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Stanza 15. Venus in combination with Mandi and the trinal or quadrangular house is afflicted by Rahu brings about the death of the wife by snakebite


Here the trinal (trikona) or quadrangle (kendra) is to be considered from Venus.

Stanza 16. If Venus joins Saturn and a malefic is in the 8th house from Venus, the wife will have an unnatural death. According as Venus occupies a quadrupedal sign, the decanate of a bird, or a watery sign, death will be due to a quadruped or a bird or from water. If Venus occupies watery signs along with the Moon, the wife will be drowned.


Virgo, the first half of Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are human or biped signs. Pisces, Cancer and the latter half of Capricorn are watery signs.

The latter half of Sagittarius, the first part of Capricorn, Leo, Aries and Taurus are quadrupedal signs. Scorpio is a keeta or insect Rasi.

Stanza 17. If Venus is in conjunction with the Sun, the wife will be afflicted by bhutas (or hobgoblins) though born of a distinguished family; with the Moon, better bred and cultured than the husband; with Mars, haunted by Rakshasas and will have a paramour; with Jupiter, haunted by Vidyadharas though virtuous in all actions; and with Mercury, educated, good natured and handsome.

Stanza 18. If Venus combines with Saturn, there will be trouble from Gandharvas, will be fond of mean people and will possess a bad nature and deceptive habits; with Rahu or Ketu, fond of low sort of people and defective of some limb; with Gulika, and the other tertiary planets, dies suddenly of accidents; with Ardhaprahara, death will be due to prolonged disease.

Stanza 19. If in the Ashtakavarga of Venus, the 7th house from Venus contains a bindu contributed by the Sun, the wife will be as dear to him as life itself; bindu contributed by the Moon, she will be agreeable to his mind; if by Mars, always engaged in good deeds; if by Mercury, very faithful to the husband; if by Jupiter, endowed with good children; if by Venus, well skilled in the arts of enjoyment; and if by Saturn, serve him faithfully as a servant.


In Venus Asbtakavarga, the bindus of Venus never fall in the 7th house from him. Hence the only construction possible is that the bindus referred to must be "7th house from the ascendant instead of Venus".

Stanza 20. If Jupiter or Venus occupies the 7th house, his wife will be of his own caste. By examining the stronger of the two planets, viz., the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th or Navamsa lord of the lord of the 7th all the details regarding the physical features of the wife such as complexion, stature, etc., should be ascertained.

Stanza 21. Of Venus, the lord of the 7th and the planet occupying the 7th, the stronger will give a clue to the colour, nature, caste, etc., of the wife.

Stanza 22. When a benefic occupies the 9th house from Venus and the lord of the 9th is strong, the wife will be spiritual minded, lucky, and will have many issues.

Stanza 23. When the lord of the 7th is a benefic and is aspected by or is in association with benefics, or strong planets occupy the 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th from the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, then a woman will be loved by her husband and children. If otherwise, the wife will be barren and sickly.


If the lord of the 7th is a malefic or aspected by malefics, or malefics or weak benefics occupy the 5th, the 7th, the 9th, and the 11th from the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, then the wife will be sickly and barren.

Stanza 24. If the 7th house is occupied or aspected by its lord or benefics, and the 7th house is strongly disposed; or if the lord of the 7th and Venus are well disposed, the native will have the fortune of getting a good wife.

Stanza 25. If the lord of the 7th is very strong, the native will marry a girl from a rich family. If he is weak, he will marry from a poor family and the wife will not be good-looking.

Stanza 26. If the lord of the 7th is associated with or aspected by or hemmed in between benefics, the native will get a good wife and children.

Stanza 27. When the lord of the 7th or Venus occupies the sign of a benefic or is in the Navamsa of a benefic and the lord of the 10th is strong, the native will marry a woman with good qualities.

Stanza 28. If the 7th, the lord of the 7th or Venus is strong and is aspected by Jupiter, one gets a devoted wife.

Stanza 29. If the lord of the 7th or the Sun is aspected by Venus or Mercury, and the lord of the 7th has the association of Jupiter, the wife will be chaste and virtuous-minded.

Stanza 30. If the lord of the 7th occupies a quadrant, and is aspected by benefics or is posited in a benefic sign and a benefic Navamsa, the wife will be a paragon of chastity.

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