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Stanza 72. When benefics occupy the 5th house from the ascendant or the Moon or Jupiter, the father will be greatly benefited by the son

Stanza 73. The product obtained by multiplying the longitude of the 5th house (devoid of sign), in terms of minutes by the quantum of aspect (in terms of Shashtiamsas) is to be divided by 200. The quotient indicates the number of children. The longitude of the 5th house (devoid of sign) reduced to minutes is multiplied by the aspect quantum of malefics. The product is divided by 200. The quotient indicates the number of issues that die.


In giving an explanation of this stanza, I must submit that I have not been able to get any satisfactory results in the application of this stanza to practical horoscopes. The dristhi shashtyamsas are the collective aspect cast on a house by all the planets. The method of working out this has been explained in detail with examples in my book Graha and Bhava Balas.

Convert the longitude of the 5th house (rejecting the sign) into minutes. Call this x. Take the drishti shashtyamsa or quantum of aspect on the 5th house. Call this y. Multiply x by y and call the product z. Divide z by 200. The quotient indicates the number of issues to be born. The quantum of benefic aspect denotes the number of surviving issues while the quantum of malefic aspects denotes the number of issues that die. Some pandits are of the opinion that z should first be divided by 60 and the quotient again divided by 200. I cannot vouchsafe for the working of this theory.

Stanza 74. The completed number of Navamsas of the lord of the 5th gives the number of children. Male issues are to be ascertained from the Navamsas of male planets and female issues from female planets. If male planets occupy even signs, children will die; female planets occupying odd signs indicate the same result. If the Navamsa lords are strong, the issues will live long.

Stanza 75. If the Navamsa lords are strong by being exalted or occupying own or friendly houses, the issues will live long. If these lords are debilitated or combust or occupy inimical places, the progeny dies.


The lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th and the lord of the Navamsa in which the 5th falls are to be considered.

Stanza 76. The number of bindus found in the 5th house from Jupiter in his Ashtakavarga chart indicates the number of children. Bindus contributed by planets occupying unfriendly or debilitation signs or those that are in combustion should be excluded. Bindus contributed by an exalted or retrograde planet should be trebled. For a planet in vargottama or own house, the bindus should be doubled. Bindus contributed by masculine planets give males, and feminine ones, females.


A prasthara ashtakavarga (see my book Ashtakavarga System of Prediction) cast for Jupiter shows the number of bindus contributed by each planet. When this is ascertained, one can find out the bindus given by benefics, malefics, etc., and whether such planets are exalted or debilitated, etc. This combination has been explained in detail with an illustration in my book on Ashtakavarga.

Example: Chart 1



    Ketu Jupit.     Jupiter Saturn  
Moon RASI   Rahu NAVAMSA Venus
Lagna Sat. Moon Lagna Ketu
  Rahu Mars Sun Mercury Venus Mars   Mercury Sun


In Chart 1, the 5th from Jupiter is Libra. Libra has 6 bindus, the donors being Saturn, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Lagna. Of these, Saturn is in an inimical sign. Venus is in debility. Therefore, deducting 2 bindus, the remainder is 4. The Sun is vargottama. Double the contribution of the Sun (2). Mercury is vargottama. Double his contribution too (2). The total now will be 8. Venus and the Moon are females. Though Mercury is a eunuch he can be considered a male being in a masculine sign with male planet Sun. Hence the total number of children will be 8 — 6 males and 2 females.

Stanza 77. The number of expired Navamsas in the 5th house minus those whose lords are in inimical signs or debilitated; the number of expired Navamsas of the lord of the 5th minus those whose lords are debilitated or are in inimical houses; the number of planets aspecting the 5th house: These give the number of issues.


The translation of this stanza has been made without straining or stretching the original.

8 Navamsas have expired in the 5th house. Saturn is in an inimical sign and 7 Navamsas have expired in his case. The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are in debility and have crossed 2, 4 and 0 Navamsas respectively. That is 7 + 2 + 4 + 0 = 13.

The 5th lord Mercury has covered 6 Navamsas. From this we have to deduct 13.

No planets aspect the 5th.

The first two instances have to be ignored since the figure from which the deduction is to be made is less than the figure to be subtracted. Applying this rule to the 5th house from

Example: Chart 2.



