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Stanza 31. If the lord of the 7th or the Sun occupies a malefic sign and a malefic Navamsa, or is aspected by or associated with malefics, the wife will be inclined to vice

Stanza 32. When Rahu or Ketu occupies the 7th house; when it is aspected by malefics; when the 7th house falls in a malefic Navamsa, the wife is sinful, inclined to poison the husband, possesses an evil reputation and will be of a quarrelsome nature.

Stanza 33. If Venus is in the 7th house, the husband will be lustful and passionate. If benefics are strong in the 7th house, he will be fond of his own wife. If Mars occupies the 7th, he will be fond of many women; if Saturn, he will be inclined to covet low-class women. If the Sun occupies the 7th, he will be fond of others' wives.

Stanza 34. If the lords of the ascendant and the 7th house are friends, the wife's family members will be friendly towards the native. If the lords of the 7th and ascendant are foes, the wife and her family members will be inimical towards him.

Stanza 35. If the lord of the ascendant is very strong and the lord of the 7th is in a benefic Navamsa aspected by or associated with benefics, occupies Vaisesbikamsa or is exalted, the person will marry in a high-born family.

Stanza 36. When the lord of the ascendant is devoid of strength and the lord of the 7th occupies an inimical Rasi and a debilitated or inimical Navamsa, is combust, and is conjoined by malefics, the native will marry a girl belonging to a family lower than his own.

Stanza 37. When the ascendant is a common sign and when the Moon and the lord of the 7th occupy common signs, or have their Navamsas in common signs, when two planets occupy the 11th and eunuch planets occupy the 7th house, the native will remarry. When the Sun and Mars are in the 7th house, or in their own Navamsas in the 7th house, he will have only one wife though he may marry many women.

Stanza 38. The native will marry three women if the lords of the 7th (both from the ascendant and the Moon) and Venus are strong and occupy favourable houses. If any two of these are strong, he will marry two women, and if only one alone is strong, he will marry only one. When the lord of the 7th or Venus is exalted or when more than two planets occupy the 7th house he may marry three or even more women. The number of wives can be calculated from the number of Navamsas completed by the lord of the 7th.

Stanza 39. When the 7th house is strong, when Venus and the lord of the 7th are exalted, or occupy their own signs, or have vargottama or exalted Navamsa, the native will marry a second woman.


In stanzas 37, 38 and 39 combinations for more than one wife are given. In all civilized countries, the order of the day is monogamy. This implies that when a chart indicates more than one spouse, it can be under the following conditions: (a) death of spouse, (b) divorce, (c) clandestine marriages, not approved by law or society.

Under (c) we may include certain groups such as the Moslems whose laws permit more than one wife at the same time. Even amongst Moslems there are men who have married and remained faithful to their spouses without taking advantage of their laws which permit more than one wife. Charts of such natives indicate only one wife.

The Lagna and the Moon are in common signs. Rahu and Jupiter occupy the 11th. The 7th lord Jupiter is strong in the 11th; so also Venus who is exalted in the 10th. The native had more than one wife. Where the word remarry is used it means, a second or third marriage after the death or divorce of one or more spouses.


Chart: Born 7-4-1893 at 9-37 a.m. (LMT) at 20 N 56, 75 E 55.



Sun Mercury Venus Rahu Jupiter Mars Lagna   Moon Mars Saturn Rahu
  Chart 1 RASI   Sun NAVAMSA Jupiter
Moon   Ketu Sat. Ketu Mercury Lagna  


Stanza 40. If the 7th and 2nd are afflicted by malefics, their lords are weak, the native will remarry. This is according to Sarvartha Chintamani.

Stanza 41. If a malefic is posited in the 7th or 8th, Mars is in 12th house and the 7th house is in no way benefited by the lord of the 7th, then also remarriage can take place.

Stanza 42. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th is combust or debilitated or is in an inimical house, or is aspected by a malefic, or hemmed in between two malefics, the native may marry more than one woman.

Stanza 43. When a number of malefics occupy the 2nd or the 7th, and lord of the 2nd or the 7th is aspected by malefics, one may marry three women.

Stanza 44. If a malefic planet occupies the ascendant, or the 2nd or the 7th, the lord of the 7th happens to be in combustion, one will have three wives.

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