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Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form

Test 1

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form


1. Turn off the gas. Don’t you see the kettle (to boil)?

2. Where is Jack? – He (meet) his girlfriend at the station. She (to come) at 12 o’clock.

3. Don’t come in. He (to take) an exam.

4. They still (to discuss) the article? Take it from him.

5. Where are the children? – They (to play)volleyball since two o’clock.

6. I (to try) to get into the contact with them for a long time.

7. I (know) them since we met at Ann’s party.

8. She (to be) of great help to us since she (to live) for such a long time with us.



Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.



More than 30 million people are going hungry across Africa from the west, to the horn and the south, says the UN's World Food Programme.

Poor rains have contributed to the problem but the root causes are many and complex.

Which countries are worst affected?

At the moment, the Horn of Africa is worst hit, especially Somalia, north-eastern Kenyan and Ethiopia.

Some 11 million people need food aid in the region after poor rains, the WFP says.

About half of these are on the brink of starvation and need urgent help.

In West Africa, the WFP plans to help about 10 million people. Last year's rains and harvests were not too bad but aid workers say that endemic poverty and conflict mean lots of people still need help.

Aid workers do not want to repeat the mistakes made in Niger last year, when little was done to help the hungry until television pictures of starving children shocked the world.

Further south, about 12 million need food aid in countries such as Malawi and Zimbabwe, says the WFP.


Модуль 1

Test 2

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. Why you (to walk) so fast today? You usually (to walk) quite slowly. – I (to hurry).

2. Alice (to work) for an insurance company.

3. Phil (to work) in Japan at the moment.

4. I always (to buy) lottery tickets but I seldom (to win).

5. Who (to make) that horrible noise? It is my son.

6. The snow is very thick. It (to snow) since Tuesday.

7. You (to hear) anything? – Yes, somebody (to knock) at the door.

8. She’s very dirty, she (to clean) the cellar.



Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.


Many farmers say that rains have become less reliable in recent years, which could be the result of global warming.

The Sahara desert is certainly expanding to the south, making life increasingly difficult for farmers and pastoralists in places like Niger.

Also, rising populations have led people to farm on increasingly marginal land, even more at risk from even a slight decline in rainfall.

Southern Africa has the world's highest rates of HIV/Aids and this is a major factor in that region's food crisis.

Some of those who should be the most productive farmers - young men and women - are either sick or have died, so their fields are being left untended, while their children go hungry.

Модуль 1

Test 3

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form

2. Look – Ann (to smoke) a cigar. Let’s have a smoke too. No thanks. I( not to smoke).

3. What (to do) you (to do) tonight? – I (to wash) my hair.

4. First I (to put) a lump of butter into the frying pan and (to light) the gas; then while the butter (to melt) I (to break) three eggs into a bowl…

5. I can’t let you in, I’ve lost my key. I … always … (to lose) my keys.

6. Do you know what you (to do) next year?

While you (to call) Ann, I (to do) the room.

For a quarter of an hour or so he (to lie) motionless.

They (not to play) chess at 12 on Sunday.

Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.

Where Born Abroad differs from every other attempt to understand migration is the level of local detail that the BBC has been able to provide people.

For the first time, people will be able to find out easily how migration has played a role in their neighborhood. In many respects - and for many people who come to these pages - it may be a case of stating the obvious.

So people in Grimsby will not be surprised to see the town includes people born in Norway and Denmark - former fishermen who came to the town when it was an important port and stayed on through love and marriage.

But understanding how these local stories fit into a national picture - and assessing the face of modern Britain - has never been possible before now.

The issues raised by the data in Born Abroad are a key part of British public life - not least the wide and contradictory nature of how well people actually do.

Модуль 1

Test 4

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

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