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Stanza 146. If Santana Sukra happens to fall in a eunuch Navamsa or eunuch planets aspect this Navamsa, the native will have to marry a third time to get a child


Eunuch Navamsas are Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. Eunuch planets are Mercury and Saturn.

Stanza 147. The sum of Santana Guru and Yamakantaka multiplied by 9 gives Santana yoga sphuta. From this can be ascertained the number of children.

Stanza 148. The expired portion of Santana yoga sphuta indicates the number of children. If it is 5 degrees, the native will have one issue; if it is 10 degrees, two; if it is 15 degrees, 3 and so on. When three vargas of Santana yoga sphuta is controlled by Jupiter, one will have more than six sons.


Our author brings in another method to predict the number of issues one will have. In the light of the fact that today the birth of children can be prevented by all sorts of birth control methods, one should adapt these principles to the present day social environment. Of course, as in some western countries, a day may come when birth rate may go down to such an extent that we may revert back to the conditions existing before these family planning methods were introduced. Determination of Santhana Yoga Sphuta:

Santhana Guru + Yamakantaka

= Leo 25° + Gemini 15° = 4s 25° + 2s 15°

= 7s 10°

Santhana Yoga Sphuta = 7s 10° x 9

= 63s 90° = 66s = Virgo 30°

At the rate of 5° per issue, the number of children will be 6.

Shadvarga lords for Virgo 30° are as follows:


Rasi Hora Drekkana Navamsa Dwadasamsa Trimsamsa
Mercury Sun Venus Mercury Sun Mars


Jupiter vargas do not figure at all. Therefore the requisite of Jupiter controlling the three vargas in the Santana yoga sphuta does not apply here.

If the vargas of Jupiter exceed three, then there will be more than 6 sons.

Stanza 149. Take the Drekkana lord of Santana yoga sphuta. When he is debilitated or in an unfriendly sign, loss of children should be predicted in the following manner: If the expired portion of the longitude of this lord in the Rasi is 5 degrees, the eldest son will die; if it is 10 degrees, the 2nd son will die; in this way, calculate till the end of the sign.

If the Navamsa of Yoga Sphuta is Taurus, Leo, Virgo to Scorpio, the native will not have any children.


The stanza is simple to understand. Just as the lord of the Drekkana is taken, the Santana yoga sphuta may also be taken.

Stanza 150. If in the Santhana yoga sphuta, three vargas are held by Mercury and Saturn there will be birth of twins. If these planets are weak, the twins will die.

Stanza 151. The sum of the longitudes of Mercury, Saturn and the lord of the 5th multiplied by 5, gives Datta Sphuta. If this occupies a solar sign and a lunar Navamsa and is associated with or aspected by malefics, a child will be adopted. If the above sphuta stands in a lunar Rasi and a solar Navamsa, then no child will be adopted.

Stanza 152. If the Datta Sphuta is afflicted by nava doshas, the person will have no sons, not even adopted ones.

Stanza 153. When Jupiter transits the Santana Jeeva Sphuta sign and its trines, the child will be born. But this will happen only when Gulika occupies the first half of the zodiac. When Gulika occupies the 2nd half, the issue will be born when Jupiter traverses the Navamsa Rasi of Santhana Jeeva and its trines.

Find out the Navamsa of the sum of the Gulika Sphuta and Yamakantaka. According as this Navamsa is odd or even the issue is a male or female.

Stanza 154. The Navamsa Rasi of the Yoga Sphuta is important in determining the sex of the child. According as it is odd or even, the issue will be a male or a female.

Stanza 155. Add up the Santana Guru Sphuta, Yamakantaka and Santana Gulika. Multiply the total by 81. Find out the Nakshatra of the resulting figure. The birth of the child takes place when this Nakshatra or its trines is transited by the Moon.

NOTES Santana Gulika is obtained by multiplying Gulika by 5.

Stanza 156. In this chapter, the question of 'issues' is explained in many ways. When it is found that one will have no issue or the issue will die, suitable remedial measures as got from Santana Tithi should be adopted. Suitable advice should be given if the adoption of a son or birth of a son by a second marriage is indicated.

Stanza 157. If the birth of a son is shown, the time of birth should be fixed by noting the transit positions of Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun or the Moon. If the query concerns a pregnant woman the sex of the issue also should be definitely predicted.

Stanza 158. I have described above "Santhana Prasna" in great detail basing it on the writings of ancient sages so that the question may be clearly approached in as many ways as possible.

Thus ends the Chapter XVIII


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