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Stanza 129. So much about santana tithi. There are other uses to which this can be put

Stanza 130. Five times the Moon's longitude (at the time of question) minus five times the longitude of the Sun gives santana tithi. If this refers to bright half, birth of an issue is indicated. Till the 5th lunar day the question of having children is doubtful. From the 6th to the 10th, the chances are moderate. From 10th onwards, the result is certain.

Stanza 131. If the santana tithi falls in the dark half, the effects will be as follows: 1st and 2nd — children will be born and no second marriage is necessary; 3rd — requires two marriages.; 4th — three marriages; 5th — four marriages; 6th — five marriages. Even then suitable remedies must be performed.

From the 7th to 10th, the native must perform the remedial measures. From the 11th to new Moon, the querent will have no issue whatever good actions he may do. But perhaps he may have an issue at the end by the special force of his Karmas.


Let the Moon be 8s 15° and the Sun 4s 25° at query time.

Santana tithi = 5 (Moon) - 5 (Sun) = 42S 15° — 25s 5° = 18s 10° or 6s 10° = 190° that is the dark half.

Since this is the 1st thithi of the dark half, children will be born.

Stanza 132. If Santana tithi falls on the 7th of the dark half, the querent will have to adopt a brother's son; if it is the 8th, one has to adopt a son from his own gotra or genus; if it is the 9th, he will have to adopt two — one from other families and another from his own family.

Stanza 133. According as the Santana tithi falls on the 10th or 11th day of the dark half, his successor will be his sister's son or one adopted from a different family. If it is the 12th, his property will go to his other relatives.

Stanza 134. If it is the 13th day the querist's property will lapse to temples. If it is the 14th, it will be appropriated by the rulers. If it is new Moon, people will grab his wealth as there will be no claimants.

Stanza 135. By examining Santana tithi, good karmas can be recommended in order that men may have issues. The remedies suggested by sages of yore have been given below:

Stanza 136. Even if Santana tithi falls in the bright half, Vishti and Rikta are not good. If it is the 4th day, Ganapati homa is recommended. If it is the 9th, worship of Durga is effective; and if it is the 14th, worship of Siva will be useful.


Here the special effects of Visbti are not given. Hence the same may be recommended.

Stanza 137. If Santana tithi falls on a full Moon day, Purusha sukta should be recited. If the Moon is afflicted, stories regarding the Moon, her origin, etc., should be listened to.

Stanza 138. Santana Gopala should be worshipped if the Santana tithi falls on the 1st day of the dark half. If it falls on the 2nd day one must take in panchagavya and other medicated ghees.

Stanza 139. If it is the 3rd, Goddess Durga should be worshipped; if it is the 4th Ganapati homa should be performed; if 5th, the family deity should be worshipped; if it is the 6th God Subrabmanya should be invoked; if it is the 7th, SankaraNarayana should be invoked; if it is the 8th, the serpent god should be worshipped; and if it is the 10th, one thousand Brahmins should be fed.

Stanza 140. If Santana tithi falls on the 10th day of the dark half gana homa should be performed; on the 11th, oblations should be offered in holy places; on the 12th, Brahmins should be fed on the day ruled by the constellation Sravana. On the I3th jaya ball should be offered.

Stanza 141. If it is the 14th day, Brahmins should be fed on Mondays and Pitri Bali performed and Pitri Pinda offered in holy places.

Stanza 142. If it is new Moon, perform ashtaka sraddha, parvana sraddha and tila homam. The same remedies hold good for the 1st day of the dark half.

Stanza 143. We shall again formulate certain methods in regard to issues applicable to both horoscopy and horary based on the position of Jupiter.

Stanzas 144 and 145. Five times the sum of the longitudes of the ascendant and Yamakantaka gives the position of progeny Jupiter (Santana Guru). If this is blemished by the nine afflictions (nava doshas) the person cannot get any issue without recourse to relieving measures. Under the following conditions the person should remarry if he wishes to have progeny: (a) if the tithi sphuta — this is obtained by deducting the Sun's longitude from the longitude of Santana Guru is afflicted; (b) if the Navamsa of Santana Guru happens to fall in Taurus or Libra; or in the sign occupied by Santana Sukra; (c) if it is aspected by Santana Sukra; (d) if it falls in the constellation of Venus.

The number of marriages is denoted by the number of planets in the 7th house from Santana Sukra. According as the sign or the Navamsa occupied by Santana Sukra is strong the native gets an issue from the 1st or the 2nd wife.


Santana Sukra (or progeny Venus) is obtained by multiplying the longitude of Venus (at birth or at question time) by 5. Example:

Let the Sun be in Cancer 23°; Ascendant — Aquarius 14°; Yamakantaka — Gemini 15°; Jupiter — Scorpio 14°; and Venus — Leo 4°. Determination of Santana Guru:

Yamakantaka + Ascendant = 2s 15° + 10s 14° - 12s 29°

Santana Guru (S.G.) = 12s 29° x 5 - 64s 25° = Leo 25°.

If the S.G. is afflicted by any of the 9 blemishes (nava doshas), remedial measures should be adopted to get issues. Determination of Tithi Sphuta:

Tithi Sphuta - Santana Guru — Sun = 4s 25° — 3s 23°

Tithi Sphuta - 1s 2° or Taurus 2°

The tithi (lunar day) corresponding to this is 32 / 12 = 2 8/12 = the 3rd or tritheeya. If this is afflicted, the native is advised remarry to get an issue.

Determination of Santana Sukra: Example: Santana Sukra - Venus x 5

- Leo 4° x 5

- 4s 4° x 5 = 20s 20° Santhana Sukra 8s 20° or Sagittarius 20°.

(a) The Navamsa of Santana Guru is Scorpio (the 8th Navamsa in Leo) and not that of Taurus or Libra. Hence there is no dosha.

(b) Santana Guru (Leo 25°) does not fall in the Rasi of Santana Sukra (Sagittarius 20°). Therefore there is no dosha.

(c) Santana Guru is in Pubba ruled by Venus. Hence the dosha exists.

Balancing the doshas or blemishes one has to predict whether or not the native would get a child from the (1st) wife.

IV (a) The number of marriages is known by the number of planets in the 7th from Santana Sukra (Sagittarius 20°). In the example in question, there is no planet in the 7th from Santhana Sukra.

(b) The Rasi of Santana Sukra is Sagittarius; the Navamsa is that of Libra. The Rasi is stronger. Therefore we can say that the native will have an issue from the 1st wife.

Here it must be noted that these astrological principles were evolved at a time when there were no legal restrictions on the number of marriages a male could have. But today a Hindu cannot marry a second time when the 1st wife is alive or is not divorced, while certain sections of non-Hindus are free to have any number of wives.

Therefore the correct application of these two stanzas depends upon the existing social conditions and the legal factors placed in the way of the majority population of this country.

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