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Stanza 39. The waning Moon in the ascendant, malefics in the ascendant or the 4th house, planets other than benefics in trines indicate the posthumous birth of the child

Stanza 40. When a malefic occupies the 5th house which is not his own sign, and which has no aspect of strong benefics, the child will die. When the planet occupying the 5th is also the owner of the 8th, children will die. If Mars is in the 5th, all the children will die as they are born. If Jupiter aspects Mars then only the first born will die- If Pisces happens to be the 5th and is occupied by Jupiter and aspected by Saturn then also children will die.


A malefic must occupy the 5th house, which should not be the malefic's own sign. It should not receive the aspect of strong benefics. Under this combination children will die. If the planet owning the 5th and 8th is in the 5th, there will be loss of children. The position of Mars in the 5th favours the death of children as they are born. If Mars receives the aspect of Jupiter the first issue will survive. Children will die if Pisces happens to be the 5th occupied by Jupiter and aspected by Saturn.

Stanza 41. When the lord of the 5th is in a malefic Navamsa, debilitated and combust and aspected by malefics or occupies dusthanas then loss of children should be predicted.

NOTES The dusthanas are the 6th, 8th and 12th houses.

Stanza 42. If the lord of the Drekkana occupied by the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 12th associates or aspects the 5th house or its lord, then children will die.


The combination is somewhat round about (a) Take the lord of the 12th; (b) see which Navamsa he occupies; (c) find out the Drekkana in which this Navamsa lord (as per b) is placed. This Drekkana lord should not aspect or associate with the 5th or the 5th lord. For example Aquarius is the ascendant and the 12th lord Saturn is in Taurus Navamsa. Say the lord of this Navamsa, viz., Venus occupies the Drekkana of Aries. Then if the lord of this Drekkana sign, viz., Mars should have anything to do with the 5th house or the 5th lord, then the children will die.

Stanza 43. When the lord of the 5th is combust and occupies cruel Shashtiamsas joined or aspected by malefics, then also death of children should be predicted.

Stanza 44. If the 5th from Santana Lagna, and Santhana Guru, happen to be owned by Saturn and Mercury or they are associated with or aspected by Saturn, Mercury and the Moon, then the native will have to adopt a child. If the lord of the 5th is also strong, then the man will have an issue born to him after his adoption of a child. Santana Lagna is obtained by multiplying the longitude of the birth ascendant by 5.


According to some, the 5th house from the birth ascendant and the radical Jupiter should also be considered.

Stanza 45. When the lord of the 5th occupies the Navamsa of Saturn and is conjoined with Mercury and Saturn, the native will adopt a child. When the lord of the 5th is in the Navamsa of Saturn and Jupiter and Venus are in their own signs, then the person will have a child born to his. wife after the issue has been adopted. If the 5th house from Jupiter in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter has points contributed by planets occupying the sign or Navamsa of Saturn, then also adoption should be predicted.

Stanza 46. A strong benefic in the 5th house, unless aspected by the lord of the 5th, can only give an adopted issue.

Some Visesha Yogas of Putrasthana

Stanza 47. When Saturn is in the fifth which happens to be Cancer, birth of sons is indicated. When the Sun, Mars and Venus are similarly placed, the son will be born to the second wife. When the Moon and Jupiter occupy the 5th, only female children are born. There is only a feeble chance if Mercury is in the 5th.


The stanza takes into consideration the results of different planets occupying the 5th house which should happen to be Cancer. If (a) Saturn is in the 5th, there is chance of getting an issue; (6) the Sun, Mars and Venus — birth of children to 2nd wife; (c) the Moon and Jupiter — only female issues; and (d) Mercury alone — little chance of getting a child. In regard to (d) and (c) some opine that the female children will outnumber male issues. According to some pandits, Cancer happening to be the 5th house applies only to Saturn and Mercury. For the other planets, the 5th house can be any sign.

Stanza 48. If a malefic occupies the 5th which should be his own sign, the native will get many children, but they may not survive. But benefics so disposed will give reverse results. Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio happening to be the fifth house give very few children. If the Moon occupies these, then again there will be no issue. If the Moon occupies the fourth or fifth house which should be Virgo, female issues will be born.


Even if the 5th house happens to be his own, a malefic there indicates death of children. If benefics occupy the 5th happening to be their own signs it indicates a number of children. Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio are said to be alpaputra rasis. When any of these happen to be the 5th, very few children are born. The Moon in the 5th in one of these signs denies children. If Virgo is the 4th or 5th house and the Moon is situated there, birth of daughters is indicated.

Stanza 49. When the Moon occupies an odd sign and an odd Navamsa aspected by the Sun, there will be issues. If the lord of the 7th occupies the 5th, both the wife and children will get ruined. If the strong lord of the 7th is in the 5th and the lord of the 8th is in the 7th, there will be issues. Similarly, if the lords of the 1st and the 5th interchange places, there will be issue; but if the lord of the 1st is Mercury, there will be no issue.

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