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Stanza 60. When the lord of the 7th stands near the lord of the ascendant or a benefic is placed near the 1st or 7th house, marriage takes place very early in life

Stanza 61. When benefics occupy the ascendant, the 2nd and the 7th and these houses have benefic vargas or when these lords are in benefic vargas, marriage will take place early in life.

Stanza 62. If the lord of the 7th is in parvatamsa, the lord of the 2nd is strong, and the lord of the ascendant is in mridwamsa, marriage will take place even before the prime of youth. This is the opinion of the venerable sages.


The 46th Shashtyamsa is known as Mridwamsa.

Stanza 63. If Venus, the lord of the 7th and the lord of the 2nd are in Upachayas, and the lord of the ascendant is aspected by benefics, good fortune will follow the couple after marriage.

Stanza 64. When the lords of the 7th, the 2nd and the ascendant and Venus occupy unfavourable houses, and are combust, debilitated or in inimical Navamsas, misfortunes will follow after marriage.

Stanza 65. Marriage can take place in the major and sub-periods of the planets occupying the 7th house, the planets aspecting the 7th house, the lord of the 7th, the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, the Navamsa lord of the lord of the 7th, Venus, the Moon or the Navamsa lord of the ascendant. Some Acharyas opine that the period of Rahu can also be included.


While it is quite clear that marriage can be expected in the Dasa or Bhukti of planets related to the 7th house which is the Kalatrasthana, or Venus, the karaka for marriage, or the Navamsa (the sub-divisional chart for gauging all matters related to marriage) the logic behind Rahu's power to grant marriage is not apparent. Nevertheless most classical authorities recognise Rahu's marriage-causing abilities in his Dasa.

Stanza 66. When Venus or the lord of the ascendant or the lord of the Moon-sign or the lord of the 7th transits the 7th house, the house occupied by the lord of the 7th, or the trinal signs of these two, the marriage will take place. When Jupiter transits the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, the Navamsa sign of the lord of the 7th, or the 5th and 9th from the above signs, marriage takes place.

Stanza 67. For a strict observance of Dharma, and the birth of issue marriage is necessary. Details regarding wife and matrimony are sketched on the basis of horoscopy.

Thus ends the Chapter XX



Marriage Compatibility


Stanza 1. The existence of compatibility or otherwise between the couple to be married is to be ascertained on the basis of their birth stars.

Stanzas 2 and 3. Before deciding a marriage, agreement in regard to the following should be considered: Rasyadhipa, Nakshatra, Varna, Yoni, Gana, Rishi, Pakshi, Mriga, Vedha, Bhuta, Rajju, Vayas, Ashtakavarga and Sakti.

Stanza 4. Regarding the first Rasi agreement, the author of Sarvasiddhi says: "The male born in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Rasis from that of the female should not enter into wedlock. If both have the same Janma Rasi, marriage can be done provided both are not of the same Nakshatra.


The count is always from the Janma Rasi (radical Moon of the girl).

Stanza 5. When the woman is born in an odd Janma Rasi, then the man born in the 6th and 8th therefrom can be taken as an optional measure. If she is born in an even Janma Rasi, the man born in the 6th should be rejected and the 8th can be accepted.

Stanza 6. Madhavacharya is of the opinion that the Janma Rasi of the man falling in the 2nd from that of the woman will cause loss of money; in the 5th gives loss of children; in the 6th causes diseases, danger and separation; in the 3rd, sorrow; and in the 4th, quarrels and misunderstandings.

Stanza 7. Brihaspati is of the opinion that the man born in the 6th and 8th from the Janma Rasi of the girl brings in losses and ruin, unless both the Rasis are governed by the same planet or are friendly to each other.

Stanza 8. If the Janma Rasis of both the man and the woman have 'Vasya' and do not have 'Vedha', then the 6th and the 8th dispositions can be accepted as good.

Stanza 9. When the bridegroom's Janma Rasi is the 5th or 2nd from that of the bride, compatibility does not exist. Even if the lords of both are mutual foes, a person born in the 7th can be accepted as very good.

