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Stanza 29. If the waning Moon occupies the 5th and malefics are posited in the 1st, 7th and 12th, the native will have neither wife nor children

Stanza 30. If the lords of the ascendaat and the Moon-sign, Jupiter, the 5th house, the 7th house are extremely weak; these and 'Yama-kantaka' occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th; the 5th house is aspected by or associated with malefics; if the eunuch combinations are present; if Santana Thithi falls after the 8th day of the dark half of the Moon; if in Jupiter Ashtavarga the 5th house from Jupiter has a small number of bindus, the native will be issueless. He will not even have an adopted son.


Stanzas 27 to 30 outline combinations where birth of progeny is ruled out. These are:

1. If the Ascendant lord, 5th lord, Jupiter and 7th lord are all weak.

2. If the respective 5th lords from the Ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter receive no benefic aspects.

3. The 5th house has no benefic aspects but is afflicted malefics.

4. The 5th house is tenanted by malefics.

5. The 5th lord is debilitated and is not aspected by any benefics.

6. Mars is in the 7th.

7. The Moon and Venus are together (this combination seems ambiguous).

8. The waning Moon occupies the 5th and malefics are in the 1st, 7th and 12th. This combination not only rules out issues but also a wife.

9. The Ascendant lord, the Moon-sign lord, Jupiter, the 5th and 7th houses are extremely weak.

10. The factors given in (9) plus Yamakantaka occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th.

11. The 5th house is aspected by or associated with malefics.

12. Eunuch combinations are present.

Readers are referred to the Notes under Chapter XVIII stanza 146.

13. Santana Tithi falls after the 8th day of the dark half of the fortnight.

14: The 5th house from Jupiter in Jupiter Ashtakavarga has a small number of bindus.

In combinations 9 to 14, even an adopted child is ruled out.

At least a few of these combinations are bound to appear in the charts of childless couples.

Let us see which of the combinations listed above are found in this chart.

Combination (7) Lagna lord Mars though in the 11th is with Ketu hemmed in between malefics; 5th lord Jupiter is in debility with no benefic aspects, karaka Jupiter also is weak without benefic aspect. The 7th lord Venus also is in an inimical sign without any good aspect.

Combination (2) is partly present as Jupiter who is the 5th lord from both the Lagna and the Moon and Venus (the 5th lord from Jupiter) receive no benefic aspects.



Jupiter Saturn
  Lagna Moon Venus Sun Mercury Ketu Mars


The chart above is of a native who died childless.

Combination (3) also holds good as the 5th is occupied by Rahu without any benefic aspects.

Combination (4) and (5) also apply here.

Combination (7) applies but its logic is not very clear.

A large number of these combinations appearing in the chart explain the absence of progeny.

Stanza 31. If the lords of the ascendant and the Moon sign are strong; when they, Jupiter, and the 5th and 7th houses and Yamakantaka are favourably disposed; when the 5th house is well situated; when the 5th house in Jupiter Ashtaka-varga has a good number of bindus, when Santana Tithi falls in the bright half, birth of children is indicated.

Stanza 32. If the combinations given above are found to be mixed, children can be had by suitable remedial measures.

Stanza 33. In. horoscopy also Santana Tithi can be looked into and the prospects for children ascertained. Such is the view of the seers. Hence how it is to be done is explained.

Stanza 34. It is to be assumed that at sunrise each day the (imaginary) Sun and the (imaginary) Moon are posited at the end of Aries and the middle of Sagittarius respectively. The Sun is presumed to move backwards and the Moon forwards at the rate of 50 vighatis in each sign.

Stanza 35. Multiply the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon calculated according to the above method by 5 and the positions of Santana Sun and the Santana Moon are obtained. Then the Santana Tithi is to be obtained by deducting the Santana Sun from the Santhana Moon. If the tithi falls in the bright half, the birth of a child is favoured.


Determination of Santana Sun and Santana Moon: Method:

35 gh 40 vgh = 2140 vighatis after sunrise.

(a) Divide the time of birth (in ghatis from sunrise) by 50.

(b) Quotient - x.

(c) Expunge multiples of 12 from x to get y.

(d) 13 signs - y = Sun.

(e) Sun x 5 = Santana Sun

(f) y + 8 signs 15 degrees = Moon

(g) Moon x 5 = Santana Moon

(h) Santana Moon — Santana Sun = Santana tithi Example: Time of birth or of query = 35-40 ghatis from sunrise.

35 gh 40 vgh = 2140 vighatis after sunrise. (a) 2140 / 50 = 42 40/50 (b) x = 42 signs 24°. Expunging multiples of 12 from x, we get

(c) y = 6 signs 24° after expunging mujtiples of 12.

(d) 13 signs - 6 sign 24° = Sun, i.e., Sun = 6 signs 6 degrees.

(e) Santana Sun = Sun x 5 = 6 signs 6° x 5 = 30 signs 30 degrees

= 6 signs 30 degrees = Libra 30 degrees

(f) 6 signs 24° + 8 signs 15° = Moon, i.e., Moon = 15s 9°

3s 9° (g) Santana Moon = Moon x 5 = 3s 9° x 15

= 4s 15" = Leo 15°. (A) Santana tithi = Leo 15° - Libra 30° = 135°-210°

= 285° or Santana thithi will be the 24th tithi or 9th day of the dark half.

Stanza 36. If the Santana tithi falls in the dark half of the lunar month no issue will be born but a son will be adopted. This principle is applicable both to birth and horary charts.

Stanza 37. If the waning Moon is in the ascendant, Jupiter combust, occupies a sign of Saturn and malefics are in trines, the father of the issue will die before it is born. The child bom will live long and happy. If Mercury occupies the 5th along with a malefic and if a malefic occupies the 11th, or the 5th, or 1st or the 4th, the father may live only to see the birth of the child.


Obviously the father will not live long.

Stanza 38. (a) Mars in the ascendant, the Moon in the 8th and the Sun in the issueless signs; (b) Jupiter in the 8th, Mars in the 12th, Saturn in the ascendant and an issueless sign happens to be the 5th house; (c) malefics in the 5th house from Jupiter, many planets in the ascendant and the Moon in the 12th. The above three combinations indicate birth of issues in old age.


The issueless or alpatmaja signs are Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio.

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