Rahu             Lagna
Lagna RASI   Rahu Venus NAVAMSA Mercury
Jupiter Mars Sat. Jupit. Ketu
  Moon Venus Sun Merc. Ketu Sun Saturn Moon    


Balance of Saturn Dasa: 3 years, 3 months and 18 days. Chandra Lagna, the same result ensues under the first and second conditions. However, Mars and Mercury aspect the 5th house, i.e., 2 planets.

Taking the average of issues as per reckoning from Lagna and Chandra Lagna, we would get 0 + 2 / 2 = 1. The native may expect 1 issue.

Stanza 78. Tne number of Rasmis secured by Jupiter and the lord of the 5th gives a clue to the number of issues. The method of calculating Rasmis taught to me by my preceptor is given below.

Stanza 79. The maximum number of rays allotted to the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively are 10, 9, 5, 5, 7, 8 and 5. Deduct the debilitation point of a house from its actual longitude. If the remainder exceeds 6s (or 180°), deduct it from 12s (or 360°). Multiply this by the planets' Rasmi and divide the product by 6s (or 180°). If the planet is retrograde or combust, its contribution should be increased or decreased.


Rasmis are rays which each planet is supposed to get when in a state of deep exaltation. The proportion of good or bad indications of a planet depends upon the number of Rasmis it gets to its credit. The greater the number, the more beneficial the results.

The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn get respectively 10, 9, 5, 5, 7, 8 and 5 rays in deep exaltation. In deep debilitation the number of Rasmis is zero. This is what Kalyanavarma says in his immortal work Saravali. The same idea is expressed in the works of Mani, Maya and Badarayana. The total number of Rasmis a planet can get is always 49. Whilst some other writers grant that the total number is 49 they hold that each planet in deep exaltation gets 7 Rasmis irrespective of its nature. But this view has not won the approval of Badarayana and other great writers whose allotment of Rasmis is based on the inherent nature and characteristics of the planets. The Sun is the brightest planet and consequently he gets 10 Rasmis in deep exaltation. The Moon, Venus and Jupiter come next in their degrees of brilliancy and therefore they get 8, 8 and 7 rays respectively.

A planet proceeding from debilitation to exaltation is said to be gaining in Rasmis. The reverse holds good when the planet is moving towards debilitation from exaltation. If a planet is in between these two points, the number of Rasmis may be obtained by proportion.

First the Rasmi-arc is obtained by subtracting the debilitation point from the planet's longitude. If the remainder is greater than 180° then subtract it from 360°, and the planet's Rasmi-arc is obtained. The rays ascribed to each planet being the value when it is at its deep exaltation point, the full number of rays is taken when the Rasmi-arc is 180° and the number of rays indicated by Rasmi-arcs (sphuta-rasmis) between 0° and 180° are found by proportion: — 180°: Rasmi-arc:: Planet's ascribed rays: sphuta-rasmi.

Suppose Mercury's longitude is 180° 33'. Applying the above rules we get Mercury's Rasmi-arc thus:

180° 33' - 345° (debilitation point) = 195° 33' = 164° 27' = Rasmi-arc 164° 27' x 5 / 180° = 4.56 Mercury's sphuta-rasmi.

In this way the sphuta-rasmis for other planets must be ascertained.

The sphuta-rasmis get increased or decreased according to the planet's situation in the horoscope. If the planet occupies a friendly Dwadasamsa, this number must be doubled; if it is in its own Navamsa, the number must be trebled; if in exaltation or own house, in addition to being retrograde, the number requires to be trebled. If the planet occupies inimical or debilitated Dwadasamsa, the sphuta-rasmis must be reduced by one-sixteenth; excepting Saturn and Venus, if any other planet is in combustion, the sphuta-rasmis of such a planet become zero. If a planet is about to leave retrogression, its sphuta-rasmis stand to be diminished by one-eighth. Add together the rasmis of all the planets after the Haraoas (reductions) and Bharanas (additions) are over.

If the total number falls short of 10, the native earns his livelihood by begging and similar acts, becomes unfortunate and roams about aimlessly. If the total rays are between 10 and 15, the results will be good character, righteously inclined and increase in religious lore. If between 15 and 20, famous, righteous and well-to-do; if between 20 and 25, fair appearance, brave, kingly and respected; serving kings and notables if the number of rays is between 25 and 30; if 31, 32, 33 and 34, the results will be high position, great influence and immense wealth; 35 to 39 indicates kingly power, sovereignty over vast tracts of land and immense wealth; above 40 causes very high Raja Yogas and the native attains an exalted position similar to that of kings and emperors.

