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Stanza 14. If these are partially strong but aspected by benefics, the native will have children after performing the necessary Prayaschittas (remedial measures)

Stanza 15. The weakness of Beeja and Kshetra is due to two reasons, viz., (1) internal and natural and (2) external. Internal weakness is due to the dislocation of the three humours vatha, pitha and sleshma. The remedy for this is medical treatment and the performance of other remedial measures. As these are due to sins committed in previous births, these remedies, viz., japa and daana besides medical treatment if done properly, will remove the evil and children will be born. This is the opinion of ancient Seers.

Stanza 16. If the trouble is external, it is due to the hidden attack of rakshasas, yakshas and paisachas or the invisible influence of the curses of Brahmins or Devas. Having ascertained the source of the trouble, the requisite 'karmas' or rituals should be performed.

Stanza 17. The question of issues can also be considered by an examination of Santana Graha Sphuta.


How they are to be worked out is given below.

Stanza 18. Multiplying the longitudes of planets by 5 we get Santana Graha Sphutas. Total the sphutas of Santana Sun, Santana Moon and Santhana Jupiter and the result is Santana Trisphuta. If this Thrisphuta falls in the 3rd or 5th or 7th asterism from the birth star of the native, or the 88th or the 108th quarter from the radical Moon or the 6th or the 8th or the 12th house from the ascendant, there will be no issue. Examine the horoscopes of the husband and the wife. If this yoga is found, then there will be no issues. If, however, this yoga obtains in one of the horoscopes, the birth of an issue is possible by suitable remedial measures.

Stanza 19. If Trisphuta falls in the 3rd, 5th or 7th asterism from the birth star or 88th or 108th quarter from the radical Moon and if this asterism happens to be a male one, the male issue will die. If it is a female star, the female issue will die. If Santhana Mars and Santhana Saturn fall in th e same Trisphuta, no issue will be born.


The 88th or 108th quarter from the radical Moon give similar results.

Stanzas 20 and 21. According as the Santhana Sun or the Santhana Moon or both occupy a kendra from the Thrisphuta, an issue will be born to the 1st wife, or the 2nd wife if he remarries, or to the first wife after 2nd marriage. Jupiter or Venus in a similar situation denotes respectively that the native will marry a third and a fourth wife to both of whom issues will be born. The absence of issue will be due to the curse of Pitrus or serpents according as Saturn or Rahu occupies the 5th, 7th or 9th from Trisphuta. Remedial measures should be prescribed on the basis of the asterism of the Trisphuta. If it falls within the 8th asterism from Venus, Durga should be worshipped. If it falls within the four from Rohini, Gana Homa should be prescribed. If within seven constellations from Pushya, Sarpa Bali should be prescribed. And if the Trisphuta falls within 8 stars from Swati feeding of Brahmins should be done on days ruled by the constellation of Sravana.


These two stanzas are a bit confusing. However as I have understood them after consultation with a learned Panikkar, the following are to be noted.

We have already learnt how to arrive at Santana Trisphuta (or Trisphuta as referred to in these two stanzas). This is obtained by totalling five times the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter. (1) If this Thrisphuta star is the 3rd, 5th or 7th from birth star; or if it happens to fall in the 88th or 108th quarter from the radical Moon's position, the issue will die. The sex of the issue will be according to the masculine or feminine nature of the Thrisphuta star.

The birth of children is again rendered possible by marrying upto 4 wives which in the present social set-up is impossible. Hence in the application of the other combinations one must use one's skill and interpretative ability.

Stanza 22. The following combinations indicate extinction of family: (1) Malefics occupying the 4th; Venus in the 7th and the Moon in the 10th; (2) all malefics posited in the 1st, 5th, 8th and 12th houses; (3) all malefics occupying the 4th, Mercury and Venus in the 7th and Jupiter in the 5th.

Stanza 23. It is said in Sarvartha Chintamani that if an evil planet occupies the ascendant, the Moon is in the 4th and the lord of the ascendant is in the 5th and the lord of the 5th is weak, the family will be extinguished.

Stanza 24. If malefics are in the 12th, 5th and 8th from the ascendant; if Jupiter and the Moon occupy the ascendant; if either Mars or Saturn is in the 7th; if all the malefics occupy the 4th; the Moon is in the 5th; and malefics occupy the 1st, 4th and 12th houses, the family extinction takes place.


Four combinations are listed in this stanza. For family extinction one of these combinations should be present.

Stanza 25. The family becomes extinct if the 5th house is aspected by malefics and is devoid of benefic aspect; the total number of bindus in the 5th house does not exceed 25 in Sarvashtakavarga; the 5th house happens to be an even sign; the lord of the asterism of Jupiter occupies the 5th house.


Four combinations are listed in this stanza for the extinction of one's family.

(1) Malefics aspect the 5th house, devoid of benefics;

(2) total number of bindus in the 5th house in the Sarvashtakavarga is not more than 25;

(3) the 5th house is an even sign; and

(4) the lord of the constellation in which Jupiter is placed is in the 5th house.

Stanza 26. In the last stanza, some combinations have been detailed. If only one combination is present, the absence of issue is due to stomach complaint; if two, the trouble is due toievil forces; if three, it is the result of these two causes. Hence remedial measures, if done properly, can give issues. If all the yogas are found, the native will have no issue.

Stanza 27. Under the following three combinations, there will be no birth of issues: (1) lord of the ascendant, lord of the 5th, Jupiter and lord of the 7th are all very weak; (2) lords of the 5th from the ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter are all devoid of benefic aspects, (3) the 5th house has no benefic aspects but is heavily afflicted.

Stanza 28. The 5th house is occupied by malefics; the lord of the 5th is debilitated and unaspected by benefics; or Mars occupies the 7th; the Moon and Venus join together. These combinations indicate absence of children.

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