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Stanza 20. For any planet the lords of the 4th, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th from its own Moola-trikona Rasi are friends. The rest are enemies


This stanza is from Vidya Madhaveeyam a famous work on Muhurta or electional astrology. The reckoning of friendships, according to this stanza, is based on Satyacharya's dictum referred to by Varaha Mihira in Brihat Jataka — (...) which means for any planet, the lord of its exaltation, and the 2nd, 12th, 4th, 5th, 9th and 8th from its Moolatrikona signs are his friends.

Take for instance the Moon. His Moolatrikona is Taurus. The 4th is Leo and the lord is the Sun. He is a friend of the Moon. The 2nd and 5th are ruled by Mercury. He is the friend of the Moon. The 12th from Taurus is ruled by Mars. He could be a friend. But Mars also rules the 7th which is not one of the houses mentioned in the stanza. Therefore, Mars is only a neutral. The 8th from Taurus is ruled by Jupiter who is also the lord of the 11th, which is not included in the list. Therefore Jupiter is also a neutral. Venus is no doubt the lord of the exaltation sign of the Moon. But Venus also owns the 6th and hence he becomes a neutral to the Moon. According to the same argument Saturn also becomes a neutral.

The following table based on this stanza is given for the information of the reader.


Planet Friend Neutral Enemy
Sun Moon, Mars and Jupiter Mercury Saturn, Venus
Moon Sun and Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus None
Mars Jupiter, the Moon, the Sun Venus, Saturn Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter Saturn Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus
Venus Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon
Saturn Mercury, Venus Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars.


With this stanza Rasyadhipati consideration ends.

Stanza 21. Then comes the third consideration known as Dina Kuta. The birth asterism is known as janmarsha; the 10th from it is karmarsha; and the 19th asterism from it is adhanarksha. The 3rd, 6th, 7th asterisms from the janmarsha of the girl should be avoided.

Stanza 22. The bridegroom born in the 3rd and 7th asterisms from the birth asterism of the girl brings in trouble. One born in the 5th causes more trouble.


According to this stanza a boy born in the 3rd or 7th asterism from that of the girl should not be considered. But one born in the 5th is more inauspicious.

Stanza 23. The person born in the 88th Navamsa from the quarter of the birth star of a girl brings in evil only. One born in the 108th Navamsa from the Navamsa of the girl's star is equally bad.


Here the Navamsa refers to the Navamsa position of the Moon and not that of the ascendant.

Stanza 24. If the birth star of the boy happens to be the 4th, the 7th or the 10th from that of the girl, it promotes their well-being. The farther the birth asterism of the boy is from the girl's star, the better it will be for their happiness.

Stanza 25. If the girl is born in the 4th asterism from that of the boy, it is Mahendra; if she is born in the 7th, it is known as Upendra. Mahendra gives wealth and grain and Upendra gives children.

Stanza 26. When the number of asterisms counted from the asterism of the girl to that of the boy exceeds 15, it is very good. This is called Streedeergha.

Stanza 27. The six stars beginning from Aswini to Aridra, Punarvasu to Uttara, Hasta to Jyeshta and Moola to Satabhisha in regular order rule the Brahmin, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, the Sudra, anuloma and pratiloma castes. Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra and Revati signify the Brahmin, the Kshatriya and Vaisya respectively.


Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohinit Mrigasira and Aridra represent respectively the Brahmin, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, the Sudra, the anuloma and the pratiloma castes. Likewise consider from Punarvasu, Hasta and Moola. The last three stars signify the Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaisya.

Stanza 28. If both the boy and the girl belong to the same caste (varna), it is the best. If the boy is of a higher caste, and the girl is of a lower caste, it is also admissible. If the girl is of a higher caste and the man is of a lower grade, it is inadmissible. If one of them is anuloma and the other belongs to one of the four castes, it is passable. If one of them is pratiloma and the other is one of the four castes, it is to be rejected.


The varnas of the man and the woman are to be determined from the Nakshatras as given in the 27th stanza.

Stanza 29. Brihaspati is of the opinion that both should be of the same caste; the man should be higher in caste, if the couple belong to two different castes; if the man is to be lower in caste, it should be avoided. The first is the best, the second is ordinary and the third is lowest.

Stanza 30. Sex compatibility (yonyanukulya) can be considered in two ways and they are given below: If a girl is born in a female asterism and the boy in a male, the couple will be happy. If both are female asterisms, there is loss of wealth. If both are male asterisms, it is to be rejected. Aswini, Bharani, Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Uttara, Swati, Visakha, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorva-shadha, Uttarabhadra, Sravana, Poorvabhadra are male asterisms. The remaining 13 are feminine in sex.

Stanza 31. Another view: Aswini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Hasta, Anuradha, Sravana, Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra are masculine constellations. Mrigasira, Moola and Satabhisha are eunuchs; the remaining 15 are feminine in sex. A man born in a male asterism marrying a woman born in the same star is inauspicious. A man born in a male asterism and a woman born in a female asterism is good. A man born in a male asterism and a woman born in a eunuch is good. A man born in a feminine star and a woman born in a male one is nindya (fit to be censured). A man born in a feminine star and a woman born in a feminine asterism is ordinary. A man born in a female star and a woman born in a eunuch is not favoured. A man born in a eunuch star and a woman born in a masculine star should be rejected. A man born in a eunuch star and a woman in a feminine star is passable. And a man born in a eunuch and a woman in a eunuch is not favoured.


Stanza 32. Revati, Aswini, Anuradha, Sravana, Swati, Punarvasu, Mrigasira, Hasta, Pushyami belong to divine category. Bharani, Pubba, Poorva-shadha, Poorvabhadra, Aridra, Uttara, Uttara-shadha, Uttarabhadra and Rohini belong to human category. And the remaining are of a demoniacal nature.

If the boy and the girl belong to divine and demoniacal groups, quarrels and even death may occur. If the divine group and human group are brought together, the yoni kuta will be ordinary.

Stanza 33. If the boy and the girl have the same gana, it is highly propitious. If the boy is of Deva Gana and the girl of Kara Gana, it is fairly good. A man of Asura Gana and a woman of Nara Gana is ordinary. A man of Nara Gana and a woman of Deva Gana is bad. A man of Nara Gana and a woman of Asura Gana should not be brought together.


Light is thrown on the significances of Ganas — deva (divine), manusha (human) and rakshasa (diabolical) in my book Muhurtha or Electional Astrology to which my esteemed reader is referred. It looks as though the gunas represent different psychological temperaments. We can roughly equate the deva with satwic nature, the manusha with thamasic nature and the rakshasa with rajasic nature. In actual practice, it is found that unless there are strong antidotes, a rakshasa gana girl is generally quarrelsome and capable of keeping the husband in perpetual tension, despite all the other desirable qualities she may have. If both the boy and the girl are born in rakshasa gana stars, the home will be a veritable battle-field, magnifying each trifle into an enormous problem. Either the husband or the wife should possess an adjusting capacity if relative peace is to prevail.

However, there are some exceptions which are dealt with in the next stanza.

Stanza 34. Work out the Nakshatras for the ascendants of the boy and the girl. If these asterisms indicate agreement by gunas; or woik out also the Nakshatras of the lords of the Chandra Navamsa of the couple; if there is agreement between the gunas of these two Nakshatras; or if there is stree-deergha, the objection of a boy in a human asterism marrying a girl born in a demoniac star can be ignored.

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