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Stanza 121. The santana tithi should be worked out from santana Sun and santhana Moon. This tithi has to be made use of in determining the birth of an issue


The following stanzas give the methods of working santana Sun, santana Moon, etc.

Stanza 122. According to some Acharyas, five times the Moon's longitudes and five times the Lagna longitude give the progeny Moon (santana chandra) and the progeny Sun (santana Sun) respectively.


This stanza suggests that the method of calculating the progeny Sun and the progeny Moon given here is according to some Acharyas, which means there may be some other method perhaps approved by the author of this work. The manuscript in my possession does not contain this method. But I have gathered from Kerala pandits that the method accepted by the author is the following:

"Ishta" or the time of Prasna reduced to vighatis is divided by 50. Convert this into signs, degrees and minutes. Call this x. From this deduct 30° or one Rasi. The remainder multiplied by 5 gives the Santana Surya.

Add 8 signs and 15 degrees to x. Expunging multiples of 12 multiplythe resulting figure by 5 and you get San tana Chandra. We shall call the method given in the stanza as A and that explained in the Notes as B and work out an example.

Example: 'A': Sun Cancer 23° 12' = (3s 23° 12') Moon = Taurus 27° 26' = (ls 27° 26')

Progeny Sun 3s 23° 12' x 5 = 18* 26°

= 6s 26°

= Libra 26° Progeny Moon 1s 27° 26' x 5 = 9s 17° 10'

= Capricorn 17° 10' Example B Birth time: Ghatis 32 and vigbatis 45 after sunrise.

= 32 x 60 + 45

= 1965 vighatis

1965 / 50 = 39s 15° / 50

Multiplying the remainder by 30 (to convert it into degrees), we get 15 x 30 / 50 = 9°

Expunging multiples of 12 from 39, we get 3s 9° x Deducting one sign from x, the remainder is (3s 9° — 1s ) = 2s 9° or Gemini 9°.

Multiplying 2s 9° by 5 we get Santana Surya or Progeny Sun = 2s 9° x 5

= 10s 45° = lis 15° or Aquarius 15° Adding 8 signs and 15 degrees to x, we have 3s 9° + 8s 15°

= 11s 24°. Multiplying this by 5

11s 24° x 5 = 59s = 11s = Aquarius 30°. This is Santana Chandra or progeny Moon.

The other theory is, this method should be applied if Aroodha Lagna is strong. If the Prasna Lagna is strong the method given in stanza 122 should be applied.

To be frank, I have not been able to test these methods myself, and hence I am unable to give my opinion. One Astrologer Panicker a close associate of late Mr. K. K. Kurup whom I met at Trichur in 1958, said that the method given in the stanza should be accepted in preference to the cumbersome method explained in the notes.

Stanza 123. The progeny tithi is obtained by deducting the longitude of the progeny Sun from the longitude of the progeny Moon. If this tithi falls in the bright half, the issue will be born. If it is the dark half the issue will be born after performing remedial measures. If the tithi is earlier than the 6th of dark half, birth of the issue will be delayed. If after the tenth, the event will happen early.

Stanza 124. If the delay is due to tithi falling in bright half Lord Vishnu should be propitiated. If the delay is due to tithi falling in the dark half Lord Siva should be worshipped. If the tithi are the 7th, the 8th, the 9th and the 10th (dark half), then an issue will be born to the 2nd wife after the 2nd marriage. Even after remarriage Brahmins should be worshipped and fed on New Moon days and Sravana days.

Stanza 125. If the santana tithi (or progeny lunar day) happens to be the 11th to 14th, the native will have an adopted child. If it falls on a New Moon or Full Moon day, there will be no issue, not even an adopted child. Childlessness will be due to the dissatisfaction of the Pitris. Ceremonies should be performed on parva days to satisfy the Pitris. The dissatisfaction of the Pitris will be the prime reason for childlessness.

Stanza 126. If santana tithi falls on the 6th lunar day, God Subrahmanya should be worshipped; on the 4th, Ganapati should be invoked; on the 9th, Durga should be worshipped; on the 12th, worship the Sun; on the 8th, worship Serpent god; on New Moon days, worship Pitris.


All these are the remedial measures to be adopted when the santana tithi falls in the dark half.

Stanza 127. The santhana tithi falling on the 4th, the 9th or the 14th lunar day of any paksha denies the birth of an issue because of abhichara. The remedy is reading the Puranas. If the Santana tithi falls on the 4th lunar day, the remedies should be done by high class people; if on the 9th, low class persons should perform the remedies. The cause of childlessness is a serpent god if santana tithi falls in Vishtikarana. If it happens to be bright half, the curse is recent; if it is dark half, the curse is very old.

Stanza 128. In the bright half, Vishtikarana falls on the 4th (chaturthi), 8th (ashtami), 11th (ekadasi) and full Moon; in the dark half Vishtikarana falls on 3rd (triteeya), 7th (saptami), 10th (dasami) and 14th (chaturdasi). If 3rd and 4th are afflicted by Vishtikarana, the trouble is from good natured serpents; if the 7th and the 8th are similarly afflicted, the trouble is from serpents of the 2nd class; if the 10th and 11th are similarly afflicted, the trouble is from cruel serpents; and if the 14th and new Moon day are afflicted, the trouble is from very bad serpents. The remedy is the performance of Sarpa Bali, especially for good natured ones. The others require devotional songs, dances, etc.

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