Stanza 10. If the bridegroom's Moon is in the 6th or 8th from that of the bride, then they will separate or quarrel or die. If he is born in the 2nd or 12th, they will suffer from poverty. If he is born in the 5th, their children will die. If he is born in other Rasis, they will enjoy prosperity, happiness and wealth. If the lords of both are mutual foes or if they have vedha dosha, then the evils attendant on 2nd, 5tb, 6th, 8th and 12th will be felt in a greater degree. If these lords happen to be one and the same planet and if they have Vasya, these evils will not be felt.

Stanza 11. If it is found in the horoscopes of the husband and the wife, that the ascendant, its Navamsa, the Moon and its Navamsa happen to be Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo, then there will be no issue born to the couple.

Stanza 12. Capricorn and Pisces symbolise the yonees (sex organs) of birds; Cancer and Scorpio symbolise reptile sex organs; Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn denote animals; and Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius testify human.

Stanza 13. If the yonees of the man and the woman as indicated by the Rasis be the same then it can be considered as good; if one is pasu-yonee (animal sex) and the other nara-yonee (human sex), it is fair; in the same manner, if one is pasu and the other pakshi (bird) or sarasripa, it is unfavourable; if one is human and the other reptile or bird, it is bad and should not be accepted.

Stanza 14. In Muhurtha Sangraha, it is stated that a man born in the 6 signs from the 7th from the Janma Rasi of the woman can be taken for wedlock. But a man born in the 6th can be considered only as madhyama or ordinary. The male born in the 4th also can be accepted if other items of agreement are present. The rest should be rejected.


The author often quotes different authorities. The stanza in question gives the opinion of the famous book Muhurtha Sangraha.

A bridegroom, having his radical Moon or Janma Rasi in the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th from the radical Moon of the bride, can be considered for marriage. But if one's Janma Rasi happens to be the 6th from that of the girl, then the agreement is madhyama or moderate or ordinary. The bridegroom's Janma Rasi being the 4th from that of the bride is passable provided other factors of agreement are present.

Stanza 15. If the birth constellations of the boy and the girl happen to be the same, marriage is permissible provided it is not Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashadha, Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Hasta, Rohini, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Aridra or Bharani.

Stanza 16. If both the couple have the same Janma Rasi, but not the same asterism, it is good. Sons and grandsons will issue out of the wedlock. If both have the same asterism, fear from poison has to be guarded against. If the couple's Janma Rasis are mutually 7th from each other, the couple will be loving dearly. If the Rasis are dwirdwadasa and also happen to be the end of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, the couple will experience poverty. Here ends the first part of Rasyaanukulya.


When the Janma Rasis of the couple are 2nd and 12th from each other, the alliance is to be rejected if the Rasi of either the groom or the bride falls at the end of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Stanza 17. If a male is born in a Rasi for which the Rasi of the woman is Vasya, then it is favourable. Every Rasi has a Vasya Rasi and they are: Aries — Leo and Scorpio; Taurus — Cancer and Libra; Gemini — Virgo, Cancer — Scorpio and Sagittarius; Leo — Libra; Virgo Gemini and Pisces; Libra — Virgo and Capricorn; Scorpio — Cancer. Sagittarius — Pisces; Capricorn — Aries and Aquarius; and Aquarius and Pisces — Capricorn.


If the Vasya Rasi of the Janma Rasi of the girl happens to be the sign of the bridegroom, it is said that vasya kuta prevails.

Stanza 18. If the Vasya Rasi of the man's Janma Rasi happens to be the Janma Rasi of the girl, then it is auspicious. The Janma Rasis of both should be mutually Vasya Rasis. A pair born in Vasya Rasis, if yoked, will lead a loving life.

Stanza 19. If the lords of the Janma Rasis of both are friends, or are one and the same, the match can be accepted. Planetary friendships are disposed thus: The Sun has Jupiter as his friend; the Moon — Mercury and Jupiter; Mars — Mercury and Venus; Mercury — the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn; Jupiter — the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn; Venus — Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn; and Saturn — Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.

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