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Stanza 45. If the lord of the 7th is in a quadrant or a trine, occupying exalted, own or friendly sign, and is conjoined by the lord of the 10th, the native will have many wives

Stanza 46. If the lords of the 11th and the 7th are in mutual aspect, are strong or posited in trines, one will have many wives.

Stanza 47. If the following happen to be the Jan ma Rasi of the wife, there will be mutual harmony and agreement between the husband and the wife: (1) the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th; (2) the Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord; (3) the exaltation sign of the lord of the 7th; (4) the debilitation sign of the lord of the 7th; (5) the sign occupied by Venus; (6) the Navamsa occupied by Venus; (7) the 5th and 9th from the above; the sign containing the bindu of the lord of the 7th from the house occupied by Venus in Venus, Ashtakavarga chart.

Stanza 48. The married life of the couple will be happy if the male marries a girl born in the sign occupied by the lord of the Chandra Kakshya in the Moon's Ashtakavarga, or in the sign occupied by the lord of the ascendant.



Let the Moon be in 16° Libra in the male horoscope.

Each kaksha being 3° 45', the Moon will be in the 5th kaksha ruled by Venus. (For details of kaksha determination, refer to Notes under stanza 106, Chapter XVIII).

Let Venus occupy Gemini. Marriage with a girl born in Gemini ascendant will be happy.

Or, let the male's ascendant be Aries with Mars, its ruler, being placed in Virgo. A bride with Virgo ascendant would bring happiness to the male.

Stanza 49. Find out the asterism of the sum of the longitudes of Venus and the lord of the ascendant; likewise find out the asterism of the sum of the longitudes of the ascendant and the 7th. Again find out the asterism of the sum of the longitudes of the planet that aspects the 7th house and the lord of the 7th. The asterism of the wife will be one amongst the above-mentioned three asterisms.

Stanza 50. If a man marries a woman from any of these Diks mentioned below, their marital life will be happy: (1) The Dik governed by the lord of the 7th; (2) the Dik indicated by the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th; (3) the Dik indicated by the Navamsa lord of the 7th; (4) the Dik indicated by the sign occupied by Venus; (5) the Dik indicated by the Navamsa Rasi of Venus; (6) the Dik indicated by the seventh Rasi from Venus; (7) the Dik indicated by the lord who is in the 7th from the ascendant; (8) the Dik indicated by the lord who aspects the 7th from the ascendant; (9) the Dik indicated by the lord who is in the 7th from Chandra Lagna; (10) the Dik indicated by the lord who aspects the 7th from the Moon; (11) the Dik indicated by the Rasi holding benefics and contains a greater number of bindus in Venus Ashtakavarga chart; (12) the Dik indicated by the Rasi where the lord of the 1st stands and has a large number of bindus in Ashtakavarga chart; and (13) the Dik indicated by the sign where the lord of the 7th stands and holds a large number of bindus in the above chart.


Here are given a number of Rasis and planets. A question may crop up on how to select one from these. Take the strongest of the planets and the sign yielding more indications. From these, fix the Dik. A marriage from that direction will bring in happiness only.

Stanza 51. After reductions in the Ashtaka-varga of Venus, take that sign which contains more bindus. If the marriage be conducted from the direction indicated by this sign, it will bring felicity and happiness.

Stanza 52. The wife will be from a distant place if the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, the Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the 7th, the Rasi occupied by Venus, and the Navamsa Rasi of Venus, are all movable. If they are fixed, the wife will be from a neighbouring place. If they are common, she will belong to a place neither far nor near.

Stanza 53. We have given many indications fixing the asterism and the place the wife hails from. One can have a happy married life if he takes as his wife a girl born in a place and an asterism in which there is more than one coincidence of lakshanas or indicative signs.

Stanza 54. Just as the details regarding the wife are ascertained by looking into the 7th house, the lord of the 7th and Venus, etc., in a man's horoscope, in the same manner details of the husband can be ascertained in the female's horoscope by analysing the 7th house, the lord of the 7th and Venus, etc.

Stanza 55. If an evil planet occupies the 8th house in the female horoscope, the husband will die. But if a benefic occupies the 2nd house, she will die before the husband. If Saturn aspected by an evil planet occupies the 7th house, she will die a virgin and nobody will come forward to marry her. Though the presence of evil planets in the 7th and 8th houses indicates widowhood, the strong presence of a benefic in the 9th house averts the effect of widowhood. These peculiarities should be carefully looked into in the horoscope of a woman.

Stanza 56. Certain peculiarities regarding the female horoscope have been detailed by Varaha Mihira in the 22nd Chapter of Brihat Jataka. They should be carefully studied and applied and the results predicted.

Stanza 57. In the horoscope of the male, the 7th house and Venus picture the life of the wife. In the horoscope of the wife, the 8th house and Saturn reveal the characteristics of the husband.

Stanza 58. When does the marriage take place — early age, middle age or old age? In which Dasa does it come ? These are to be ascertained as follows:

Stanza 59. Marriage takes place in early life if a strong benefic lord of the 7th house is in association with the lord of the ascendant; or a strong Venus combines with the lord of the ascendant; or Venus and the lord of the 7th occupy quadrants. When the lord of the 7lh and Venus occupy Upachaya signs (3, 6, 10 and 11), prosperity will dawn after marriage. When the lord of the 7th is far away from the 7th and the 1st houses, marriage will generally take place after the bloom of youth.

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