life; yoni confers unfailing prosperity; gana makes the couple mutually more and more attached; and vayas (age) brings in union and greater amity.

Stanza 63. Of the various compatibilities described, 4 are based on Janma Rasi and one each onthe lord of the Janma Rasi, sakti (love) and vayas (age); and 16 are based on the asterisms. Thus we have 23 items or sources of agreement in all.

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