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Issues According to Birth Horoscope


Stanza 1. Now we shall describe how the details regarding progeny — their numoer, their time of birth, etc., and if there are no issues why it is so, etc., can be read from horoscopy.


This chapter deals mainly with methods to forecast details about children on horoscopy. The previous chapter has given methods based on Prasna.

Stanza 2. If the Moon occupies an anupachaya sign in the wife's horoscope and is aspected by any one planet, she will bring forth a child. If the Moon occupies an upachaya sign and is aspected by strong benefic planets, she will have children, provided remedial measures are performed. In the husband's horoscope, the Moon in a upachaya sign associated with good planets indicates children. If the Moon is in an anupachaya sign with an aspect of a planet, a child will be born only after the due performance of remedies. If, however, in the wife's chart the Moon is in anupachaya and in the husband's chart the Moon is devoid of benefic aspects, there will be no issue.

Stanza 3. There will be no issue if there is no strength for kshetra (in the female horoscope) and beeja (in the male horoscope). Hence an examination of these is necessary.

Stanza 4. The strength to impregnate is contributed by the Sun, while Venus governs semen. If these two occupy odd signs and odd Navamsas and are strong, the male has "beeja strength" and he is capable of impregnating women. In a women's horoscope, Mars governs the nature of blood and the Moon controls the capacity to bear children. If these two occupy even signs and even Navamsas, the female has the kshetra strength to bring forth issues.


If Mars and the Moon are not strong, the woman will not bear children. If there are some good qualities and weak qualities for these planets, children will be born only after the necessary remedial measures.

Stanza 5. Divide the expired portion of the asterism occupied by Jupiter in ghatis and vighatis by 5 and note down the resulting signs, etc.

Similarly treat the expired portion of the asterism occupied by the Sun and Venus. All these three added together give Beeja Sphuta. Likewise deal with the expired portion of the asterisms occupied by Mars and the Moon. To these add the result got from the asterism occupied by Jupiter, Kshetra Sphuta is obtained.


The average time taken by the Moon to pass through an asterisin (13° 20' or 200') is about 60 ghatikas, which means the time required is about 4.5 ghatis per degree of longitude. This velocity is to be used according to the author in calculation of Beeja Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta.

Suppose Jupiter is in 12° 2' of Scorpio, which means he has covered 8° 42' in the constellation of Anuradha. The equivalent in ghatis for this is 8°.7 x 4.5 = 39.15 ghatis. Therefore the expired portion of the asterism in which Jupiter is placed is ghatis 39.15.

Dividing this by 5, we get (39.15/5) = 7.83 or 7s 24°.9

= Scorpio 24°.9 as the Beeja longitude of Jupiter.. Similarly calculate for other planets and find out the Beeja and Kshetra Sphutas. It will be seen that in a male horoscope Jupiter, the Sun and Venus are involved while in the female horoscope Jupiter, Mars and the Moon are involved.

Stanza 6. If Beeja Sphuta occupies an odd sign and an odd Navamsa and is aspected by or associated with benefics, it is considered as strong. If otherwise, it is weak.

Stanza 7. If Kshetra Sphuta occupies an even sign and an even Navamsa and is aspected by or associated with benefics, it is strong. If otherwise, it is weak.

Stanza 8. If the vargas occupied by these two are owned by benefic planets, they are good; if owned by malefics, they are bad. If Rahu aspects or associates with Kshetra Sphuta, childlessness or loss of children will be due to the fury of the serpent god. The aspect or association of Gulika brings about trouble from Pretas. Saturn indicates sins committed in past life. Mars shows trouble from enemies or deities like Bhairava or Chamundi.

Stanza 9. Beeja Sphuta should be calculated in the horoscope of a male. Kshetra Sphuta should be worked out in a female's horoscope. In horary, both Beeja Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta should be worked out. In fixing time, all these four Sphutas should be made use of.

Stanza 10. We have given one method of calculating Beeja and Kshetra Sphutas. There are other methods also given here, just for the sake of confirmation got by agreement of different views.

Stanza 11. In the male's horoscope, Beeja Sphuta is the sum of the longitudes of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter. In the female's horoscope, the Kshetra Sphuta is the sum of the longitudes of the Moon, Mars and Jupiter. If Beeja and Kshetra occupy odd signs and Navamsas and even signs and Navamsas respectively, they are said to be strong. If malefics or neutral planets join or aspect the same, the strength of these is reduced. Again, malefic planets in the 5th from Beeja and in the 9th from Kshetra render them weak. Neutral planets weaken the Beeja and Kshetra, while benefic planets strengthen them.


Here in this verse, the word "Parasu" means, 9th house from Kshetra. The worked "te" (*) refers to malefic planets. "Athra" means the aspect or association of Beeja and Kshetra Sphutas. Mercury is neutral and not to be included amongst benefic planets.

Stanza 12. Note the expired portion in Ghatis of the asterisms occupied by Beeja and Kshetra. Divide the Ghatis and vighatis by 5. The longitudes so obtained are two sphutas called Beeja Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta. This is according to some (Pakshantara).


In this connection reference may be made to notes under stanza 5.

Stanza 13. Determine the Pakshantara Sphutas and judge their strength by applying the same rules as before. Panchaka is to be worked. If this Sphuta occupies the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th houses, children will be born during the first part of his life. If it occupies the 2nd, 8th or 11th, he will have children during the middle part of his life. If it occupies 3rd, 6th and 12th, children will be born during the last part.

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