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Gotranukulya (Agreement of Gotra)

Stanza 35. Aswini, Pubba, Swati, Abhijit signify Marichi Gotra; Bharani, Aslesha, Visakha, Sravana signify Vasishta Gotra; Krittika, Makha, Anuradha, Dhanishta belong to Angirasa Gotra; Rohini, Pubba, Jyeshta and Satabhisha belong to Athri Gotra; Mrigasira, Uttara, Moola, Poorvabhadra belong to Pulaha Gotra; and Punarvasu, Chitta, Uttarashadha and Revati signify Kretu Gotra. The Gotras of the couple should be ascertained from their birth asterisms.

Stanza 36. If the boy and the girl belong to the same Gotra, it brings disaster. If the Gotras are different, prosperity will come in. If the Gotras of Nakshatras worked out according to the ascendant are the same, the result is ordinary.


If there is no compatibility between the Gotras based on the birth asterisms of the boy and the girl, then ascertain the asterisms on the basis of the ascendant points of the couple. If the Gotras are the same here also, the compatibility in respect of this item is ordinary.


Stanza 37. Aswini to Mrigasira signify the bird Bharandhaka; Aridra to Pubba — Pingala; Uttara to Anuradha — Kaka (crow); Jyeshta to Sravana — cock; and Dhanishta to Revati — peacock. If the asterisms of the couple indicate the same bird, it is auspicious.


If one is friendly to the other, it is passable. If one is the natural enemy of the other, it is bad.

Stanza 38. The constellations have been assigned to the yonis of certain animals in the order beginning with Aswini: horse, elephant, she-goat, serpent, dog, cat, sheep, cat, mouse, rat, camel, he-buffalo (bull), lion, he-buffalo (bull), tiger, stag, deer, dog, monkey, ox, monkey, she-buffalo, horse, woman, cow and elephant. If the asterisms of the boy and the girl govern animals which agree in nature, the married couple will live amicably. If they are mutual foes, the couple also will quarrel and separation will come in.

Stanza 39. If the asterisms of the couple come under influence of the following animals, there will be family felicity and happiness. They are elephant, horse, cow, woman, stag, goat, she-goat and cat. If tiger and serpent happen to be the animals of the couple, death may ensue.

Stanza 40. The cat and the serpent are natural enemies; so are the rat and the dog; so are the horse and she-buffalo. Lion has no natural enemy. Dog, mouse, cat, dog and serpent are mutual enemies. Hence yoking persons ruled by these will be disastrous.


Yoking the two (man and woman) ruled by animals having antagonistic yonis will spell trouble to family life.

Stanza 41. According to Madhaveeya, tiger is the enemy of cow, dog, woman, he-buffalo, stag, goat and monkey. Dog is the enemy of cow, goat, she-goat, monkey and stag. Cat and rat are mutual enemies. Elephant and stag are enemies. Horse and he-buffalo are natural foes. Cat and serpent are traditionally averse. When we consider this compatibility, we should see whether the asterisms indicate the same animal or animals friendly to one another. If they happen to be inimical yonis, they are bad.

Stanza 42. According to Brihaspati, Chitta governs the yoni of the tiger. In Muhurtha Ratna, it is said that Chitta governs lion. As this is controversial, it is left to the discretion of the learned to settle one way or the other.

Vedha Dosha

Stanza 43. The asterisms can be classified into 5 divisions thus: Kantha — Rohini. Aridra, Hasta, Swati, Sravana, Satabhisha; Kati — Bharani, Pushyami, Pubba, Anuradha, Poorvashadha, Uttara-bhadra; Pada — Aswini, Aslesha, Makha, Jyeshta, Moola, Revati; Siro — Mrigasira, Chitta, Dhanishta; and Kukshi — Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttara, Visakha, Uttara, Poorvabhadra.

Stanza 44. If the asterisms of the couple do not fall in the same varga or division, it is productive of good results. If the asterisms fall in the first varga (Kantha), the result is widowhood; if in Kati, poverty results; if in Pada, distant travels; if in Siro — death will ensue; and if Kukshi — loss of children. The Vedha blemish should also be looked into when constructing new buildings.

Stanza 45. Each asterism has a vedha asterism as follows: Aswini — Jyeshta, Bharani — Anuradha, Aridra — Sravana, Krittika — Visakha, Rohini — Swati, Aslesha — Moola, Makha — Revati, Pushyami — Poorvashadha, Punarvasu — Uttarashadha, Pubba — Uttarabhadra, Hasta — Satabhisha, Uttara — Poorvabhadra; Mrigasira, Chitta, Dhanishta are mutually vedhas or mutually repelling. The asterisms of the couple should not fall in the vedha group.


Vedha stars are mutually repelling. Thus Aswini repels Jyeshta, Aridra repels Sravana and so on. The bridegroom's and the bride's stars should not fall in the same repelling group. Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanishta are also vedha stars mutually.

Stanza 46. If there is Vedha affliction both the husband and the wife will go to rack and ruin. Even if there are other items of agreement as Vasya, etc., Vedha will prevail. The Vedha stars are connected with the 6th and 7th relatively.


Stanza 47. The 27 constellations have been classified into 5 Bhutas or elements thus: Prithvi (earthy): Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira; Jala (watery): Aridra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba; Teja (fiery): Uttara, Hasta, Chitta, Swati, Visakha; Vayu (airy): Anuradha, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttara-shadha and Sravana; and Akasa (ethereal): Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadra, Uttara-bhadra and Revati.

If the asterisms of the couple are of one and the same Bhuta, it is good. If one is aerial and the other is fiery, it is equally good. If one is earthy and the other belongs to any other Bhuta, it is also good. If one has watery Bhuta, and the other has fiery Bhuta, it is bad. If ethereal Bhuta combines with any other Bhuta, it is passable.

Stanza 48. Bhutas are classified into 5 as given above, but some writers say that Gemini, Virgo, denote Prithvi; Taurus, Cancer and Libra — Jala; Aries, Leo and Scorpio-Agni; Capricorn and Aquarius — Vayu; and Sagittarius and Pisces — Akasa.

Stanza. 49. In Sarvasiddhi, it is stated that the Bhutas should be classified as given in verse 47. If the asterism of both happens to be one and the same Bhuta, it is auspicious. If one is fiery and the other watery, it is bad. Other combinations are passable.


Stanza 50. Classify the asterisms into three groups of nine each as given below:

1st group 2nd gronp 3rd group
Aswini Bharani Krittika
Aridra Mrigasira Rohini
Punarvasu Pushyami Aslesha
Uttara Pubba Makha
Hasta Chitta Swati
Jyeshta Anuradha Visakha
Moola Poorvasbadha Uttarashadha
Satabhisha Dhanishta Sravana
Poorvabhadra Uttarabhadra Revati.


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