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Stanza 50. When the first house is in an even sign, having the vargas of the Moon and Venus and has the aspect of these two planets, the children will be female ones

Stanza 51. When the 5th house is an odd sign and the lord of the 5th is in an odd Navamsa, then all the issues will be males.

Stanza 52. When the 5th house is an even sign and the lord of the 5th is in an even Navamsa, then the issue is a female. When the 5th house is an even sign and the lord of the 5th is in a eunuch sign, the child will be a eunuch.

NOTES Eunuch signs are Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Stanza 53. If an even planet occupies his own sign in the 5th, many issues will be born. If there are two evil planets in the 5th, many children will be born.

Stanza 54. If the lord of the 2nd is in the 5th aspected by Jupiter and is strong, then issues will be born.

Stanza 55. If the lords of the ascendant and the 5th occupy quadrants in association with benefics and the lord of the 2nd is strong, birth of issues can be predicted.

Stanza 56. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th is a benefic or is associated with or aspected by a benefic, children will be born.

Stanza 57. When the 5th house from the ascendant or the Moon is strong and is associated with or aspected by benefics or lord of the 5th is without any affliction, there will be early birth of children.

Stanza 58. When the lord of the 5th and Jupiter are strong, not associated with the lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th, etc., free from combustion, and Duritamsa, birth of children can be predicted.


The 2nd and the 3rd padas of Samhara Nakshalras make up Duritamsa.

Stanza 59. When Mars occupies the 5th identical with Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces and is aspec-ted by Jupiter, birth of an issue can be predicted.

Stanza 60. When the lord of the 5th, Jupiter, the Sun and Mars occupy odd Navamsas in odd signs, male children will be born. If the Moon, Venus and the lord of the 5th occupy even ones, the issues will be females.

Stanza 61. If the 5th house and its lord are strong, the children will be long-lived. If the house is owned by a malefic, the sons will be sinful. If it is odd, children will be cruel. If the lord of the 5th happening to be a benefic, and Jupiter occupy their houses of exaltation and own benefic vargas, the children born will be cultured, long-lived and prosperous.

Stanza 62. The general state of children will depend upon the mental attitude of the parents at the time of impregnation. If they are happy and free from anxieties, children will also lead a happy life. If at the time of impregnation, breath rushes out of the nostrils of the father, the child will have a long life. If there is no breath, the child will have short life only.

Stanza 63. If the lord of the 5th and Jupiter are conjoined with or aspected by malefics, the children will either be deformed or sick.

Stanza 64. The lords of the 1st and the 5th mutually interchange houses; these two lords associate with each other, and aspect one another; these three combinations indicate the birth of children. In a femeale horoscope, 'delivery' has to be ascertained from the 5th, and the children from the 9th. If the 4th house in a female's horoscope is associated by a benefic, there will be no delivery.

Stanza 65. If the longitudes of Jupiter and the 5th house fall in Jupiter's varga and the 5th is aspected by Jupiter, then one will have children from his own wife. The 5th house can be counted both from the ascendant and the Moon.

Stanza 66. If the lords of the ascendant and the 5th house are mutual friends, father and son will be well disposed towards each other. If they are enemies, father and son will be mutually ill-disposed. And if these lords are neutral, the relationship will be indifferent.

Stanza 67. If the lords of the ascendant and the 5th aspect each other or interchange their houses, then the son will serve his father dutifully.

Stanza 68. If the lord of the 5th occupies or aspects Lagna, or the lord of the ascendant occupies or aspects the 5th house, then also the son will be obedient to his father.

Stanza 69. If the lord of the 5th, Mars and Rahu aspect the 5th house from the Moon or the ascendant, then the son will always be abusing his father.

Stanza 70. When the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th is in the ascendant, the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the ascendant is in the 5th, and the lord of the Navamsa occupied by Jupiter is in a kendra, Sages declare that the native will have children.

From Anushtana Paddhati

Stanza 71. When the 5th house is either owned by benefics or associated with or aspected by them, there will be issues. If otherwise, there will be no issues.

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