Stanza 80. If the planet is retrograde or is exalted, the number of rays should be trebled. If the planet is in his own or friendly Navamsa, the number is to be doubled; in unfriendly or debilitation sign, reduce the rays by 1/16 part. If in combustion, all the rasmis are eliminated but if Venus and Saturn, are in combustion only half has to be taken away. Of Jupiter or the lord of the 5th, that lord which has more rasmis contributes the number of children which the native will have.

Stanza 81. Of the methods to ascertain the number of children discussed above, that which gives the greatest number may be taken if the lord of the 5th is strong. That which gives the least number may be noted if the lord of the 5th is weak.

Time: Birth of Children

Stanza 82. If the lord of the 5th is placed near the 5th house or the lord of the ascendant, a child will be born while the native is very young. According as the lord of the 5th occupies a kendra, a panapara or an apoklima, the birth of the child will be in young, middle or old age respectively.


Kendras are the 1st, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses. Panaparas are the 2nd, the 5th, the 8th and the 11th houses, Apoklimas are the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and the 12th houses.

Stanza 83. Birth of children can occur in the main and sub-period of the lord of the ascendant, the lord of the 5th, Jupiter, the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th; the lord of the Navamsa occupied by Jupiter; the lord of the 7th; the occupant of the 5th house; and the planet who aspects the 5th house.

Stanza 84. When Jupiter transits any one of the following signs, birth of an issue may be predicted: the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the ascendant; the Navamsa sign occupied by the lord of the 5th; the sign occupied by Gulika; the Navamsa sign of Gulika; the trinal houses from the sign and Navamsa Rasi occupied by Gulika. Of the signs mentioned above single out the one which has more bindus, in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter. The lord of the 5th from the Moon and Jupiter should also be considered.


The period of birth of the child is ascertained by considering the transit of Jupiter in a sign — one of the following, which in Jupiter's Ashtakavarga has the largest number of bindus. The signs to be considered are:

(1) the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the ascendant,

(2) the Navamsa sign occupied by this lord,

(3) the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the Moon,

(4) the Navamsa sign occupied by this lord,

(5) the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from Jupiter,

(6) the Navamsa sign occupied by this lord,

(7) the sign occupied by Gulika,

(8) the Navamsa sign of Gulika and

(9) the trinal houses from the Rasi and Navamsa Rasi occupied by Gulika.

According to some, the trinal houses of the above nine signs should be considered.

This stanza offers much scope for a research-minded astrologer to ascertain the year of birth on the basis of Jupiterian transit.

Stanza 85. When Jupiter, the lord of the 5th, the lord of the ascendant and the lord, of the 5th from the Moon-sign, transit the 5th house or the house occupied by the lord of the 5th, or the trinal places of these two, the child will be born. When the lords of the 1st, the 5th and the 7th transit the above-mentioned signs, then also birth of the issue can take place.

Stanza 86. We have seen that the bindus in the 5th house from Jupiter, in his Ashtakavarga chart, denote the number of children. Consider the stronger of the two signs — the sign occupied by the planet who has contributed the bindu or its Navamsa Rasi. If this lord occupies the first Drekkana, the child will be born when the Moon transits the sign occupied by the lord of its Navamsa. If he occupies the 2nd Drekkana, the child will be born in the 5th sign from the above; if he occupies the third Drekkana, the child will be born when the Moon transits the 9th sign from the above. Multiply the expired ghatikas of the planet in the Drekkana by 135 and divide the product by 1800. This gives the ghatikas traversed in the Nakshatra. The result gives the constellation in which the child will be born.


If the planet occupies the first Drekkana, remove the Rasis in the second Drekkana, remove the Rasis, and 10 degrees, and in the third Drekkana, remove the Rasis and 20 degrees. The remainder should be converted into minutes, multiplied by 135 and divided by 1800. If the remainder is divided by 5, the number of Nakshatra Padas expired will be got and in the next Pada, the child will be born.

Stanza 87. When the Moon transits the sign or Navamsa of benefics that occupy or aspect the 5th house; the lord of the 5th strong and well situated; and other planets that are strong enough to give children, there will be birth of an issue. The 5th sign from the above-mentioned signs and Navamsas also give children.

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