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Stanza 88. We have described, in detail, the various Bhavas, their intrinsic merits or demerits. They may be skilfully utilised in this connection also

Stanza 89. Man has to redeem three debts in his life. Issue alone can redeem the debt to Pitris. Obsequies alone cannot satisfy them. Hence the birth of a son is very important and hence so much is said regarding it.

Thus ends the Chapter XIX


Seventh House According to Birth Horoscope


Stanza 1. When there is perfect agreement between horoscopy (Jataka) and horary (Prasna) in the matter of results, things can be predicted with greater accuracy. Hence I am describing here how to read the life-career of one's wife from an examination of the horoscope.


Reading details about wife with the help of Prasna has been dealt with in Chapter XVII.

Stanza 2. Details regarding issues have been described in the last chapter. Unmarried people can have no legitimate issue. They are not competent to perform any karmas as ordained in the Sruti and Smritis. Married people have to do them. Hence matrimony is absolutely essential for the sake of issue and for making one fit to do all the ordained karmas. Ancient sages have elaborated these and from them I write drawing my conclusions in my own way.

Stanza 3. All about the wife should be ascertained from the 7th house, the lord of the 7th, the planet aspecting the 7th, the planet occupying the 7th and Venus.

Stanza 4. The character of the wife depends on the nature of the lord of the 7th house. The nature of the signs beginning from Aries having reference to the 7th house is given below.

Stanza 5. In the horoscope of the husband, if the 7th bouse happens to be Aries, then the wife will be fond of going to temples; if Taurus, liberal in giving food; Gemini — neat and tidy and keeps all the household utensils clean; Cancer — fond of bathing; Leo religious bent of mind; Virgo, inclined to store beautiful vessels and sweet perfumes; Libra, clever in speech; Scorpio, clever in cooking; Sagittarius, fond of hearing puranic stories; Capricorn, fond of soft beds and light dress (sparsana sukha); Aquarius, engaged in storing grains and corn; and Pisces, collecting bronze vessels, sweet in words and skilled in fine arts.

Stanza 6. When the 7th house is weak and afflicted by malefics, not aspected by or associated with benefics; or lord of the 7th or the lord of the 1st; the lord of the 7th and Venus occupy debilitated or inimical Navamsa or are in combustion or aspected by or associated with malefics without being connected with benefics or the lord of the ascendant or these occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, the native will not marry. Even if he marries, the wife will not live long.

Stanza 7. If Mars occupies the 7th house, the husband will live apart from his wife or she will die. If Saturn aspects Mars in the 7th without any benefic connection, then the wife will die. If the 7th house is Capricorn and Jupiter occupies it or if the 7th house is Scorpio and Venus occupies it, the wife will die. If Taurus happens to, be the 7th and Mercury is placed there, then his first wife will die.

Stanza 8. If Saturn is in the 7th identical with Pisces, if Jupiter is in the 7th identical with Virgo; or if a strong malefic is in the 4th; or if the lord of the 8th or lord of the 5th occupies the 7th; the wife will die. If the Sun and Venus occupy the 5th, the 7th or the 9th, the wife will be defective of limbs.

Stanza 9. If Venus is hedged in between malefics without any benefic influence, the native's life will be endangered by the wife or she may die. If malefics occupy the 4th and 8th from Venus without any benefic influence, some danger or accident will befall the wife. If the Sun and Rahu are in the 7th, the native will waste all bis money on women.

Stanza 10. If Venus is in a moveable sign, hemmed in between malefics, and is aspected by or is in association with Saturn, the wife will become an outcaste.

Stanza 11. If Venus occupies the Rasi or Navamsa of Mars or is associated with or aspected by him, the native's wife will dote on a cruel person.

Stanza 12. If Venus is in the sign or Navamsa of Saturn, or is aspected by or conjoins Saturn; or Venus is in his debilitated sign or Navamsa, the wife will be a low bred one.

Stanza 13. If in Venus Ashtakavarga, the 7th house from Venus has more bindus contributed by malefics and Gulika occupies a trine from Venus, then the wife will die soon.

Stanza 14. If Venus is in the sign of Mars or the Sun, or is aspected by either of them; or Venus occupies Agni Bhuta, then the wife's death will be due to fire.


The calculation of the Bhutas has been given in Chapter XVI.

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